Carnivores (Carnivora)
Coyote (Canis latrans)
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | Lab |
Metabolic Rate | 163.5 | field metabolic rate estimated as 3 times basal metabolic rate | kcal/kg | Both Male and Female | Adult | 4 | Exposure Factor Datasets | Laboratory |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | Age-Specific | Error |
Body Weight - Mean | 9.1 | kg | Male | Juvenile | 32 | Webb County [lat., 27^o20'-28^o00N; long., 99^o00'-99^o40'W] | Exposure Factor Datasets | 1.0 yr | 0.2 SE | |
Body Weight - Mean | 8.0 | kg | Female | Juvenile | 50 | Webb County [lat., 27^o20'-28^o00N; long., 99^o00'-99^o40'W] | Exposure Factor Datasets | 1.0 yr | 0.1 SE | |
Body Weight - Mean | range of means for two yearling age groups | kg | Male | Juvenile | 19-35 | Webb County [lat., 27^o20'-28^o00N; long., 99^o00'-99^o40'W] | Exposure Factor Datasets | 1.5 - 2.0 yrs |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type |
Dietary Composition | rodent (24.5%); deer (11.4%); other stock (12.1%); rabbit (22.9%); misc. (10.5%); sheep (9.7%); bird (3.4%); vegetation (5.5%) | overall % volume of stomach contents | % | Not Reported | Not Reported | 813 | inland Sierra region | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Dietary Composition | rodent (19.2%); deer (5.0%); other stock (12.4%); rabbit (41.5%); misc. (12.4%); sheep (6.6%); bird (2.1%); vegetation (0.8%) | overall % volume of stomach contents | % | Not Reported | Not Reported | 94 | eastern region | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Dietary Composition | rodent (24.4%); deer (9.2%); other stock (7.6%); rabbit (26.4%); misc. (10.3%); sheep (5.3%); bird (8.2%); vegetation (8.6%) | overall % volume of stomach contents | % | Not Reported | Not Reported | 297 | southern region | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type |
Body Weight - Mean | range of average weights | kg | Female | Adult | Not Reported | Aitkin and Itasca counties | Exposure Factor Datasets | |
Body Weight - Mean | range of average weights | kg | Both Male and Female | Juvenile | Not Reported | Aitkin and Itasca counties | Exposure Factor Datasets | |
Time of Migration or Dispersal | Oct. - Nov. | Both Male and Female | Juvenile | Not Reported | Aitkin and Itasca counties | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | Lab |
Longevity | 21 yr, 10 mo | captive longevity record | yr, mo | Not Reported | Adult | Not Reported | Exposure Factor Datasets | Laboratory |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | Age-Specific | Lab |
Body Weight - Mean | 1859 | g | Both Male and Female | Juvenile | 6 | Exposure Factor Datasets | 42d | Laboratory | |
Body Weight - Mean | 2724 | g | Both Male and Female | Juvenile | 6 | Exposure Factor Datasets | 56d | Laboratory | |
Growth Rate | 0.31 | kg/wk | Both Male and Female | Juvenile | 6 | Exposure Factor Datasets | 0 - 8 wks | Laboratory |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | Countries | Error |
Home Range | 29.3 | mean distance moved by coyotes marked in 1964-1968 and relocated by 1976 | km | Both Male and Female | Juvenile | 22 | Rochester, Alberta | Exposure Factor Datasets | CANADA | 8.9 SE |
Home Range | 6.0 | mean distance moved by coyotes marked in 1964-1968 and relocated by 1976 | km | Both Male and Female | Adult | 18 | Rochester, Alberta | Exposure Factor Datasets | CANADA | 1.6 SE |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | Countries |
Dietary Composition | see citation | figure of monthly average volume (%) of food items in scats during 2 summers | Both Male and Female | Not Reported | 666 scat samples | Gaspesie Conservation Park and Chic-Chocs Game Reserve [lat., 49^o00N'; long., 66^o00' W] | Exposure Factor Datasets | CANADA |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | California Counties |
Dietary Composition | rodents (27.7%); rabbits (2.9%); carnivores (1.1%); ungulates (28.5%); birds (2.4%); reptiles (1.2%); fish (0.3%); invertebrates (1.9%); vegetable matter (34.0%) | annual average % relative frequency of occurrence in scats | % | Not Reported | Not Reported | 1042 scats | Red Bluff | Exposure Factor Datasets | Tehama |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | Error |
Home Range | 106.5 | mean annual home range of transient coyotes | km2 | Both Male and Female | Both Adults and Juveniles | 16 | Pinon Canyon Maneuver Site, Las Animas County (elev., 1310-1740 m) | Exposure Factor Datasets | 27.7 SD |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | Age-Specific | Error |
Home Range | 39.9 | minimum area home range | km2 | Female | Juvenile | 4 | Wichita Mountains National Wildlife Refuge | Exposure Factor Datasets | 27.6 SD | |
Home Range | 1.0 | minimum area home range | km2 | Both Male and Female | Juvenile | 4 | Wichita Mountains National Wildlife Refuge | Exposure Factor Datasets | "pups" | 0.7 SD |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type |
Home Range | 7.8 | mean den area; land area around a den or rendezvous used by group | km2 | Female | Adult | 3 | Missouri River Breaks | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Home Range | 9.7 | mean den area; land area around a den or rendezvous used by group | km2 | Male | Adult | 12 | Missouri River Breaks | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | Error |
Population Density | 0.53 | #/km2 | Not Reported | Adult | Not Reported | National Elk Refuge, Jackson Hole | Exposure Factor Datasets | 0.04 SD |
Clutch or Litter Size | 4.45 | #/litter | Female | Adult | Not Reported | National Elk Refuge, Jackson Hole | Exposure Factor Datasets | 0.33 SD |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | California Counties |
Dietary Composition | Seeds (54.8%); Fruit (56.9%); Insects (44.1%); California voles (12.9%); Lagomorphs (10.8%); Cricetine rodents (62.4%); Birds (5.4%); Califorina ground squirrels (4.3%); Gophers (2.2%); Amphibians/Reptiles (2.2%) | overall % frequency of occurrence of prey items in scats | % | Not Reported | Not Reported | 93 scats | Lemoore Naval Air Station | Exposure Factor Datasets | Fresno, Kings |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type |
Home Range | review | Not Reported | Not Reported | Not Reported | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | Error | Lab |
Body Weight - Mean | 10 | kg | Both Male and Female | Not Reported | 18 | captured in Maricopa County, AZ | Exposure Factor Datasets | 0.04 SE | Laboratory |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | Lab |
Age at Fledging, Metamorphosis, Weaning | wks | Both Male and Female | Juvenile | 4 | Exposure Factor Datasets | Laboratory |
Kit Fox (Vulpes macrotis)
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type |
Clutch or Litter Size | 2.5 | mean litter size | pups | Female | Adult | 8 litters | Exposure Factor Datasets | |
Dietary Composition | black-tailed hare (61.4%), cottontail rabbit (7.7%); also Ord's kangaroo rat, deer mouse, pocket mouse, horned lark, unident. passerine, beetle | proportion of total prey items identified in stomach contents | Both Male and Female | Adult | 18 stomachs | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | Error |
Home Range | 9.8 | home range as calculated with the grid-cell method | km2 | Female | Adult | 3 foxes | 7.5 km NW Tonopah | Exposure Factor Datasets | 0.1.4 SE |
Long-tailed Weasel (Mustela frenata)
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | Age-Specific | Lab |
Food Ingestion Rate | 24 | % body weight consumed/d | Both Male and Female | Juvenile | 7 | captured at Delta, Manitoba, Canada | Exposure Factor Datasets | 8-10 wks | Laboratory |
Food Ingestion Rate | 18 | % body weight consumed/d | Both Male and Female | Adult | 7 | captured at Delta, Manitoba, Canada | Exposure Factor Datasets | Laboratory | |
Body Weight - Mean | 107.6 | g | Male | Juvenile | 7 | captured at Delta, Manitoba, Canada | Exposure Factor Datasets | 5 wks | Laboratory |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | Error |
Body Weight - Mean | 199.2 | g | Male | Adult | 46 | northern/central ID and Whitman County, WA | Exposure Factor Datasets | 35.0 SD |
Body Weight - Mean | 98.9 | g | Female | Adult | 17 | northern/central ID and Whitman County, WA | Exposure Factor Datasets | 14.4 SD |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type |
Growth Rate | review | Not Reported | Not Reported | Not Reported | Exposure Factor Datasets | |
Population Density | review | Not Reported | Not Reported | Not Reported | Exposure Factor Datasets | |
Home Range | review | Not Reported | Not Reported | Not Reported | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | Error | Lab |
Body Weight - Mean | 297 | g | Male | Adult | Not Reported | captured in White Pine County, NV | Exposure Factor Datasets | 36 SD | Laboratory |
Striped Skunk (Mephitis mephitis)
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | Age-Specific | Error |
Body Weight - Mean | 2.81 | kg | Male | Both Adults and Juveniles | 16 animals | Bearville study area; Itasca county | Exposure Factor Datasets | > 1.5 years | 0.14 SE |
Body Weight - Mean | 2.85 | kg | Male | Both Adults and Juveniles | 15 animals | Bearville study area; Itasca county | Exposure Factor Datasets | > 2 years | 0.22 SE |
Body Weight - Mean | 2.05 | kg | Male | Both Adults and Juveniles | 5 animals | Bearville study area; Itasca county | Exposure Factor Datasets | > 2 years | 0.38 SE |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | Lab |
Duration of Incubation or Gestation | days | Both Male and Female | Embryo | 59 females | Exposure Factor Datasets | Laboratory | ||
Time of Hatching or Parturition | May-early June | Both Male and Female | Neonate | 118 females | Exposure Factor Datasets | Laboratory | ||
Clutch or Litter Size | 4.28 | pups/litter | Female | Adult | 118 litters | Exposure Factor Datasets | Laboratory |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | Countries | Error |
Body Weight - Mean | kg | Male | Adult | 284 males | Saskatchewan; Alberta | Exposure Factor Datasets | CANADA | |||
Clutch or Litter Size | 6.8 | embryos; all ages | pups/litter | Female | Adult | 87 females | Saskatchewan; Alberta | Exposure Factor Datasets | CANADA | |
Body Weight - Mean | 4.7 | kg | Male | Juvenile | 18 juveniles | SasKatchewan; Alberta | Exposure Factor Datasets | CANADA | 1.5 SD |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | Countries | Error |
Home Range | 242 | ha | Female | Not Reported | 24 animals | Walum, ND | Exposure Factor Datasets | CANADA | 119 SD |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | Countries | Error | Lab |
Body Weight - Mean | 2584 | g | Male | Adult | 5 | Delta Marsh Mannitoba | Exposure Factor Datasets | CANADA | 20.9 SE | |
Body Fat (total or %) | 31.9 | % | Male | Adult | 5 | Delta Marsh Mannitoba | Exposure Factor Datasets | 1.3 SE | Laboratory | |
Body Fat (total or %) | 10.1 | % | Male | Adult | 5 | Delta Marsh Mannitoba | Exposure Factor Datasets | 2.1 SE | Laboratory |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type |
Time of Mating/ Laying | review | Both Male and Female | Adult | Not Reported | Exposure Factor Datasets | |
Duration of Incubation or Gestation | review | Both Male and Female | Embryo | Not Reported | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Sea Otter (Enhydra lutris)
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | Error |
Age at Sexual Maturity | 6.5 | yr | Male | 22 | Central coast | Exposure Factor Datasets | |||
Population Density | 15 | maximum density at this time of year | per 1000 ha | Male | Adult | 7 | Central coast | Exposure Factor Datasets | |
Home Range | 40.3 | ha | Male | Adult | 10 | Central coast | Exposure Factor Datasets | 4.0 SE |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | Error | Lab |
Water Ingestion Rate | 269 | mL/kg-d | Both Male and Female | Adult | 5 | Exposure Factor Datasets | 25 SE | Laboratory | ||
Water Ingestion Rate | 62 | Sea water ingestion rate | mL / kg-d | Both Male and Female | Adult | 5 | Exposure Factor Datasets | 27 SE | Laboratory |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type |
Dietary Composition | unidentifed crab (15.0%), pugettia (4.5%), cancer species (6.8%), unidentified abalone (0%), red abalone (0%), black abalone (0%), clam (0.8%), turbon snail (19.6%), kelp and holdfasts (0%), unidentifed (42.9%), mussel (0.8%), annelid (0%), limpet (0%), scallop (0%), octopus (0.8%), red urchin (6.0%), cucumaria (0%), purple urchin (2.3%), pisaster species (0.8%), barnacle (0%) | dietary composition for juveniles | % | Both Male and Female | Juvenile | 156 | Piedras Blancas | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | Age-Specific | Error |
Body Weight - Mean | 1.96 | kg | Female | Juvenile | 6 | Amchitka Island | Exposure Factor Datasets | newborn | |
Body Weight - Mean | 28.3 | kg | Male | Adult | 79 | Amchitka Island | Exposure Factor Datasets | 7.98 SD | |
Body Weight - Mean | 21.1 | kg | Female | Adult | 254 | Amchitka Island | Exposure Factor Datasets | 6.49 SD |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type |
Home Range | daily home range, estimated from hourly trangulations during 24-hr watches using the minimum convex polygon method | ha | Male | Juvenile | 5 animals | Monterey to San Luis Obispo | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Home Range | daily home range, estimated from hourly trangulations during 24-hr watches using the minimum convex polygon method | ha | Female | Adult | 16 animals | Monterey to San Luis Obispo | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Home Range | daily home range, estimated from hourly trangulations during 24-hr watches using the minimum convex polygon method | ha | Female | Juvenile | 10 animals | Monterey to San Luis Obispo | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | Condition | Lab |
Metabolic Rate | see Figure 1 | oxygen consumption measured at 15-20 C | Not Reported | Not Reported | 2 | Exposure Factor Datasets | fed | Laboratory | |
Surface Area | see Figure 3 | estimated surface area | Not Reported | Not Reported | 2 | Exposure Factor Datasets | fed | Laboratory |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | Age-Specific |
Clutches or Litters per year | Pr {giving birth in a year} = 1- (1-p1)^120(1-p2)^65 | p1 = daily probability of becoming pregnant during the high probability period p2 = daily probability of becoming pregnant during the remaining part of the year. p1 and p2 = 0.02 and 0.00067, respectively, based on observations from Prince William Sound, |
Female | Adult | 1,482 | Aleutian islands, AK | Exposure Factor Datasets | 2-16 years |
California Sea Lion (Zalophus californianus)
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | Age-Specific | Error |
Food Ingestion Rate | 7.37 | daily milk intake as % of pup body weight | %/d | Female | Pup | 7 | San Nicolas Island | Exposure Factor Datasets | 5-30 d | 0.242 SE |
Food Ingestion Rate | 5.96 | daily milk intake as % of pup body weight | %/d | Male | Pup | 5 | San Nicolas Island | Exposure Factor Datasets | 1-2 mo | 0.405 SE |
Food Ingestion Rate | 5.93 | daily milk intake as % of pup body weight | %/d | Female | Pup | 4 | San Nicolas Island | Exposure Factor Datasets | 1-2 mo | 0.467 SE |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | Age-Specific | Error |
Food Ingestion Rate | 723 | daily milk intake | g/d | Male | Pup | 24 | San Nicolas Island [lat., 33^oW; long., 119^oW] | Exposure Factor Datasets | 1-2 mo | 31.0 SE |
Food Ingestion Rate | 609 | daily milk intake | g/d | Female | Pup | 19 | San Nicolas Island [lat., 33^oW; long., 119^oW] | Exposure Factor Datasets | 1-2 mo | 24.0 SE |
Body Fat (total or %) | 18.7 | % | Male | Pup | 1 | San Nicolas Island [lat., 33^oW; long., 119^oW] | Exposure Factor Datasets | 3 mo |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | Age-Specific | Error |
Body Weight - Mean | 8.6 | mean weight; 2 years post el Nino (1985) | kg | Not Reported | Neonate | 16 neonates | San Nicolas Island | Exposure Factor Datasets | 3 days or less | 0.227 SE |
Growth Rate | 0.132 | pre-el Nino; 0-2 months | kg/d | Not Reported | Pup | 32 | San Nicolas Island | Exposure Factor Datasets | 0-2 months | 0.007 SE |
Growth Rate | 0.101 | pups 0-2 months old; El Nino 1983; | kg/d | Not Reported | Pup | 30 | San Nicolas Island | Exposure Factor Datasets | 0-2 months | 0.007 SE |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | Error | Lab |
Metabolic Rate | 26.9 | metabolic rate during excercise | ml O2/min/kg | Both Male and Female | Juvenile | 6 | Exposure Factor Datasets | 1.9 SE | Laboratory |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type |
Dietary Composition | see citation | figure of % occurrence of prey items in scats | % | Female | Adult | 73 - 283 | San Miguel and San Clemente Islands | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type |
Time of Mating/ Laying | May - Aug. | time of breeding | Both Male and Female | Adult | Not Reported | San Nicolas Island | Exposure Factor Datasets |
San Joaquin Kit Fox (Vulpes macrotis ssp. mutica)
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | California Counties |
Dietary Composition | Dipodomus ingens (17%), Dipodomys sp. (14%), D. heermanni (10%), Unident. rodents (6%), Oedaleonotus enigma (66%), Pocalta ursinus (5%), Coniontis sp. (1%), Stenopelmatus (9%), grass (74%) | Percent occurrence in scats | % | Not Reported | Not Reported | 74 scats (1 den) | 6 mi. east of Panoche | Exposure Factor Datasets | San Benito |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | California Counties |
Population Density | adult density | #/260 ha | Both Male and Female | Adult | 361 foxes | Elk Hills Naval and Buena Vista Petroleum Reserves | Exposure Factor Datasets | Kern | |
Age at Sexual Maturity | 22 | mo | Both Male and Female | Adult | Not Reported | Elk Hills Naval and Buena Vista Petroleum Reserves | Exposure Factor Datasets | Kern | |
Time of Mating/ Laying | December | time of breeding | Both Male and Female | Adult | Not Reported | Elk Hills Naval and Buena Vista Petroleum Reserves | Exposure Factor Datasets | Kern |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | California Counties |
Dietary Composition | lagomorphs (73.3%), kangaroo rats (13.1%), San Joaquin antelope ground squirrel (2.9%), San Joaquin kit fox (2.8%), Cricetidinae (1.3%), Heteromyidae (0.8%), San Joaquin pocket mouse (0.7%), California ground squirrel (0.6%), southern grasshopper mouse (0.5%), sheep (0.5%), Botta pocket gopher (0.3%), birds (1.4%), snakes (1.2%), lizards (0.1%), grasshoppers and crickets (6.2%), beetles (1.0%), arthropods (0.2%), grass (1.7%), soluble material (5.2%), other (9.1%) | frequency of occurrence of food items found in scat | % | Both Male and Female | Both Adults and Juveniles | 1430 scats | Naval Petroleum Reserve #1 | Exposure Factor Datasets | Kern |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | California Counties |
Dietary Composition | Review | Not Reported | Not Reported | Not Reported | Exposure Factor Datasets | ||||
Population Density | 1 | estimated average density based on censuses and literature values | fox/2.8 mi2 | Both Male and Female | Adult | 108 dens | Exposure Factor Datasets | Kern |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | California Counties | Error |
Dietary Composition | see figure | bar graph showing use of leporids, rodents, insects and other food items over 6 years | Not Reported | Not Reported | 449 scat samples | Naval Petroleum Reserves in California | Exposure Factor Datasets | Kern | ||
Survival/ Mortality | 61.0 | mean annual mortality rate over 13 years | % | Not Reported | Adult | 306 foxes | Naval Petroleum Reserves in California | Exposure Factor Datasets | Kern | 5.2 SE |
Kit Fox (Vulpes macrotis ssp. nevadensis)
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | Lab |
Food Ingestion Rate | 175 | average daily consumption in captivity | g/day | Both Male and Female | Adult | Not Reported | Tooele County, west. UT | Exposure Factor Datasets | Laboratory |
Clutch or Litter Size | pups/litter | Female | Adult | 11 litters | Tooele County, west. UT | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type |
Time of Hatching or Parturition | March to early April | time of whelping | Female | Adult | Not Reported | Tooele County, west. UT, elev. 4300-4800 ft | Exposure Factor Datasets |