East River Valley, Gothic, Gunnison county (elev., 3000 - 3355m)
Exposure Factor Datasets
5.62 SE
Metabolic Rate
log SMR = -2.23 + 0.037(T)
equation relating standard metabolic rate (SMR; cm3 O2/g/hr), measured as oxygen consumption, to body temperature (T, 10-30C) on animals captured no more than a week before testing
cm3 O2/g/hr
Both Male and Female
captured at East River Valley, Gothic, Gunnison county (elev., 3000 - 3355m)
Exposure Factor Datasets
Metabolic Rate
log AMR = -1.13 +0.067(T) - 0.0008(T)^2
polynomial equation relating active metabolic rate (AMR; cm3 O2/g/hr), measured as oxygen consumption, to body temperature (T, 10-30C) in animals captured no more than a week before testing
cm3 O2/g/hr
Both Male and Female
captured at East River Valley, Gothic, Gunnison county (elev., 3000 - 3355m)