Aerobic and anaerobic energy expenditure during rest and activity in Montane Bufo boreas boreas and Rana pipiens

Carey, Cynthia
Article Title
Aerobic and anaerobic energy expenditure during rest and activity in Montane Bufo boreas boreas and Rana pipiens
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Final Page
see citation for Rana pipiens


Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 datapoints.
Species: Boreal Toad (Anaxyrus boreas ssp. boreas formerly Bufo boreas ssp. boreas)
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Description Endpoint Value Sample Size Units Life Cycle Stage Specific Location Range Type
Body Weight - Mean 40.2 50 g Adult East River Valley, Gothic, Gunnison county (elev., 3000 - 3355m) 27.1 - 58.4 Exposure Factor Datasets
Metabolic Rate equation relating standard metabolic rate (SMR; cm3 O2/g/hr), measured as oxygen consumption, to body temperature (T, 10-30C) on animals captured no more than a week before testing log SMR = -2.23 + 0.037(T) 30 cm3 O2/g/hr Adult captured at East River Valley, Gothic, Gunnison county (elev., 3000 - 3355m) Exposure Factor Datasets
Metabolic Rate polynomial equation relating active metabolic rate (AMR; cm3 O2/g/hr), measured as oxygen consumption, to body temperature (T, 10-30C) in animals captured no more than a week before testing log AMR = -1.13 +0.067(T) - 0.0008(T)^2 49 cm3 O2/g/hr Adult captured at East River Valley, Gothic, Gunnison county (elev., 3000 - 3355m) Exposure Factor Datasets


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