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University of Illinois Press
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Endpoint Description |
Error |
Range |
Units |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Sample Size |
Type |
Body Weight - Mean |
4.4 |
0.2 |
lb |
Female |
Adult |
82 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Body Weight - Mean |
33.4 |
g |
Not Reported |
Neonate |
12 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Dietary Composition |
see citation |
stomach contents and fecal analysis |
Both Male and Female |
Adult |
149; 20 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Time of Mating/ Laying |
Feb/Mar |
Both Male and Female |
Adult |
19 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Duration of Incubation or Gestation |
62-66 |
d |
Both Male and Female |
Embryo |
3 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Clutch or Litter Size |
7.3 |
0.25 |
5-9 |
pups/litter |
Female |
Adult |
21 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Mutch, Graham G. R. and Aleksiuk, Michael
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Endpoint Description |
Error |
Units |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Location |
Sample Size |
Type |
Body Weight - Mean |
3769 |
1.91 SE |
g |
Male |
Adult |
Delta Marsh Mannitoba |
5 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Body Weight - Mean |
2584 |
20.9 SE |
g |
Male |
Adult |
Delta Marsh Mannitoba |
5 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Body Fat (total or %) |
31.9 |
1.3 SE |
% |
Male |
Adult |
Delta Marsh Mannitoba |
5 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Body Fat (total or %) |
10.1 |
2.1 SE |
% |
Male |
Adult |
Delta Marsh Mannitoba |
5 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Metabolic Rate |
142 |
calculated basal metabolic rate |
5 SE |
kcal/d |
Male |
Adult |
Delta Marsh Mannitoba |
5 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Collins, Joshua N., and Vincent H. Resh
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Endpoint Description |
Units |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Location |
Sample Size |
Type |
Population Density |
24.5; 15.4; 5.4 |
depending on habitat type |
nesting pairs/ha |
Both Male and Female |
Adult |
Petaluma marsh |
4 (nesting pair density) |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Territory Size |
387; 498; 644 |
depending upon habitat type |
m2 |
Both Male and Female |
Adult |
Petaluma marsh |
8-11 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
California Department of Fish and Game, Special Wildlife Investigations
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Endpoint Description |
Units |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Location |
Sample Size |
Type |
Population Density |
16.6-32.4 (salt marsh), 10.6-13.1 (altered salt marsh), 16.6-24.7 (brackish marsh), 9.1-17.5 (altered brackish marsh) |
breeding population densities |
pairs/ha |
Both Male and Female |
Adult |
Suisun Bay; San Francisco Bay; San Pablo Bay |
26 sample areas |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
DeGraaf, Richard M.
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Endpoint Description |
Units |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Location |
Sample Size |
Type |
Territory Size |
0.21;0.26 |
rural; suburban |
ha |
Both Male and Female |
Adult |
Amherst MA, 42 deg.22' N., 72 deg. 30' W |
10 territories |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Dhondt, Andre A. and James N. M. Smith
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Location |
Sample Size |
Type |
Time of Molt |
June-September |
Both Male and Female |
Adult |
Mandarte Island |
69 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Smith, James N. M. and Derek A. Roff
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Error |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Location |
Sample Size |
Type |
Clutch or Litter Size |
3.58; 3.42 |
0.1; 0.19 |
Both Male and Female |
Adult |
Mandarte Island |
140; 89 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Sogge, Mark K., Michael D. Kern, Robert Kern and Charles Van Riper III
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Location |
Sample Size |
Type |
Body Weight - Mean |
see table 1 |
Not Reported |
Nestling |
San Miguel Island |
6-33 nestlings |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Harris, Stanley W., Marius A. Morse, and William H. Longley
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Endpoint Description |
Range |
Units |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Location |
Sample Size |
Type |
Time of Nesting |
April-October |
period from onset of egg laying through fledging |
Both Male and Female |
Adult |
Madelia Research Center, Watonwan County |
~81 nests/year |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Population Density |
range of total annual nesting population, over 3 yrs |
65-100 |
pairs |
Both Male and Female |
Adult |
Madelia Research Center, Watonwan County |
65-100 pairs |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Fledging or Weaning Rate |
number of young fledged per nesting attempt |
1.09-1.21 |
fledglings/nest |
Both Male and Female |
Fledgling |
Madelia Research Center, Watonwan County |
~81 nests/year |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Survival/ Mortality |
37.3% (before hatch), 9.2% (after hatch) |
percent of eggs or young lost before and after hatch |
Both Male and Female |
Embryo, Juvenile |
Madelia Research Center, Watonwan County |
634 eggs |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Swank, Wendell G.
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Endpoint Description |
Range |
Units |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Location |
Sample Size |
Type |
Time of Nesting |
March-September |
period of active nesting |
Both Male and Female |
Adult |
Texas A&M College campus |
648 nests |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Population Density |
165 |
peak monthly nesting density in study area |
nests/81 acres |
Both Male and Female |
Adult |
Texas A&M College campus |
648 nests |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Clutches or Litters per year |
4.4 |
mean number of nest attempts made per pair per year |
3-6 |
nests/yr |
Both Male and Female |
Adult |
Texas A&M College campus |
7 marked pairs |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Fledging or Weaning Rate |
6.7 |
mean number of fledglings produced per adult female |
fledglings/female |
Both Male and Female |
Fledgling |
Texas A&M College campus |
7 marked pairs |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Survival/ Mortality |
86% |
estimated mortality rate in the first year, based on band returns |
Both Male and Female |
Juvenile |
Texas A&M College campus |
Not Reported |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Walton, Brian James
California Fish and Game, Special Wildlife Investigations
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Location |
Sample Size |
Type |
Population Density |
see table 1 |
Both Male and Female |
Adult |
San Francisco Bay region |
64 sites |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
California Department of Fish and Game, Special Wildlife Investigations
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Endpoint Description |
Units |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Location |
Sample Size |
Type |
Population Density |
15.6-27.4 (brackish marsh), 9.1-20.5 (altered brackish marsh) |
breeding population densities |
pairs/ha |
Both Male and Female |
Adult |
Suisun Bay; San Francisco Bay; San Pablo Bay |
11 sample areas |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Larsen, Caryla J.
California Department of Fish and Game, Department Candidate Species Status Report
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Type |
Population Density |
review |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Error |
Units |
Life Cycle Stage |
Sample Size |
Type |
Body Weight - Mean |
20.9 |
1.2 SE |
g |
Adult |
25 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Clutches or Litters per year |
1 |
litter/yr |
25 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Error |
Range |
Units |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Location |
Sample Size |
Type |
Body Weight - Mean |
20.9 |
1.6 SE |
17.3 - 25.1 |
g |
Both Male and Female |
Adult |
Anytown (elev., 400 m) |
55 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Clutch or Litter Size |
4.1 |
0.2 SE |
1 - 6 |
#/litter |
Female |
Adult |
Anytown (elev., 400 m) |
55 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Kuenzi, Amy J., Marylisa Lynch, Dirk Van Vuren, Ivette Loredo and Michael L. Morrison
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Endpoint Description |
Units |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Location |
Sample Size |
Type |
Dietary Composition |
Mammals: Spermophilus beecheyi (57%); Microtus californicus (19%); Peromyscus maniculatus and Reithrodontomys megalotis (29%); Lepus californicus (29%); Thomomys bottae (19%); Birds (5%); Insects (10%); Seeds and berries (10%); Herbaceous vegetation (14%) |
% of scats containing each prey item |
% |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
Concord Naval Weapons Station |
21 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Dietary Composition |
Mammals: Spermophilus beecheyi (43%); Microtus californicus (61%); Peromyscus maniculatus and Reithrodontomys megalotis (30%); Lepus californicus (43%); Thomomys bottae (9%); Insects (13%); Seeds and berries (4%); Herbaceous vegetation (35%); Wheat (Avena spp.) (9%) |
% of scats containing each prey item |
% |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
Concord Naval Weapons Station |
23 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Dietary Composition |
Mammals: Spermophilus beecheyi (67%); Microtus californicus (45%); Peromyscus maniculatus and Reithrodontomys megalotis (29%); Lepus californicus (12%); Thomomys bottae (2%); Birds (5%); Seeds and berries (19%); Herbaceous vegetation (43%); Wheat (Avena spp.) (24%) |
% of scats containing each prey item |
% |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
Concord Naval Weapons Station |
42 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Dietary Composition |
Mammals: Spermophilus beecheyi (43%); Microtus californicus (30%); Peromyscus maniculatus and Reithrodontomys megalotis (43%); Lepus californicus (17%); Thomomys bottae (4%); Insects (13%); Seeds and berries (13%); Herbaceous vegetation (17%); Wheat (Avena spp.) (13%) |
% of scats containing each prey item |
% |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
Concord Naval Weapons Station |
23 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Description |
Range |
Units |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Location |
Sample Size |
Type |
Foraging Distance |
minimum distances moved by individuals on one trap night |
65-125 |
m |
Both Male and Female |
Not Reported |
Owens Valley (1,220 m) |
5 males, 6 females |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Endpoint Description |
Units |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Location |
Sample Size |
Type |
Foraging Distance |
< 50 |
maximum distance moved by individuals in one trap night |
m |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
Owens Valley (1,220 m) |
219 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |