Daily and seasonal patterns of activity and energetics in a heteromyid rodent commuinity

Kenagy, G. J.
Article Title
Daily and seasonal patterns of activity and energetics in a heteromyid rodent commuinity
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Displaying 1 - 13 of 13 datapoints.
Species: Little Pocket Mouse (Perognathus longimembris)
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Description Endpoint Value Sample Size Units Life Cycle Stage Specific Location Range California Counties Type
Food Ingestion Rate seed consumption measured in field enclosures 6 individuals mg/g bw/d Not Reported Owens Valley 76-197 Inyo Exposure Factor Datasets
Body Weight - Mean range of mean body weights measured multiple times in individuals 6 individuals g Not Reported Owens Valley 7.3-7.8 Inyo Exposure Factor Datasets
Foraging Distance maximum distance moved by individuals in one trap night < 50 219 m Not Reported Owens Valley (1,220 m) Inyo Exposure Factor Datasets
Food Ingestion Rate amount of seed consumed at 6.5 degrees C 10 individuals mg/g bw/d Not Reported 20-316 Exposure Factor Datasets
Body Weight - Mean 7.1 22 individuals g Not Reported Owens Valley 6.3-8.0 Inyo Exposure Factor Datasets
Survival/ Mortality overwinter survival rates for sampled populations, measured for 3 consecutive years 11-27 individuals/yr Not Reported Owens Valley (1,220 m) 36-82% Inyo Exposure Factor Datasets
Food Ingestion Rate seed consumption (S) in mg/g bw/d as a function of ambient temperature, in centigrade (T) S = -9.37T + 408 8 individuals Not Reported Exposure Factor Datasets
Species: Merriam's Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys merriami)
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Description Endpoint Value Sample Size Units Life Cycle Stage Specific Location Range California Counties Type
Foraging Distance minimum distances moved by individuals on one trap night 5 males, 6 females m Not Reported Owens Valley (1,220 m) 65-125 Inyo Exposure Factor Datasets
Body Weight - Mean 36 NR (74 males and females total) g Not Reported Owens Valley Inyo Exposure Factor Datasets
Body Weight - Mean 33 NR (74 males and females total) g Not Reported Owens Valley Inyo Exposure Factor Datasets
Metabolic Rate resting metabolism at 5 degrees C, without a natural nest 3.76 6 individuals cc O2/g/h Not Reported Exposure Factor Datasets
Metabolic Rate resting metabolism at 5 degrees C, in a natural nest 3.24 6 individuals cc O2/g/h Not Reported Exposure Factor Datasets
Species: Merriam's Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys merriami), Little Pocket Mouse (Perognathus longimembris)
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Sample Size Life Cycle Stage Specific Location California Counties Type
Time of Molt July and August Not Reported Not Reported Owens Valley Inyo Exposure Factor Datasets


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