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Nellis, Carl H. and Lloyd B. Keith
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Endpoint Description |
Error |
Range |
Units |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Location |
Sample Size |
Type |
Time of Migration or Dispersal |
Oct. |
dispersal |
Both Male and Female |
Juvenile |
Rochester, Alberta |
Not Reported |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Clutch or Litter Size |
5.3 |
1 - 8 |
pups/litter |
Female |
Adult |
Rochester, Alberta |
26 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Longevity |
oldest female and male |
11.5 - 13.5 |
yrs |
Both Male and Female |
Adult |
Rochester, Alberta |
Not Reported |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Survival/ Mortality |
71 |
mortality rate |
% |
Both Male and Female |
Juvenile |
Rochester, Alberta |
Not Reported |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Survival/ Mortality |
mortality rate |
36 - 42 |
% |
Not Reported |
Adult |
Rochester, Alberta |
Not Reported |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Dietary Composition |
large mammals (44%); mice (22%); snowshoe hare (3%); birds (11%); vegetation (7%); misc. (3%) |
% volume, determined from stomach contents |
% |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
Rochester, Alberta |
344 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Home Range |
14.6 |
mean distance moved by coyotes marked in 1964-1968 and relocated by 1976 |
4.2 SE |
km |
Both Male and Female |
Pup |
Rochester, Alberta |
28 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Home Range |
29.3 |
mean distance moved by coyotes marked in 1964-1968 and relocated by 1976 |
8.9 SE |
km |
Both Male and Female |
Juvenile |
Rochester, Alberta |
22 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Home Range |
6.0 |
mean distance moved by coyotes marked in 1964-1968 and relocated by 1976 |
1.6 SE |
km |
Both Male and Female |
Adult |
Rochester, Alberta |
18 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Range |
Units |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Sample Size |
Type |
Age at Fledging, Metamorphosis, Weaning |
4 - 5 |
wks |
Both Male and Female |
Juvenile |
4 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Mathwig, Herbert J.
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Endpoint Description |
Units |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Sample Size |
Type |
Dietary Composition |
rabbits (70.6%); livestock (14.0%); mice (10.5%); birds (4.2%) |
% volume of principal foods in stomachs, body weight range 14.5 - 37.0 lbs |
% |
Both Male and Female |
Not Reported |
151 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Dietary Composition |
plant foods (29.2%); rabbits (27.6%); mice and rats (24.6%); livestock (7.4%) |
% volume of principal foods in scats |
% |
Both Male and Female |
Not Reported |
147 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Longevity |
6 |
maximum age in field |
yrs |
Both Male and Female |
Adult |
Not Reported |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Population Density |
1 |
greatest density |
#/1.4 mi2 |
Both Male and Female |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Witmer, G.W., M.J. Pipas and A. Hayden
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Endpoint Description |
Units |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Location |
Sample Size |
Type |
Dietary Composition |
white-tailed deer (56.1%); mouse/vole (14.8%): cottontail rabbit (9.4%); woodchuck (10.6%); squirrel (5.2%); raccoon (5.2%); porcupine (2.9%); unidentified mammal hair (18.4%); feathers (10.3%); insects (18.1%); grass/sedge (35.5%); leaf fragments (15.2%); twigs/bark (6.4%); seeds/fruit (15.8%); other plants (2.9%); manmade materials (2.3%) |
% frequence of occurrence of major (>2%) food items in scats |
% |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
northcentral, southcentral and northeast regions |
310 scats |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Gnaedinger, Leslie McKay and Charles A. Reed
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Endpoint Description |
Range |
Units |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Location |
Sample Size |
Type |
Body Weight - Mean |
0.26 |
0.05 - 0.49 |
g |
Not Reported |
Juvenile |
Portland, Multnomah County |
23 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Body Weight - Mean |
1.60 |
0.70 - 3.28 |
g |
Both Male and Female |
Juvenile |
Portland, Multnomah County |
37 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Body Weight - Mean |
4.30 |
2.58 - 5.08 |
g |
Female |
Adult |
Portland, Multnomah County |
11 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Body Weight - Mean |
2.80 |
1.45 - 5.80 |
g |
Male |
Adult |
Portland, Multnomah County |
19 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Dietary Composition |
Crustacea (1); Arachnida (19); Diplopoda (5); Chilopoda (3); Hexapoda (32) |
number of each item in stomach contents |
Both Male and Female |
Both Adults and Juveniles |
Portland, Multnomah County |
21 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Arcese, Peter, James N. M. Smith, Wesley M. Hochachka, Christopher M. Rogers, and Donald Ludwig
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Endpoint Description |
Range |
Units |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Location |
Sample Size |
Type |
Population Density |
7.8 |
median density; 10 fold fluctuation over 15 yr period |
females/ha |
Female |
Not Reported |
Mandarte island |
19 years |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Time of Mating/ Laying |
Mar-July |
Both Male and Female |
Not Reported |
Mandarte island |
15 years |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Duration of Incubation or Gestation |
13 |
for clutches with 1-5 eggs |
d |
Both Male and Female |
Not Reported |
Mandarte island |
15 years |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Age at Fledging, Metamorphosis, Weaning |
9-11 |
d |
Both Male and Female |
Fledgling |
Mandarte island |
15 years |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Halliburton, Richard and Richard L. Mewaldt
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Endpoint Description |
Units |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Location |
Sample Size |
Type |
Survival/ Mortality |
45 |
annual survival rates of adult song sparrows at Point Reyes |
% |
Both Male and Female |
Adult |
Point Reyes National Seashore |
539 birds |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Survival/ Mortality |
20 |
known minimum survival rates of juveniles; 1966-69 |
% |
Both Male and Female |
Juvenile |
Point Reyes National Seashore |
nr |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Home Range |
125 |
median |
m |
Male |
Adult |
Point Reyes National Seashore |
nr |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Home Range |
162 |
median |
m |
Female |
Adult |
Point Reyes National Seashore |
nr |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Hochachka, Wesley, and James N. M. Smith
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Units |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Location |
Sample Size |
Type |
Age at Fledging, Metamorphosis, Weaning |
30 |
d |
Not Reported |
Fledgling |
Mandarte island |
Not Reported |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Clutches or Litters per year |
2-3 |
broods/year |
Not Reported |
Adult |
Mandarte island |
Not Reported |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Arcese, Peter and James N. M. Smith
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Endpoint Description |
Error |
Range |
Units |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Location |
Sample Size |
Type |
Age at Fledging, Metamorphosis, Weaning |
17 |
d |
Both Male and Female |
Fledgling |
Mandarte island |
16 pairs with suppl. food |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Clutch or Litter Size |
3.31 |
suppl. food |
0.11 SE |
eggs/clutch |
Both Male and Female |
Adult |
Mandarte island |
16 pairs with suppl. food |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Clutch or Litter Size |
2.77 |
no suppl. food |
0.15 SE |
eggs/clutch |
Both Male and Female |
Adult |
Mandarte island |
56 pairs without suppl. food |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Body Weight - Mean |
3.08 |
egg mass; no difference between fed and non-fed fenales |
2.2-3.75 |
g |
Female |
Adult |
Mandarte island |
15 fed and 34 non-fed females |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Survival/ Mortality |
83 |
suppl. food; fledgling surviving to independence |
% |
Both Male and Female |
Fledgling |
Mandarte island |
13 pairs with suppl. food |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Survival/ Mortality |
73 |
survival; no suppl. food; survival fledgling to independence |
% |
Both Male and Female |
Fledgling |
Mandarte island |
29 pairs without suppl. food |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Body Weight - Mean |
4.2 |
mean mass of nestlings 1 d old; no addtn. food |
0.17 SE |
g |
Not Reported |
Nestling |
Mandarte island |
14 nestlings |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Body Weight - Mean |
15.55 |
mean mass of nestlings 6 d old; no suppl. food |
0.31 SE |
g |
Not Reported |
Nestling |
Mandarte island |
60 nestlings |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Units |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Location |
Sample Size |
Type |
Duration of Incubation or Gestation |
28 |
d |
Both Male and Female |
Adult |
captured in Rago, Kansas |
3 litters |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Flinders, Jerran T. and Richard M. Hansen
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Error |
Units |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Location |
Sample Size |
Type |
Population Density |
6.6 |
5.4 - 7.8 (95% CL) |
#/mi2 |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
Pawnee National Grasslands |
31 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |