Desert Kit Fox (Vulpes macrotis ssp. arsipus)
Schitoskey, Frank, Jr.
Chemical |
Endpoint Value |
Endpoint Description |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Sample Size |
Location |
Type |
Lab |
0.22 mg/kg bw (95% CI; 0.15 - 0.34 mg/kg) |
LD50 |
Not Reported |
Adult |
2 animals/dose |
Toxicity Factor Datasets |
Laboratory |
0.75 mg/kg bw (95% CI; 0.33-1.69 mg/kg) |
LD50 |
Not Reported |
Adult |
2 animals/dose |
Toxicity Factor Datasets |
Laboratory |
93 mg/kg bw (95% CI; 62-140 mg/kg) |
LD50 |
Not Reported |
Adult |
2 animals/dose |
Toxicity Factor Datasets |
Laboratory |
O'Farrell, Thomas P. and Larry Gilbertson
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Endpoint Description |
Units |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Sample Size |
Location |
Type |
California Counties |
Error |
Home Range |
200 |
denning range (area enclosing occupied den sites) |
ha |
Both Male and Female |
Adult |
16 foxes |
Rand Open Area and Desert Tortoise Research Natural Area |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Kern |
Time of Mating/ Laying |
January |
based on reproductive condition of adults at time of capture |
Both Male and Female |
Adult |
Not Reported |
Rand Open Area and Desert Tortoise Research Natural Area |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Kern |
Longevity |
10.2 |
measured from time of capture to time of last capture or radio-telemetry location |
mo |
Both Male and Female |
Adult |
6 foxes |
Rand Open Area and Desert Tortoise Research Natural Area |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Kern |
0.8 SE |
Longevity |
2.4 |
measured from time of capture to time of last capture or radio-telemetry location |
mo |
Both Male and Female |
Adult |
13 foxes |
Rand Open Area and Desert Tortoise Research Natural Area |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Kern |
0.7 SE |
Body Weight - Mean |
2034 |
g |
Male |
Adult |
15 foxes |
Rand Open Area and Desert Tortoise Research Natural Area |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Kern |
78 SE |
Body Weight - Mean |
1936 |
g |
Female |
Adult |
13 foxes |
Rand Open Area and Desert Tortoise Research Natural Area |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Kern |
64 SE |