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Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Type |
Metabolic Rate | see citation | figures of oxygen consumption of submerged tadpoles measured at various oxygen tensions and pre-metamorphic stages | ul/g/hr | Not Reported | Tadpole | 10/group | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Type |
Dietary Composition | Decapoda: Astacidae (47.7%); Lepidoptera (19.0%); Coleoptera: Lampryidae (5.8%); Chrysomelidae (5.8%); Carabidae (4.1%); Curculionidae (0.3%); Chilopoda (7.7%); sand, gravel (1.2%); unidentified (1%) | % volume of stomach contents | % | Not Reported | Not Reported | Breathitt and Perry counties | 18 | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Type |
Dietary Composition | frogs (12.1%); goldfish (30.3%); gastropods (12.4%); crayfish (9.3%); arachnida (4.4%); coleoptera adult (10.6%); hemiptera (8.2%); orthoptera (8.7%) | % of stomachs containing major (>4%) food items | % | Not Reported | Adult | goldfish pond, Richland | 772 | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Dietary Composition | frogs (13.0%); shiners (27.5%); gastropods (16.1%); crayfish (16.3%); arachnida (4.5%); coleoptera adult (10.5%); hemiptera (13.5%); orthoptera (5.8%); lepidoptera larvae (4.5%); odonata adult (4.2%) | % of stomachs containing major (>4%) food items | % | Not Reported | Adult | bait minnow pond, Richland | 553 | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Type |
Dietary Composition | gastropoda (1.5%); annelida (1.5%); acarina (10.0%); araneida (17.7%); non-insect arthropods (16.9%); collembola (16.2%); hemiptera (8.5%); coleoptera (3.1%); lepidoptera (0.8%); hymenoptera (12.3%); diptera (10.0%); orthoptera (1.5%) | % of total items in stomach contents; Ensatina size class >45 mm | % | Not Reported | Not Reported | Multonmah County | <22 | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Dietary Composition | acarina (32.5%); araneida (22.6%); non-insect arthropods (22.6%); collembola (16.1%); coleoptera (6.5%) | % of total items in stomach contents; Ensatina size class <45 mm | % | Not Reported | Not Reported | Multonmah County | <22 | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Type |
Dietary Composition | sow bugs (42%); centipedes (42%); spiders (60%); springtails (47%); beetles (36%); caterpillars (5%); ants (13%) | % of stomach containing food item | % | Both Male and Female | Both Adults and Juveniles | Dixie Canyon | 45 | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Range | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Type |
Body Weight - Mean | 0.26 | 0.05 - 0.49 | g | Not Reported | Juvenile | Portland, Multnomah County | 23 | Exposure Factor Datasets | |
Body Weight - Mean | 1.60 | 0.70 - 3.28 | g | Both Male and Female | Juvenile | Portland, Multnomah County | 37 | Exposure Factor Datasets | |
Body Weight - Mean | 4.30 | 2.58 - 5.08 | g | Female | Adult | Portland, Multnomah County | 11 | Exposure Factor Datasets | |
Body Weight - Mean | 2.80 | 1.45 - 5.80 | g | Male | Adult | Portland, Multnomah County | 19 | Exposure Factor Datasets | |
Dietary Composition | Crustacea (1); Arachnida (19); Diplopoda (5); Chilopoda (3); Hexapoda (32) | number of each item in stomach contents | Both Male and Female | Both Adults and Juveniles | Portland, Multnomah County | 21 | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Range | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Type |
Home Range | 17.3 | average distance moved between recaptures | 2.5 - 63.7 | ft | Female | Adult | Pinehurst Madrone Grove Park | 13 | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Home Range | 32.8 | average distance moved between recaptures | 5.2 - 106.6 | ft | Male | Adult | Pinehurst Madrone Grove Park | 17 | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Population Density | estimated maximum density | 170 - 200 | #/acre | Both Male and Female | Adult | Pinehurst Madrone Grove Park | 25 | Exposure Factor Datasets | |
Population Density | estimated maximum density | 600 - 700 | #/acre | Both Male and Female | Both Adults and Juveniles | Pinehurst Madrone Grove Park | Not Reported | Exposure Factor Datasets | |
Clutches or Litters per year | 1 | clutch/yr | Female | Adult | Pinehurst Madrone Grove Park | Not Reported | Exposure Factor Datasets | ||
Clutch or Litter Size | 11 | # large ovarian eggs/female | 8 - 17 | #/clutch | Female | Adult | Pinehurst Madrone Grove Park | 26 | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Growth Rate | see citation | figure of growth rates based on changes in snout-vent length | Both Male and Female | Juvenile | Pinehurst Madrone Grove Park | Not Reported | Exposure Factor Datasets | ||
Longevity | range of oldest individuals recorded | 6 - 8 | yrs | Both Male and Female | Adult | Pinehurst Madrone Grove Park | 3 | Exposure Factor Datasets | |
Age at Sexual Maturity | 3 - 4 | yrs | Both Male and Female | Adult | Pinehurst Madrone Grove Park | Not Reported | Exposure Factor Datasets | ||
Dietary Composition | earthworm (1); sowbugs (14); amphipod (1); centipede (1); millipede (4); spiders (6); springtail (1); thysanuran (1); camel crickets (15); lepidopterous larva (1); dipteran (1); beetles (5); ant (1) | number of each food item in stomachs | # | Not Reported | Both Adults and Juveniles | Pinehurst Madrone Grove Park | 27 | Exposure Factor Datasets | |
Body Weight - Mean | 6 | 5 - 7 | g | Both Male and Female | Adult | Pinehurst Madrone Grove Park | 9 | Exposure Factor Datasets | |
Duration of Incubation or Gestation | 4 - 5 | mo | Female | Adult | Pinehurst Madrone Grove Park | Not Reported | Exposure Factor Datasets | ||
Time of Mating/ Laying | late spring - early summer | time of laying | Female | Adult | Pinehurst Madrone Grove Park | Not Reported | Exposure Factor Datasets | ||
Time of Mating/ Laying | Oct. - Mar. | time of breeding | Both Male and Female | Adult | Pinehurst Madrone Grove Park | Not Reported | Exposure Factor Datasets | ||
Time of Hatching or Parturition | fall - early winter | Not Reported | Embryo | Pinehurst Madrone Grove Park | Not Reported | Exposure Factor Datasets | |||
Dietary Composition | sowbug (1); centipede (1); millipede (6); spiders (7); wood ticks (2); scavenger mite (1); solpugid (1); springtails (5); worker termites (15); hemipteran (1); fly (1); beetles (11); ants (2) | number of each food item in stomachs | # | Not Reported | Both Adults and Juveniles | Madelia Canyon | 8 | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Type |
Time of Mating/ Laying | review | Both Male and Female | Adult | Not Reported | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Type |
Time of Mating/ Laying | review | Both Male and Female | Adult | Not Reported | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Type |
Body Weight - Mean | see citation | figure of mean mass of larvae with and without bullfrog presence | Not Reported | Hatchling | field enclosures at E.E. Wilson Wildlife Refuge, Benton County | 100-150 | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Age at Fledging, Metamorphosis, Weaning | see citation | figure of mean time to metamorphosis with and without bullfrog presence | Not Reported | Hatchling | field enclosures at E.E. Wilson Wildlife Refuge, Benton County | 100-150 | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Range | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Type |
Age at Sexual Maturity | 2-4 | yrs | Both Male and Female | Adult | Not Reported | Exposure Factor Datasets | |
Age at Fledging, Metamorphosis, Weaning | 3-5 | mo | Both Male and Female | Tadpole | Not Reported | Exposure Factor Datasets | |
Time of Fledging or Metamorphosis | July - Sept. | Both Male and Female | Tadpole | Not Reported | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Range | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Type |
Population Density | range of larval density estimates in 8 fishless lakes utilizing 3 survey methodologies during day and night | 0 - 383 | larvae/100 m shoreline | Both Male and Female | Juvenile | North Cascades National Park Service Complex | Not Reported | Exposure Factor Datasets | |
Dietary Composition | Benthic macroinvertebrates (75%): Diptera (66.7); Chironomidae (41.7%); Coleoptera (58.3%); Trichoptera (50%); Ephemeroptera (25%); Amphipoda (16.7%); Plecoptera (8.3%); Pelecypoda (8.3%); Crustacean zooplankton (41.7%): Cladocerans (41.7%); Unidentified (41.7%); Imm. Daphnids (25.0%); Daphnia rosea (25%); Ceriodaphnia quadrangula (16.7%); Chydorus spaericus (8.3%); Copepods (16.7%); Cylopoids (16.7%); Calanoids (8.3%); Harpactacoids (8.3%) | % larvae stomachs that contained prey item | % | Not Reported | Juvenile | North Cascades National Park Service Complex | 13 | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Error | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Type |
Body Weight - Mean | 15.4 | 0.3 SE | mg | Not Reported | Juvenile | 3 | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Range | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Type |
Body Weight - Mean | 64.6 | mean and range of body weights | 52 - 80 | g | Male | Adult | Garfield County | 17 | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Body Weight - Mean | 92.9 | mean and range of body weight | 52 - 115 | g | Female | Adult | Garfield County | 18 | Exposure Factor Datasets |