Natural history of the salamanders of the plethodontid genus Ensatina

Stebbins, Robert C.
Article Title
Natural history of the salamanders of the plethodontid genus Ensatina
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Displaying 1 - 16 of 16 datapoints.
Species: Ensatina (Ensatina eschscholtzii)
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Description Endpoint Value Sample Size Units Life Cycle Stage Specific Location Range California Counties Type
Body Weight - Mean 6 9 g Adult Pinehurst Madrone Grove Park 5 - 7 Contra Costa Exposure Factor Datasets
Home Range average distance moved between recaptures 17.3 13 ft Adult Pinehurst Madrone Grove Park 2.5 - 63.7 Contra Costa Exposure Factor Datasets
Duration of Incubation or Gestation Not Reported mo Adult Pinehurst Madrone Grove Park 4 - 5 Contra Costa Exposure Factor Datasets
Home Range average distance moved between recaptures 32.8 17 ft Adult Pinehurst Madrone Grove Park 5.2 - 106.6 Contra Costa Exposure Factor Datasets
Time of Mating/ Laying time of laying late spring - early summer Not Reported Adult Pinehurst Madrone Grove Park Contra Costa Exposure Factor Datasets
Population Density estimated maximum density 25 #/acre Adult Pinehurst Madrone Grove Park 170 - 200 Contra Costa Exposure Factor Datasets
Time of Mating/ Laying time of breeding Oct. - Mar. Not Reported Adult Pinehurst Madrone Grove Park Contra Costa Exposure Factor Datasets
Population Density estimated maximum density Not Reported #/acre Both Adults and Juveniles Pinehurst Madrone Grove Park 600 - 700 Contra Costa Exposure Factor Datasets
Time of Hatching or Parturition fall - early winter Not Reported Embryo Pinehurst Madrone Grove Park Contra Costa Exposure Factor Datasets
Clutches or Litters per year 1 Not Reported clutch/yr Adult Pinehurst Madrone Grove Park Contra Costa Exposure Factor Datasets
Dietary Composition number of each food item in stomachs sowbug (1); centipede (1); millipede (6); spiders (7); wood ticks (2); scavenger mite (1); solpugid (1); springtails (5); worker termites (15); hemipteran (1); fly (1); beetles (11); ants (2) 8 # Both Adults and Juveniles Madelia Canyon Los Angeles Exposure Factor Datasets
Clutch or Litter Size # large ovarian eggs/female 11 26 #/clutch Adult Pinehurst Madrone Grove Park 8 - 17 Contra Costa Exposure Factor Datasets
Growth Rate figure of growth rates based on changes in snout-vent length see citation Not Reported Juvenile Pinehurst Madrone Grove Park Contra Costa Exposure Factor Datasets
Longevity range of oldest individuals recorded 3 yrs Adult Pinehurst Madrone Grove Park 6 - 8 Contra Costa Exposure Factor Datasets
Age at Sexual Maturity Not Reported yrs Adult Pinehurst Madrone Grove Park 3 - 4 Contra Costa Exposure Factor Datasets
Dietary Composition number of each food item in stomachs earthworm (1); sowbugs (14); amphipod (1); centipede (1); millipede (4); spiders (6); springtail (1); thysanuran (1); camel crickets (15); lepidopterous larva (1); dipteran (1); beetles (5); ant (1) 27 # Both Adults and Juveniles Pinehurst Madrone Grove Park Contra Costa Exposure Factor Datasets


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