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Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Error | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Type |
Body Weight - Mean | 16.1 | 0.8 SE | g | Male | Adult | captured in Macon County, NC | 12 | Exposure Factor Datasets | |
Water Ingestion Rate | 0.13 | experimental temperature = 5C | 0.01 SE | g/g/d | Male | Adult | captured in Macon County, NC | 12 | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Water Ingestion Rate | 0.11 | experimental temperature = 15C | 0.01 SE | g/g/d | Male | Adult | captured in Macon County, NC | 12 | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Water Ingestion Rate | 0.12 | experimental temperature = 27C | 0.01 SE | g/g/d | Male | Adult | captured in Macon County, NC | 12 | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Type |
Population Density | see citation | figure of population density estimated as minimum number known to be alive | #/ha | Both Male and Female | Both Adults and Juveniles | Nantahala National Forest | 93 | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Type |
Home Range | 60-120 long by 5.5 wide | linear-shaped home ranges conforming to ecotone along lake | m | Both Male and Female | Not Reported | Frederick Lake, near Calgary, Alberta [lat., 51^o06'N; long., 114^o44'W] | 14 | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Type |
Dietary Composition | see citation | figure of preferred food items ranked by Rodger's index | Both Male and Female | Both Adults and Juveniles | captured in Ontario, Canada | 12 | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Type |
Dietary Composition | Arthropod (8.2), Taraxacum officinale (7.7), Lamium amplexicaule (6.5), Capsella bursa-pastoris (4.6), Phleum pratense (3.3), Dactylis glomerata (2.4), Festuca arundinacea (2.0), Trifolium stoloniferum (1.9), Animal material (1.9), Bromus tectorum (1.8), Tridens flavus (1.7), Setaria faberi (1.6), Miscellaneous (1.1), Setaria viridis (0.4). | mean # food items in stomach contents | # | Both Male and Female | Not Reported | Southwest Missouri State University Agricultural Station | 63 | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Error | Range | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Type |
Body Weight - Mean | range of means over 3 yrs in 2 habitat types | 15.8 - 18.9 | g | Female | Adult | Santa Barbara Island [lat.,33^o29' N, long., 119^o02' W] | Not Reported | Exposure Factor Datasets | ||
Body Weight - Mean | range of means over 3 yrs in 2 habitat types during 2 seasons | 17.9 - 21.4 | g | Male | Adult | Santa Barbara Island [lat.,33^o29' N, long., 119^o02' W] | Not Reported | Exposure Factor Datasets | ||
Population Density | 462 | maximum density | 56 SD | #/ha | Both Male and Female | Both Adults and Juveniles | Coreopsis habitat, Santa Barbara Island [lat., 33^o29'N; long., 119^o02'W] | Not Reported | Exposure Factor Datasets | |
Population Density | 436 | maximum density | 63 SD | #/ha | Both Male and Female | Both Adults and Juveniles | Suaeda habitat,Santa Barbara Island [lat.,33^o29' N, long., 119^o02' W] | Not Reported | Exposure Factor Datasets | |
Population Density | 372 | maximum density | 30 SD | #/ha | Both Male and Female | Both Adults and Juveniles | grassland habitat, Santa Barbara Island, [lat.,33^o29' N, long., 119^o02' W] | Not Reported | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Type |
Survival/ Mortality | see citation | figure of 2 week survival rates at different seasons | % | Both Male and Female | Adult | University of British Columbia, Endowment Lands | Not Reported | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Type |
Dietary Composition | Diptera adult (0.5); Coleoptera adult (9.8); Coleoptera egg (0.2); Coleoptera larva (4.8); Hemiptera - Leaf hopper (4.6); Hymenoptera - Ant (0.2); Lepidoptera adult (1.9); Lepidoptera larva (6.0); Orthoptera - Cricket (0.4), Grasshopper (5.6); Spiders (2.4); Centipedes (0.1); Unidentified arthropods (1.7); Tissues of small animals (0.4); Forbs (7.8); Grasses and Sedges (3.4); Shrubs (2.2); Fungi - Endogone (1.1); Lichens (0.4); Mosses (0.1); Seeds (39.0). | estimated percent volume, by ranking method, of total matter in stomach contents | % | Both Male and Female | Both Adults and Juveniles | Pawnee National Grassland | 656 | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Dietary Composition | ANIMAL MATTER: Coleoptera adults (10.9); Coleoptera larvae (24.4); Grasshoppers (2.6); Leaf hoppers (0.1); Lepidoptera adults (2.1); Lepidoptera larvae (17.6); Spiders (2.8); PLANT MATTER: Seeds (11.4); Total forbs (9.5) - Kochia scoparia (3.6); Total grasses and sedges (1.7); Total shrubs (1.7). | estimated percent volume, by ranking method, of total matter in stomach contents | % | Both Male and Female | Both Adults and Juveniles | Pawnee National Grassland | 123 | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Dietary Composition | ANIMAL MATTER: Coleoptera adults (10.8); Coleoptera larvae (1.4); Grasshoppers (5.7); Leaf hoppers (3.4); Lepidoptera adults (4.4); Lepidoptera larvae (1.3); Spiders (2.5); PLANT MATTER: Seeds (40.3); Total forbs (10.4) - Kochia scoparia (6.7); Total grasses and sedges (3.5); Total shrubs (1.1). | estimated percent volume, by ranking method, of total matter in stomach contents | % | Both Male and Female | Both Adults and Juveniles | Pawnee National Grassland | 92 | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Dietary Composition | ANIMAL MATTER: Coleoptera adults (9.8); Coleoptera larvae (1.1); Grasshoppers (7.7); Leaf hoppers (1.7); Lepidoptera adults (1.3); Lepidoptera larvae (1.0); Spiders (2.4); PLANT MATTER: Seeds (47.8); Total forbs (4.8) - Kochia scoparia (3.1); Total grasses and sedges (4.3); Total shrubs (0.9). | estimated percent volume, by ranking method, of total matter in stomach contents | % | Both Male and Female | Both Adults and Juveniles | Pawnee National Grassland | 102 | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Dietary Composition | ANIMAL MATTER: Coleoptera adults (7.6); Coleoptera larvae (0.2); Grasshoppers (5.1); Leaf hoppers (2.1); Lepidoptera adults (0.2); Lepidoptera larvae (0.5); Spiders (2.5); PLANT MATTER: Seeds (65.7); Total forbs (6.3) - Kochia scoparia (3.2); Total grasses and sedges (1.3); Total shrubs (0.6). | estimated percent volume, by ranking method, of total matter in stomach contents | % | Both Male and Female | Both Adults and Juveniles | Pawnee National Grassland | 134 | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Dietary Composition | ANIMAL MATTER: Coleoptera adults (4.8); Coleoptera larvae (0.1); Grasshoppers (2.5); Leaf hoppers (7.0); Lepidoptera adults (0.5); Lepidoptera larvae (1.3); Spiders (0.3); PLANT MATTER: Seeds (65.4); Total forbs (4.3) - Kochia scoparia (0.6); Total grasses and sedges (4.8); Total shrubs (2.6). | estimated percent volume, by ranking method, of total matter in stomach contents | % | Both Male and Female | Both Adults and Juveniles | Pawnee National Grassland | 97 | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Dietary Composition | ANIMAL MATTER: Coleoptera adults (11.0); Coleoptera larvae (3.6); Grasshoppers (6.4); Leaf hoppers (13.3); Lepidoptera adults (2.3); Lepidoptera larvae (19.4); Spiders (2.6); PLANT MATTER: Seeds (22.5); Total forbs (4.7) - Kochia scoparia (1.9); Total grasses and sedges (4.0); Total shrubs (3.8). | estimated percent volume, by ranking method, of total matter in stomach contents | % | Both Male and Female | Both Adults and Juveniles | Pawnee National Grassland | 108 | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Range | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Type |
Body Weight - Mean | range of means for 6 groups | 16.4-18.7 | g | Not Reported | Adult | Mice trapped near Palmdale, Los Angeles County, CA | 11/group | Exposure Factor Datasets | |
Surface Area | range of means for 6 groups, estimated from removed skins | 58.1-63.4 | cm2 | Not Reported | Adult | Mice trapped near Palmdale, Los Angeles County, CA | 11/group | Exposure Factor Datasets | |
Metabolic Rate | range of means for 5 groups | 2.9 - 4.1 | ml O2 /g/hr | Not Reported | Adult | Mice trapped near Palmdale, Los Angeles County, CA | 11/group | Exposure Factor Datasets | |
Water Ingestion Rate | 4.38 | average daily water intake (2.65 ml drunk + 0.56 ml free H2O in food + 1.17 ml H2O of oxidation) | ml/d | Not Reported | Adult | Mice trapped near Palmdale, Los Angeles County, CA | 11/group; 5 groups | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Error | Range | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Type |
Age at Sexual Maturity | 43 - 57 | d | Both Male and Female | Adult | White Mountain (elev. 4500 - 12,400 ft) | Exposure Factor Datasets | ||||
Clutch or Litter Size | 4.88 | potential litter size; estimated using the larger of corpora lutea count or embryo sites | 0.46 SE | #/litter | Female | Adult | White Mountain (elev.,12,400 ft) | 26 | Exposure Factor Datasets | |
Survival/ Mortality | annual mortality rate of post-weaned individuals calculated from age structure data | 65-67 | % | Both Male and Female | Juvenile | White Mountain (elev., 9800-12,400 ft) | Exposure Factor Datasets | |||
Survival/ Mortality | 88 | annual mortality rate of post-weaned individuals calculated from age structure data | % | Both Male and Female | Juvenile | White Mountain (elev., 4500-7100 ft) | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Description | Range | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Type |
Body Weight - Mean | range of means for 6 sampling periods after founding | 19.4 - 22.0 | g | Both Male and Female | Adult | 16-30/group | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Food Ingestion Rate | range of mean daily consumption (g food/animal/d) during 3 sampling periods; fed Agway Lab chow | 2.8 - 4.5 | g/d | Both Male and Female | Adult | 4/group | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Type |
Food Ingestion Rate | 0.854 | total weekly consumption rate of a seed diet (see dietary composition dataset) | g/g/wk | Both Male and Female | Juvenile | 10 | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Dietary Composition | Wheat seeds (0.488 +/- 0.034 SE), Lespedeza seeds (0.376 +/- 0.044 SE), Elm seeds (0.013 +/- 0.004 SE), Maple seeds (0.017 +/- 0.003 SE). | weekly consumption rates of seeds | g/g/wk | Both Male and Female | Juvenile | 20 | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Error | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Type |
Body Weight - Mean | 2.1 | 0.1 SE | g | Male | Neonate | captured in Mexico | 22 | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Body Weight - Mean | 8.9 | g | Both Male and Female | Juvenile | 93 | Exposure Factor Datasets | ||
Body Weight - Mean | 21.2 | g | Both Male and Female | Juvenile | captured in Mexico | 93 | Exposure Factor Datasets | |
Clutch or Litter Size | 4.5 | 0.3 SE | pups/litter | Female | Adult | captured in Mexico | 21 litters | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Error | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Type |
Body Weight - Mean | 7.3 | g | Both Male and Female | Juvenile | captured in Nebraska | 90 | Exposure Factor Datasets | |
Body Weight - Mean | 17.4 | g | Both Male and Female | Juvenile | captured in Nebraska | 90 | Exposure Factor Datasets | |
Clutch or Litter Size | 3.7 | 0.3 SE | pups/litter | Female | Adult | captured in Nebraska | 25 litters | Exposure Factor Datasets |