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Chemical | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Tox Exposure | Toxicity Endpoint Type | Tox Exposure Duration | Tox Exposure Technique | Type |
LEAD ACETATE | decreased | % packed cell volume versus controls | Male | Adult | 10 | 20 ppm x 1.6(week, after 1st week) | TOX-Non-Repro-Sublethal - organ/system effects | 15 weeks | Diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
LEAD ACETATE | decreased | hemoglobin concentration versus controls | Male | Adult | 10 | 20 ppm x 1.6(week, after 1st week) | TOX-Non-Repro-Sublethal - organ/system effects | 15 weeks | Diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
LEAD ACETATE | increased | protoporphyrin concentration versus controls | Male | Adult | 10 | 20 ppm x 1.6(week, after 1st week) | TOX-Non-Repro-Sublethal - cellular/biochemical effects | 15 weeks | Diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
LEAD ACETATE | decreased | ALAD enzyme activity versus controls | Male | Adult | 10 | 20 ppm x 1.6(week, after 1st week) | TOX-Non-Repro-Sublethal - cellular/biochemical effects | 15 weeks | Diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
LEAD ACETATE | increased | iron concentration in liver versus controls | Male | Adult | 10 (controls); 30 (treated) | 20 ppm x 1.6(week, after 1st week) | TOX-Non-Repro-Sublethal - cellular/biochemical effects | 15 weeks | Diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
LEAD ACETATE | increased | liver and kidney Pb concentrations versus controls | Male | Adult | 30 | 20 ppm x 1.6(week, after 1st week) | TOX-EXP IND - accumulation | 15 weeks | Diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
Chemical | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Tox Exposure | Toxicity Endpoint Type | Tox Exposure Duration | Tox Exposure Technique | Type |
LEAD (elemental) | one shot: 180.4 (18.1), female; 5.0 (0.6), male two shot: 183.4 (21.2), female; 15.9 (4.1), male | mean (SE) lead residues in femur | Both Male and Female | Adult | 20 females, 10 males/group | 0, 1, 2 lead shot (206 mg avg wt) | TOX-EXP IND - accumulation | Single dose (one shot); repeated dose (two shot) | Gavage | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
Chemical | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Tox Exposure | Toxicity Endpoint Type | Tox Exposure Duration | Tox Exposure Technique | Type |
SELENITE, SODIUM, SELENOMETHIONINE | increased @ 40, 80 ppm selenite or selenomethionine | duckling mortality versus controls | Not Reported | Juvenile | 40 birds/group | 0, 10, 20, 40, or 80 ppm Se as selenomethionine or sodium selenite | TOX-Non-Repro-Sublethal - whole animal | 6 weeks | Diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
SELENITE, SODIUM, SELENOMETHIONINE | decreased | food consumption versus controls | Not Reported | Juvenile | 40 birds/group | 0, 10, 20, 40, or 80 ppm Se as selenomethionine or sodium selenite | TOX-Non-Repro-Sublethal - whole animal | 6 weeks | Diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
SELENITE, SODIUM, SELENOMETHIONINE | decreased (liver decreased with selenite only) | bw and liver wt versus controls | Not Reported | Juvenile | 40 birds/group | 0, 10, 20, 40, or 80 ppm Se as selenomethionine or sodium selenite | TOX-Non-Repro-Sublethal - whole animal | 6 weeks | Diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
Chemical | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Tox Exposure | Toxicity Endpoint Type | Tox Exposure Duration | Tox Exposure Technique | Type |
CADMIUM CHLORIDE | increased @ 10, 50 ug/g diet | liver cadmium concentration versus controls | Male | Adult | 8 | 0, 10, or 50 ug Cd/g | TOX-EXP IND - accumulation | 42 days | Diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
CADMIUM CHLORIDE | no effect | liver Cu concentration versus controls | Male | Adult | 8 | 0, 10, or 50 ug Cd/g | TOX-EXP IND - accumulation | 42 days | Diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
CADMIUM CHLORIDE | no effect | liver Zn concentration versus controls | Male | Adult | 8 | 0, 10, or 50 ug Cd/g | TOX-EXP IND - accumulation | 42 days | Diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
CADMIUM CHLORIDE | increased @ 10, 50 ug/g diet | kidney Cd concentration versus controls | Male | Adult | 8 | 0, 10, or 50 ug Cd/g | TOX-EXP IND - accumulation | 42 days | Diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
Chemical | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Tox Exposure | Toxicity Endpoint Type | Tox Exposure Duration | Tox Exposure Technique | Type |
DDE (4,4'-) | 5.8 ppm; range, 3.6-8.2 ppm (wet wt) | mean and range of concentration in carcass, wet wt | Both Male and Female | Adult | near cities | 4 bats | NR | TOX-EXP IND - accumulation | NR | NR | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
DDD (4,4'-) | 0.1 ppm; range, <0.1-0.3 ppm (wet wt) | mean and range of concentration in carcass, wet wt | Both Male and Female | Adult | near cities | 4 bats | NR | TOX-EXP IND - accumulation | NR | NR | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
DDT (4,4'-) | 1.8 ppm; range, 0.6-3.8 ppm (wet wt) | mean and range of concentration in carcass, wet wt | Both Male and Female | Adult | near cities | 4 bats | NR | TOX-EXP IND - accumulation | NR | NR | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
Chemical | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Tox Exposure | Toxicity Endpoint Type | Tox Exposure Duration | Tox Exposure Technique | Type |
SODIUM MONOFLUOROACETATE | 0.22 mg/kg bw (95% CI; 0.15 - 0.34 mg/kg) | LD50 | Not Reported | Adult | 2 animals/dose | 0.10, 0.15, 0.22, 0.33 mg/kg bw | TOX-MORT - toxicity benchmarks | single | gavage | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
STRYCHNINE | 0.75 mg/kg bw (95% CI; 0.33-1.69 mg/kg) | LD50 | Not Reported | Adult | 2 animals/dose | 0.5, 0.7, 1.0, 1.6 mg/kg bw | TOX-MORT - toxicity benchmarks | single | gavage | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
ZINC PHOSPHIDE | 93 mg/kg bw (95% CI; 62-140 mg/kg) | LD50 | Not Reported | Adult | 2 animals/dose | 62, 94, 140, 210 mg/kg bw | TOX-MORT - toxicity benchmarks | single | gavage | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
Chemical | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Tox Exposure | Toxicity Endpoint Type | Tox Exposure Technique | Type |
DDD (4,4'-), DDE (4,4'-), DDT (4,4'-), POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS | 10.4 ppm DDE, 8 ppm est. PCBs, <0.1 ppm DDD, 0.2 ppm DDT | residues measured in live and dead eggs | Female | Adult | 11 colonies | <0.1-0.08 ppm DDE, <0.01-0.5 ppm est. PCBs, <0.01-0.04 ppm DDD, <0.01-0.01 ppm DDT in dietary fish | TOX-EXP IND - accumulation | parent diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
DDD (4,4'-), DDE (4,4'-), DDT (4,4'-), POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS | negative correlation | correlation of egg concentration of DDE and est. PCB's and shell thickness and weight | Female | Adult | 35 eggs | <0.1-0.08 ppm DDE, <0.01-0.5 ppm est. PCBs, <0.01-0.04 ppm DDD, <0.01-0.01 ppm DDT in dietary fish | TOX-REPRO - physiology | parent diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
DDD (4,4'-), DDE (4,4'-), DDT (4,4'-), POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS | decreased 8.3% compared with pre-1940 reference measurements | eggshell thickness | Female | Adult | 35 eggs | <0.1-0.08 ppm DDE, <0.01-0.5 ppm est. PCBs, <0.01-0.04 ppm DDD, <0.01-0.01 ppm DDT in dietary fish | TOX-REPRO - physiology | parent diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
Chemical | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Tox Exposure | Toxicity Endpoint Type | Tox Exposure Duration | Tox Exposure Technique | Type |
DDE (4,4'-), POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS | no effect | shell thickness | Female | Adult | OR coast | 10 eggs from 10 nests | 1.6 ppm wet wt DDE, 1.3 ppm wet wt PCBs | TOX-REPRO - physiology | NR | dietary | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
Chemical | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Tox Exposure | Toxicity Endpoint Type | Tox Exposure Duration | Tox Exposure Technique | Type |
POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS | increase | incidence of deformities in live embryos relative to 2,3,7,8-TCDD equivalents of PCBs, PCDFs, and PCDDs | Not Reported | Embryo | Lakes Michigan, Huron, Superior, North Channel | Not Reported | 3.6-7.3 ug/g wet wt | TOX-REPRO - development | 10-12 days and 21-24 days (embryo ages) | in ovo | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
Chemical | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Tox Exposure | Toxicity Endpoint Type | Tox Exposure Duration | Tox Exposure Technique | Type |
POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS | decreased at 276, 672, 1606 ng/kg | Mean yolk weight of eggs | Female | Both Adults and Juveniles | Saskatchewan, British Columbia, Lake Ontario | 5-12 eggs/dose | 131, 250, 276, 672, 1606 ng/kg Toxic Equivalency Factors measured in eggs | TOX-REPRO - physiology | NR | in ovo | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS | increased at 1606 ng/kg | total hepatic cytochrome P450 content | Not Reported | Hatchling | Saskatchewan, British Columbia, Lake Ontario | 5-12 eggs/dose | 131, 250, 276, 672, 1606 ng/kg Toxic Equivalency Factors measured in eggs | TOX-EXP IND - biomarkers | NR | in ovo | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
Chemical | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Tox Exposure | Toxicity Endpoint Type | Tox Exposure Duration | Tox Exposure Technique | Type |
DDT (4,4'-) | 1612 ppm | 5 day dietary LC50 | Male | Juvenile | 7 birds | 1,250-2,500 ppm diet | TOX-MORT - toxicity benchmarks | 5 d | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
DDT (4,4'-) | 1896 ppm | 5 day dietary LC50 | Female | Juvenile | 4 birds | 1,500-2,250 ppm diet | TOX-MORT - toxicity benchmarks | 5 d | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
DDD (4,4'-), DDT (4,4'-) | 13.3 ppm | mean residue concentration in brains of birds that survived | Male | Juvenile | 7 birds | 1,250-2,500 ppm diet | TOX-EXP IND - accumulation | 5 d | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
DDD (4,4'-), DDT (4,4'-) | 19.0 ppm | mean residue concentration in brains of birds that survived | Female | Juvenile | 4 birds | 1,500-2,250 ppm diet | TOX-EXP IND - accumulation | 5 d | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
DDD (4,4'-), DDT (4,4'-) | 42.9 ppm | mean residue concentration in brains of birds that died | Male | Juvenile | 7 birds | 1,250-2,500 ppm diet | TOX-EXP IND - accumulation | 5 d | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
DDD (4,4'-), DDT (4,4'-) | 44.6 ppm | mean residue concentration in brains of birds that died | Female | Juvenile | 4 birds | 1,500-2,250 ppm diet | TOX-EXP IND - accumulation | 5 d | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Toxicity Endpoint Type | Type |
4.5 | LC50 | pH units | TOX-MORT - toxicity benchmarks | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
Chemical | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Tox Exposure | Toxicity Endpoint Type | Tox Exposure Duration | Tox Exposure Technique | Type |
FENTHION | decrease @ 60 ppb | temperature tolerance, estimated by heating water at 1C/3min and using onset of spasms in frogs as the endpoint | Not Reported | Juvenile | 10 animals/replicate; 2 replicates/dose | 0, 30, 60 ppb | TOX-Non-Repro-Sublethal - whole animal | 24 hr | waterborne | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
CHLORPYRIFOS | decrease @ 30 and 60 ppb | temperature tolerance, estimated by heating water at 1C/3min and using onset of spasms in frogs as the endpoint | Not Reported | Juvenile | 10 animals/replicate; 2 replicates/dose | 0, 30, 60 ppb | TOX-Non-Repro-Sublethal - whole animal | 24 hr | waterborne | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
METHYLPARATHION | decrease @ 25 and 50 ppb | temperature tolerance, estimated by heating water at 1C/3min and using onset of spasms in frogs as the endpoint | Not Reported | Juvenile | 10 animals/replicate; 2 replicates/dose | 0, 25, 50 ppb | TOX-Non-Repro-Sublethal - whole animal | 24 hr | waterborne | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
Chemical | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Tox Exposure | Toxicity Endpoint Type | Tox Exposure Duration | Tox Exposure Technique | Type |
ZINC SULFATE | increase @ 39 mg/l | 100% mortality reported | Not Reported | Juvenile | 5-25/dose | 0, 0.1, 39 mg/l Zn++ | TOX-MORT - dose-response data | 61 d | waterborne | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
COPPER SULFATE | increase @ 3.7 mg/l | 100% mortality reported | Not Reported | Juvenile | 5-25/dose | 0, 0.02, 3.7 mg/l Cu++ | TOX-MORT - dose-response data | 61 d | waterborne | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
Chemical | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Tox Exposure | Toxicity Endpoint Type | Tox Exposure Duration | Tox Exposure Technique | Type |
HEXACHLOROETHANE | decrease | mean chromosomal abberrations per cell, compared to controls (not exposed to obscurant smoke) | Not Reported | Not Reported | Goldstone, Fort Irwin | 3-4/group | control site and site 15 m from smoke source of fogoil and hexachloroethane | TOX-Non-Repro-Sublethal - genetic effects | 30 min. | site contamination | Toxicity Factor Datasets |