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Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Range | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Type |
Population Density | 1665 - 3213 | #/ha | Not Reported | Not Reported | Santa Barbara Island | Not Reported | Exposure Factor Datasets | ||
Dietary Composition | Animals, Araneida (15.4%); Crustacea (Isopoda) (50%); Hemiptera (7.7%); Homoptera (15.4%); Coleoptera (11.5%); Lepidoptera (11.5%); Diptera (11.5%); Hymenoptera (7.7%); Other insecta (23.1%); Other arthropoda (15.4%); Vertebrata (3.8%); Plants, Aizoaceae (3.8%); Chenopodiaceae (15.4%); Solanaceae (7.7%); Asteraceae (3.8%); Other plants (38.5%) | % of samples with item in stomach contents | % | Not Reported | Not Reported | Santa Barbara Island | 26 | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Range | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Type |
Body Weight - Mean | 1.01 | g | Not Reported | Hatchling | San Clemente, San Nicolas and Santa Barbara Islands | 15 | Exposure Factor Datasets | ||
Clutch or Litter Size | range of average number of young produced/female at 3 sites | 3.50 - 4.55 | young/female | Female | Adult | San Clemente, San Nicolas and Santa Barbara Islands | 2-25 | Exposure Factor Datasets | |
Age at Sexual Maturity | 3 - 4 | yr | Both Male and Female | Adult | San Clemente, San Nicolas and Santa Barbara Islands | Not Reported | Exposure Factor Datasets | ||
Duration of Incubation or Gestation | 14 | wks | Not Reported | Embryo | San Clemente, San Nicolas and Santa Barbara Islands | Not Reported | Exposure Factor Datasets | ||
Time of Hatching or Parturition | Sept. | Not Reported | Hatchling | San Clemente, San Nicolas and Santa Barbara Islands | Not Reported | Exposure Factor Datasets | |||
Time of Mating/ Laying | Mar. - June | time of breeding | Both Male and Female | Adult | San Clemente, San Nicolas and Santa Barbara Islands | Not Reported | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Type |
Dietary Composition | Animal matter (68.8%), includes Arachnids (15.9%); Insects (50.4%); Crustaceans (2.6%); Plant matter (30.9%) | % of total content of stomachs | % | Not Reported | Not Reported | San Clemente Island | 18 | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Error | Range | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Type |
Population Density | 1458 | 103 SE | #/ha | Both Male and Female | Both Adults and Juveniles | San Clemente Island | 120 marked animals | Exposure Factor Datasets | ||
Growth Rate | 0.05 | increase in snout-vent length during 1st yr | mm/d | Both Male and Female | San Clemente Island | 14 | Exposure Factor Datasets | |||
Growth Rate | 0.03 | increase in snout-vent length during 2nd yr | mm/d | Both Male and Female | San Clemente Island | 12 | Exposure Factor Datasets | |||
Longevity | oldest recorded individual | 12 - 13 | yr | Both Male and Female | Adult | San Clemente Island | Not Reported | Exposure Factor Datasets | ||
Body Weight - Mean | 11.6 - 14.8 | g | Both Male and Female | Adult | San Clemente Island | Not Reported | Exposure Factor Datasets | |||
Body Weight - Mean | 1.2 - 2.7 | g | Both Male and Female | Neonate | San Clemente Island | Not Reported | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Type |
Body Weight - Mean | 7.04 | mean body weight | g | Both Male and Female | Hatchling | Fremont and Waterloo areas | 28 nestlings | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Type |
Time of Fledging or Metamorphosis | 15 | age at fledging | d | Both Male and Female | Fledgling | east-central area | 35 broods | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Error | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Type |
Body Weight - Mean | 111.4 | mean body weight | 70.7 SD | g | Male | Adult | southeastern area | 13 birds | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Body Weight - Mean | 99.3 | mean body weight | 155.1 SD | g | Female | Adult | southeastern area | 6 birds | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Body Weight - Mean | 114.6 | mean body weight | 75.7 SD | g | Male | Adult | southeastern area | 14 birds | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Body Weight - Mean | 112.7 | mean body weight | 158.8 SD | g | Female | Adult | southeastern area | 9 birds | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Type |
Population Density | 208 | number of nests found in 13.4 acres of orchards | Both Male and Female | Adult | near American Falls | Not Reported | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Time of Nesting | latter two-thirds of July | time of peak nesting activity | Both Male and Female | Adult | near American Falls | Not Reported | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Fledging or Weaning Rate | 1.62 | number of doves fledged per breeding adult | Both Male and Female | Fledgling | near American Falls | Not Reported | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Type |
Clutch or Litter Size | 1.8 | mean clutch size | Female | Adult | Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant | 524 nests | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Fledging or Weaning Rate | 49.4% | proportion of active nests that successfully fledged young | Both Male and Female | Fledgling | Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant | 524 nests | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Fledging or Weaning Rate | 1.8 | mean number of young fledged per successful nest | Both Male and Female | Fledgling | Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant | 358 nests | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Type |
Dietary Composition | waste rice, milo, watergrass, yellow star thistle, Turkey mullein seeds, waste wheat, canary grass, safflower, johnson grass | food items in crop contents, in order of importance | Not Reported | Adult | Gray Lodge State Refuge | 22 birds | Exposure Factor Datasets | |
Duration of Incubation or Gestation | 14-15 | incubation period | d | Both Male and Female | Embryo | Gray Lodge State Refuge | Not Reported | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Time of Nesting | mid-March to September 20 | nesting season duration (peaks in July) | Both Male and Female | Adult | Gray Lodge State Refuge | Not Reported | Exposure Factor Datasets | |
Age at Fledging, Metamorphosis, Weaning | 12-13 | age at which young leave nest | d | Both Male and Female | Fledgling | Gray Lodge State Refuge | Not Reported | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Body Weight - Mean | 125 | average body weight | g | Both Male and Female | Adult | Gray Lodge State Refuge | Not Reported | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Fledging or Weaning Rate | 64.5 | proportion of attempted nests that fledged at least one young | % | Both Male and Female | Adult | Gray Lodge State Refuge | 220 nests | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Fledging or Weaning Rate | 6.0-6.2 | mean number of nestlings raised per nesting pair per season (representing multiple broods per season) | Both Male and Female | Adult | Gray Lodge State Refuge | 43 pairs | Exposure Factor Datasets | |
Time of Migration or Dispersal | September | period of departure for fall migration | Both Male and Female | Both Adults and Juveniles | Gray Lodge State Refuge | Not Reported | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Type |
Dietary Composition | turkey mullein, buckthorn weed, milk thistle, safflower, red maids, California poppy, chickweed, miner's lettuce | principal dietary items in crop contents | Both Male and Female | Both Adults and Juveniles | Sacramento Valley | 152 crops | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Dietary Composition | safflower, milo, turkey mullein, buckthorn weed, California poppy, rice, sunflower, wheat, corn | principal dietary items in crop contents | Both Male and Female | Both Adults and Juveniles | southern San Joaquin Valley | 192 crops | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Dietary Composition | turkey mullein, buckthorn weed, wheat, California poppy, barley, red maids, Napa thistle, miner's lettuce, prostrate pigweed | principal dietary items in crop contents | Both Male and Female | Both Adults and Juveniles | inner coast mountains | 183 crops | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Dietary Composition | barley, milo, canary grass, flax, lambs quarter, water grass, wheat, cup grass, watermelon, sunflower | principal dietary items in crop contents | Both Male and Female | Both Adults and Juveniles | Imperial Valley | 214 crops | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Type |
Time of Migration or Dispersal | summer | time of southward migration | Both Male and Female | Both Adults and Juveniles | Turlock area | Not Reported | Exposure Factor Datasets |