Food habits of the mourning dove in California

Browning, Bruce M.
Article Title
Food habits of the mourning dove in California
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Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 datapoints.
Species: Mourning Dove (Zenaida macroura)
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Description Endpoint Value Sample Size Life Cycle Stage Specific Location California Counties Type
Dietary Composition principal dietary items in crop contents turkey mullein, buckthorn weed, milk thistle, safflower, red maids, California poppy, chickweed, miner's lettuce 152 crops Both Adults and Juveniles Sacramento Valley Butte Exposure Factor Datasets
Dietary Composition principal dietary items in crop contents safflower, milo, turkey mullein, buckthorn weed, California poppy, rice, sunflower, wheat, corn 192 crops Both Adults and Juveniles southern San Joaquin Valley Kern Exposure Factor Datasets
Dietary Composition principal dietary items in crop contents turkey mullein, buckthorn weed, wheat, California poppy, barley, red maids, Napa thistle, miner's lettuce, prostrate pigweed 183 crops Both Adults and Juveniles inner coast mountains San Luis Obispo Exposure Factor Datasets
Dietary Composition principal dietary items in crop contents barley, milo, canary grass, flax, lambs quarter, water grass, wheat, cup grass, watermelon, sunflower 214 crops Both Adults and Juveniles Imperial Valley Imperial Exposure Factor Datasets


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OEHHA California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment