Island Night Lizard (Xantusia riversiana)
Mautz, W.J. and Nagy, K.A.
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Units |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Sample Size |
Location |
Type |
California Counties |
Countries |
Body Weight - Mean |
Spring-summer adults: 15.3 [4.7 (95% CI)]; spring-summer juveniles: 4.13 [2.23 (95% CI)]; Autumn-winter adults: 16.3 [3.0 (95% CI)]; Autumn-winter juveniles: 1.50 [0.55 (95% CI)] |
g |
NR |
Both Adults and Juveniles |
Spring-summer adults: 5; spring-summer juveniles: 4; Autumn-winter adults: 8; Autumn-winter juveniles: 4 |
Wilson Cove, San
Clemente Island |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Los Angeles |
Metabolic Rate |
Spring-summer adults: 28.7 [7.2 (95% CI)]; spring-summer juveniles: 13.2 [6.8 (95% CI)]; Autumn-winter adults: 30.3 [4.2 (95% CI)]; Autumn-winter juveniles: 4.80 [2.79 (95% CI)] |
mL CO2/d |
NR |
Both Adults and Juveniles |
Spring-summer adults: 5; spring-summer juveniles: 4; Autumn-winter adults: 8; Autumn-winter juveniles: 4 |
Wilson Cove, San
Clemente Island |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Los Angeles |
Water Ingestion Rate |
Spring-summer adults: 0.117 [0.049 (95% CI)]; spring-summer juveniles: 0.074 [0.059 (95% CI)]; Autumn-winter adults: 0.135 [0.032 (95% CI)]; Autumn-winter juveniles: 0.054 [0.036 (95% CI)] |
mL/d |
NR |
Both Adults and Juveniles |
Spring-summer adults: 5; spring-summer juveniles: 4; Autumn-winter adults: 8; Autumn-winter juveniles: 4 |
Wilson Cove, San
Clemente Island |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Los Angeles |
Fellers, Gary M. and Charles A. Drost
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Endpoint Description |
Units |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Sample Size |
Location |
Type |
Age-Specific |
Condition |
Error |
Population Density |
#/ha |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
Santa Barbara Island |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Dietary Composition |
Animals, Araneida (15.4%); Crustacea (Isopoda) (50%); Hemiptera (7.7%); Homoptera (15.4%); Coleoptera (11.5%); Lepidoptera (11.5%); Diptera (11.5%); Hymenoptera (7.7%); Other insecta (23.1%); Other arthropoda (15.4%); Vertebrata (3.8%); Plants, Aizoaceae (3.8%); Chenopodiaceae (15.4%); Solanaceae (7.7%); Asteraceae (3.8%); Other plants (38.5%) |
% of samples with item in stomach contents |
% |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
26 |
Santa Barbara Island |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Body Weight - Mean |
range of average male and average female weights |
g |
Both Male and Female |
Adult |
258 |
Santa Barbara Island |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
non-pregnant |
Body Weight - Mean |
BW = -0.26 + 0.000028(SVL)^3 |
lizard body weight (BW; g) as an exponential function of snout-vent length (SVL,mm) |
g |
Both Male and Female |
Both Adults and Juveniles |
792 |
Santa Barbara Island |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
non-pregnant |
Age at Sexual Maturity |
2.5 |
yr |
Male |
Adult |
Not Reported |
Santa Barbara Island |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
0.2 SE |
Age at Sexual Maturity |
2.9 |
yr |
Female |
Adult |
Not Reported |
Santa Barbara Island |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
0.2 SE |
Longevity |
13.4 |
estimated from largest lizard (snout-vent length, 102.5 mm)and known growth rates |
yr |
Both Male and Female |
Adult |
Not Reported |
Santa Barbara Island |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Growth Rate |
0.022 |
increase in snout-vent length (34-40 mm size class) |
mm/d |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
Santa Barbara Island |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
0.8 yr |
0.002 SE |
Growth Rate |
0.046 |
increase in snout-vent length (40-50 mm size class) |
mm/d |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
Santa Barbara Island |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
1.3 yr |
0.003 SE |
Growth Rate |
0.040 |
increase in snout-vent length (50-60 mm size class) |
mm/d |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
Santa Barbara Island |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
2.0 yr |
0.003 SE |
Growth Rate |
0.030 |
increase in snout-vent length (60-70 mm size class) |
mm/d |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
Santa Barbara Island |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
2.9 yr |
0.002 SE |
Growth Rate |
0.018 |
increase in snout-vent length (70-80 mm size class) |
mm/d |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
Santa Barbara Island |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
4.5 yr |
0.002 SE |
Growth Rate |
0.011 |
increase in snout-vent length (80-90 mm size class) |
mm/d |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
Santa Barbara Island |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
6.9 yr |
0.002 SE |
Growth Rate |
0.005 |
increase in snout-vent length (90-100 mm size class) |
mm/d |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
Santa Barbara Island |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
12.4 yr |
0.004 SE |
Home Range |
17.2 |
m2 |
Both Male and Female |
Adult |
6 |
Santa Barbara Island |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Brattstrom, Bayard H.
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Description |
Units |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Sample Size |
Location |
Type |
Clutch or Litter Size |
determined by embryo count |
young/female |
Female |
Adult |
5 |
San Clemente Island |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Clutch or Litter Size |
determined by embryo count |
young/female |
Female |
Adult |
4 |
San Nicolas Island |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Amrein, Yost U. and Margaret B. Amrein
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Description |
Units |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Sample Size |
Location |
Type |
Clutch or Litter Size |
determined from fetus count |
young/female |
Female |
Adult |
2 |
San Nicolas Island |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Brattstrom, Bayard H.
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Endpoint Description |
Units |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Sample Size |
Location |
Type |
Dietary Composition |
Lizard skin (17); Unidentified arthropods (2); Spiders (11); Scorpions (2); Centipedes (2); Ticks (1), Isopids (17); Insects unidentified (26); Orthoptera (1); Homoptera (1); Hemiptera (3); Lepidoptera (5); Diptera (3); Coleptera (19); Hymenoptera (25); Plants (44) |
number of individuals in which a particular item was found in stomach contents |
# |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
91 |
San Nicolas, Santa Barbara and San Clemente Islands |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Goldberg, Stephen R. and Robert L. Bezy
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Endpoint Description |
Units |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Sample Size |
Location |
Type |
Age-Specific |
Body Weight - Mean |
1.01 |
g |
Not Reported |
Hatchling |
15 |
San Clemente, San Nicolas and Santa Barbara Islands |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
at birth |
Clutch or Litter Size |
range of average number of young produced/female at 3 sites |
young/female |
Female |
Adult |
2-25 |
San Clemente, San Nicolas and Santa Barbara Islands |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Age at Sexual Maturity |
yr |
Both Male and Female |
Adult |
Not Reported |
San Clemente, San Nicolas and Santa Barbara Islands |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Duration of Incubation or Gestation |
14 |
wks |
Not Reported |
Embryo |
Not Reported |
San Clemente, San Nicolas and Santa Barbara Islands |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Time of Hatching or Parturition |
Sept. |
Not Reported |
Hatchling |
Not Reported |
San Clemente, San Nicolas and Santa Barbara Islands |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Time of Mating/ Laying |
Mar. - June |
time of breeding |
Both Male and Female |
Adult |
Not Reported |
San Clemente, San Nicolas and Santa Barbara Islands |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Mautz, William J.
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Endpoint Description |
Units |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Sample Size |
Location |
Type |
Lab |
Metabolic Rate |
0.025 (15C); 0.035 (20C); 0.070 (25C); 0.105 (30C); 0.160 (35C) |
mean oxygen consumption measured at various temperatures (15-35C) during the photophase of the diel cycle |
cc O2/g/hr |
Not Reported |
Adult |
10-29/temp. group |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Laboratory |
Metabolic Rate |
0.024 (15C); 0.036 (20C); 0.058 (25C); 0.081 (30C); 0.146 (35C) |
mean oxygen consumption measured at various temperatures (15-35C) during the scotophase of the diel cycle |
cc O2/g/hr |
Not Reported |
Adult |
10-29/temp. group |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Laboratory |
Fellers, Gary M. and Charles A. Drost
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Sample Size |
Location |
Type |
Clutch or Litter Size |
review |
Female |
Adult |
Not Reported |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Schwenkmeyer, Richard C.
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Endpoint Description |
Units |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Sample Size |
Location |
Type |
Dietary Composition |
Animal matter (68.8%), includes Arachnids (15.9%); Insects (50.4%); Crustaceans (2.6%); Plant matter (30.9%) |
% of total content of stomachs |
% |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
18 |
San Clemente Island |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Mautz, William J.
Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Endpoint Description |
Units |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Sample Size |
Location |
Type |
Age-Specific |
Error |
Population Density |
1458 |
#/ha |
Both Male and Female |
Both Adults and Juveniles |
120 marked animals |
San Clemente Island |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
103 SE |
Growth Rate |
0.05 |
increase in snout-vent length during 1st yr |
mm/d |
Both Male and Female |
14 |
San Clemente Island |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
0-1 yr |
Growth Rate |
0.03 |
increase in snout-vent length during 2nd yr |
mm/d |
Both Male and Female |
12 |
San Clemente Island |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
1-2 yr |
Longevity |
oldest recorded individual |
yr |
Both Male and Female |
Adult |
Not Reported |
San Clemente Island |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Body Weight - Mean |
g |
Both Male and Female |
Adult |
Not Reported |
San Clemente Island |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Body Weight - Mean |
g |
Both Male and Female |
Neonate |
Not Reported |
San Clemente Island |
Exposure Factor Datasets |