Northern Sideblotched Lizard (Uta stansburiana ssp. stansburiana)
Jorgensen, Clive D. and Wilmer W. Tanner
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Endpoint Description |
Units |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Sample Size |
Location |
Type |
Error |
Home Range |
16.82 |
home range estimated by density probability function method (ranged 99.0% of the time in this area size) |
acres |
Not Reported |
Juvenile |
14 |
United States Atomic Energy Commission Nevada Test Site |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
0.42 |
Home Range |
27.36 |
home range estimated by density probability function method (ranged 99.0% of the time in this area size) |
acres |
Female |
Adult |
16 |
United States Atomic Energy Commission Nevada Test Site |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
0.68 |
Home Range |
39.30 |
home range estimated by density probability function method (ranged 99.0% of the time in this area size) |
acres |
Male |
Adult |
24 |
United States Atomic Energy Commission Nevada Test Site |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
0.98 |