Clapper Rail (Rallus longirostris)
Clapper Rail (Rallus longirostris)
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | Countries | Error |
Survival/ Mortality | 0.5 | Mean annual survivial rate | NR | Adult | 11329 | Exposure Factor Datasets | USA | 0.025 | |
Survival/ Mortality | 0.368 | Mean annual survivial rate | NR | Adult | 11329 | Exposure Factor Datasets | USA | 0.07 |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Type | Condition | Countries |
Population Density | 90 [58-163 (95% CI)] | Breeding males/sq km | M | Adult | Sapelo Island salt marsh | Exposure Factor Datasets | Breeding | USA |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | Countries | Error |
Home Range | 0.28 | ha | B | Adult | 16 | LCP Superfund Site, Tutle River | Exposure Factor Datasets | USA | 0.8 |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | Countries |
Population Density | 1999 EBS: 0.512, 1999 LBS: 0.507, 2000 EBS: 0.472, 2000 LBS: 0.523 | Individuals/ha | NR | Not Reported | 6629 | Colorado River Delta | Exposure Factor Datasets | MEXICO |
Chemical | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | Lab |
DDT (4,4'-) | 1612 ppm | 5 day dietary LC50 | Male | Juvenile | 7 birds | Toxicity Factor Datasets | Laboratory | |
DDT (4,4'-) | 1896 ppm | 5 day dietary LC50 | Female | Juvenile | 4 birds | Toxicity Factor Datasets | Laboratory | |
DDD (4,4'-), DDT (4,4'-) | 13.3 ppm | mean residue concentration in brains of birds that survived | Male | Juvenile | 7 birds | Toxicity Factor Datasets | Laboratory | |
DDD (4,4'-), DDT (4,4'-) | 19.0 ppm | mean residue concentration in brains of birds that survived | Female | Juvenile | 4 birds | Toxicity Factor Datasets | Laboratory | |
DDD (4,4'-), DDT (4,4'-) | 42.9 ppm | mean residue concentration in brains of birds that died | Male | Juvenile | 7 birds | Toxicity Factor Datasets | Laboratory | |
DDD (4,4'-), DDT (4,4'-) | 44.6 ppm | mean residue concentration in brains of birds that died | Female | Juvenile | 4 birds | Toxicity Factor Datasets | Laboratory |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | Countries |
Longevity | 7-06 | from USFWS Bird Banding Laboratory data | yr-mo | Not Reported | Adult | 758 band recoveries | Exposure Factor Datasets | USA |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | Error |
Body Weight - Mean | 279.7 | mean body weight in sea-water acclimated birds | g | Not Reported | Adult | 16 | High Island, Chambers Co. | Exposure Factor Datasets | 6.9 |
Body Weight - Mean | 261.7 | mean body weight in fresh water acclimated birds | g | Not Reported | Adult | 8 | High Island, Chambers Co. | Exposure Factor Datasets | 8.4 |
California Clapper Rail (Rallus longirostris ssp. obsoletus)
Chemical | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type |
CHLORDANE, DDD (4,4'-), DDE (4,4'-), DDT (4,4'-), DIELDRIN, HEPTACHLOR, MERCURY (elemental), POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS, SELENIUM (elemental) | no effect | eggshell thickness compared to those of museum eggs from 1907 and 1936 | Female | Adult | 29 eggs | North and South San Francisco Bay | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | California Counties | Error |
Clutch or Litter Size | 7.27 | mean clutch size | Female | Adult | 26 nests | south San Francisco Bay | Exposure Factor Datasets | Alameda | 0.96 SD | |
Duration of Incubation or Gestation | 24.2 | mean incubation period | d | Both Male and Female | Embryo | 5 nests | south San Francisco Bay | Exposure Factor Datasets | Alameda | |
Hatching Success | 56% | proportion of nests in which at least one egg hatched | Both Male and Female | Hatchling | 50 nests | south San Francisco Bay | Exposure Factor Datasets | Alameda | ||
Time of Mating/ Laying | late March | beginning of lay | Both Male and Female | Hatchling | Not Reported | south San Francisco Bay | Exposure Factor Datasets | Alameda | ||
Population Density | 1.47 | mean breeding density based on rope drag and call count data | birds/ha | Both Male and Female | Adult | 68 ha | south San Francisco Bay-Dumbarton Point | Exposure Factor Datasets | Alameda | |
Population Density | 0.89 | mean breeding density based on rope drag and call count data | birds/ha | Both Male and Female | Adult | 117 ha | south San Francisco Bay - Mowry Slough | Exposure Factor Datasets | Alameda | |
Population Density | 0.69 | mean breeding density based on rope drag and call count data | birds/ha | Both Male and Female | Adult | 55 ha | south San Francisco Bay - Ideal Marsh | Exposure Factor Datasets | Alameda |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | California Counties |
Population Density | range of mean population densities | birds/acre | Not Reported | Not Reported | 1 marsh | Dumbarton Bridge Marsh | Exposure Factor Datasets | San Francisco | |
Time of Nesting | April | beginning of nesting | Not Reported | Not Reported | 1 marsh | Dumbarton Bridge Marsh | Exposure Factor Datasets | San Francisco | |
Clutch or Litter Size | 7.22 | mean clutch size | Not Reported | Not Reported | 27 nests | Dumbarton Bridge Marsh | Exposure Factor Datasets | San Francisco | |
Duration of Incubation or Gestation | estimated incubation period in field | d | Not Reported | Not Reported | 3 nests | Dumbarton Bridge Marsh | Exposure Factor Datasets | San Francisco |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | California Counties |
Population Density | range of mean densities | birds/ha | Both Male and Female | Adult | 5 sites | San Francisco Bay | Exposure Factor Datasets | Alameda, Marin, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Sonoma |
Population Density | range of mean densities | birds/ha | Both Male and Female | Adult | 5 sites | San Francisco Bay | Exposure Factor Datasets | Alameda, Marin, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Sonoma |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | California Counties |
Dietary Composition | Modiolus demissus (56.5%), Lycosidae (15%), Macoma balthica (7.6%), Hemigrapsis oregonensis (3.2%), Hyanassa obsoleta (2%), Spartina leiantha (14.55%) | Volumetric percentage of food items in stomach contents | Not Reported | Not Reported | 18 stomachs | San Francisco Bay | Exposure Factor Datasets | Santa Clara |
Light-footed Clapper Rail (Rallus longirostris ssp. levipes)
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | California Counties |
Home Range | 0.81 | mean home range size of radiotagged and untagged birds | ha | Both Male and Female | Adult | 9 radiotagged birds | upper Newport Bay | Exposure Factor Datasets | Orange |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | California Counties |
Dietary Composition | crabs, California horn snails, isopods, crayfish, decapods, beetles | prey items in regurgitated pellets, in order of frequency of occurence | Not Reported | Adult | 18 pellets | upper Newport Bay | Exposure Factor Datasets | Orange |
Dietary Composition | amphipods, garden snails, crane flies, house mice, California voles | unquantified dietary items identified in regurgitated pellets | Not Reported | Adult | Not Reported | upper Newport Bay | Exposure Factor Datasets | Orange |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | California Counties | Error |
Clutch or Litter Size | 6.55 | mean clutch size (1 year) | Female | Adult | 33 nests | Tijuana Marsh, Upper Newport and Anaheim Bays | Exposure Factor Datasets | Orange | 0.19 SE |
Hatching Success | 81% | proportion of nests in which at least one egg hatched | Both Male and Female | Hatchling | 130 nests | Tijuana Marsh, Upper Newport and Anaheim Bays | Exposure Factor Datasets | Orange |
Light-footed Clapper Rail (Rallus longirostris ssp. levipes), California Clapper Rail (Rallus longirostris ssp. obsoletus), Yuma Clapper Rail (Rallus longirostris ssp. yumanensis)
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Location | Type | Countries |
Territory Size | review | Exposure Factor Datasets | USA | |
Clutch or Litter Size | review | Exposure Factor Datasets | USA | |
Clutch or Litter Size | review | Exposure Factor Datasets | USA | |
Clutch or Litter Size | review | Exposure Factor Datasets | USA | |
Survival/ Mortality | review | Exposure Factor Datasets | USA | |
Survival/ Mortality | review | Exposure Factor Datasets | USA | |
Survival/ Mortality | review | Exposure Factor Datasets | USA | |
Dietary Composition | review | Exposure Factor Datasets | USA | |
Dietary Composition | review | Exposure Factor Datasets | USA | |
Dietary Composition | review | Exposure Factor Datasets | USA | |
Territory Size | review | Exposure Factor Datasets | USA | |
Territory Size | review | Exposure Factor Datasets | USA |
Yuma Clapper Rail (Rallus longirostris ssp. yumanensis)
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | Countries |
Dietary Composition | crayfish (94.67%), ground beetle (0.11%), unident. beetle (0.56%), weevils (2.78%), damselfly nymphs (0.11%), grasshoppers (0.11%), insect eggs (.11%), unident. parts (0.78%), spider (0.56%), seeds (0.11%), corbicula (0.06%), unident. mammal bone (0.06%) | dietary item occurence by volume in stomach contents | Not Reported | Adult | 9 stomachs | Topock Marsh to Imperial Lake | Exposure Factor Datasets | |
Dietary Composition | isopoda (48.5%), unident. parts (1.50%), corbicula (50.00%) | dietary item occurence by volume in stomach contents | Not Reported | Adult | 2 stomachs | Gila/Colorado River confluence | Exposure Factor Datasets | |
Dietary Composition | shrimp (0.25%), water beetle (56.50%), dragonfly nymphs (0.50%), damselfly nymphs (2.00%), leech (3.75%), unident. fish (31.75%) | dietary item occurence by volume in stomach contents | Not Reported | Adult | 4 stomachs | Colorado Delta | Exposure Factor Datasets | MEXICO |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type |
Home Range | 24 | mean home range size | ha | Not Reported | Adult | 6 birds | lower Colorado River Valley | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Home Range | 8 | mean home range size | ha | Not Reported | Adult | 5 birds | lower Colorado River Valley | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Home Range | 7 | mean home range size | ha | Not Reported | Adult | 18 birds | lower Colorado River Valley | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Home Range | 15 | mean home range size | ha | Not Reported | Adult | 16 birds | lower Colorado River Valley | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Home Range | 9 | mean home range size | ha | Not Reported | Adult | 4 birds | lower Colorado River Valley | Exposure Factor Datasets |