Laterallus jamaicensis (California Black Rail)

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California Black Rail (Laterallus jamaicensis)

Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type California Counties Countries
Population Density 5405 Estimated abundance Individuals/3780 ha B Both Adults and Juveniles 5405 Suisun & Carquinez Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Population Density 250 Estimated abundance Individuals/543 ha B Both Adults and Juveniles 250 Outer Coast Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Population Density 3900-7700 B Both Adults and Juveniles San Pablo Bay Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Population Density 160-250 B Outer Coast Exposure Factor Datasets Marin USA
Population Density 4100-8000 B Suisun Bay Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Population Density See citation Tables 14 & 15 "Minimum density" Individuals/36.2 m radius B Both Adults and Juveniles See citation Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Population Density See citation Table 15 "Minimum density" Individuals/36.2 m radius B Both Adults and Juveniles See citation Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Population Density 6914 Estimated abundance Individuals/5531 ha B Both Adults and Juveniles 6914 San Pablo Bay Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Location Type California Counties Countries
Population Density See citation Figure 1 Individuals/ha B Both Adults and Juveniles Concord Naval Weapsons Station Exposure Factor Datasets Contra Costa USA
Tsao, D.C., Takekawa, J.Y., Woo, I., Yee, J.L. and Evens, J.G.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type California Counties Countries Error
Foraging Distance 2005: 23.1, 2006: 31.6 Distance moved between daily observations m M Adult 2005: 1, 2006: 1 Gambinini Marsh, 38⁰ 12' N, 122⁰ 35' W1 Exposure Factor Datasets Sonoma USA 2005: 3.7, 2006: 6.4
Foraging Distance 24.3 Distance moved between daily observations m F Adult 1 Gambinini Marsh, 38⁰ 12' N, 122⁰ 35' W1 Exposure Factor Datasets Sonoma USA 3.8
Foraging Distance 2005: 42.2, 2006: 25.8 Distance moved between daily observations m M Adult 2005: 5, 2006: 6 Mid-Petaluma Marsh, 38⁰ 11' N, 122⁰ 33' W Exposure Factor Datasets Sonoma USA 2005: 4.0, 2006: 1.8
Foraging Distance 2005: 38.3, 2006: 20.2 Distance moved between daily observations m F Adult 2005: 4, 2006: 4 Mid-Petaluma Marsh, 38⁰ 11' N, 122⁰ 33' W Exposure Factor Datasets Sonoma USA 2005: 4.8, 2006: 1.6
Foraging Distance 2005: 20.0, 2006: 26.8 Distance moved between daily observations m M Adult 2005: 4, 2006: 6 Black John Slough, 38⁰ 08' N, 122⁰ 31' W Exposure Factor Datasets Sonoma USA 2005: 1.6, 2006: 2.0
Foraging Distance 2005: 26.9, 2006: 23.4 Distance moved between daily observations m F Adult 2005: 7, 2006: 4 Black John Slough, 38⁰ 08' N, 122⁰ 31' W Exposure Factor Datasets Sonoma USA 2005: 2.2, 2006: 1.9
Home Range 2005: 0.36, 2006: 0.99 Fixed kernel (95%) ha M Adult 2005: 1, 2006: 1 Gambinini Marsh, 38⁰ 12' N, 122⁰ 35' W1 Exposure Factor Datasets Sonoma USA
Home Range 1.393057523 Fixed kernel (95%) ha F Adult 1 Gambinini Marsh, 38⁰ 12' N, 122⁰ 35' W1 Exposure Factor Datasets Sonoma USA
Home Range 2005: 0.80, 2006: 0.60 Fixed kernel (95%) ha M Adult 2005: 4, 2006: 3 Mid-Petaluma Marsh, 38⁰ 11' N, 122⁰ 33' W Exposure Factor Datasets Sonoma USA 2005: 0.12, 2006: 0.17
Home Range 2005: 0.70, 2006: 0.44 Fixed kernel (95%) ha F Adult 2005: 4, 2006: 3 Mid-Petaluma Marsh, 38⁰ 11' N, 122⁰ 33' W Exposure Factor Datasets Sonoma USA 2005: 0.21, 2006: 0.07
Home Range 2005: 0.51, 2006: 0.71 Fixed kernel (95%) ha M Adult 2005: 4, 2006: 6 Black John Slough, 38⁰ 08' N, 122⁰ 31' W Exposure Factor Datasets Sonoma USA 2005: 0.11, 2006: 0.17
Home Range 2005: 0.55, 2006: 0.36 Fixed kernel (95%) ha F Adult 2005: 6, 2006: 4 Black John Slough, 38⁰ 08' N, 122⁰ 31' W Exposure Factor Datasets Sonoma USA 2005: 0.13, 2006: 0.05
Pranty, B., Robinson, D.J. and Barnwell, M.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Location Type Countries
Population Density 2 Individuals observed Individuals NR Not Reported Crystal River State Buffer Preserve, Citrus County Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Population Density 27 Individuals observed Individuals NR Not Reported Weekiwachee Preserve, Hernando County Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Population Density 10 Individuals observed Individuals NR Not Reported Werner-Boyce Salt Springs State Park, Pasco County Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Repking, C.F. and Ohmart, R.D.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Location Type Countries
Population Density West pond: 16, Imperial Reservoir: 2, Squaw Lake: 10, Senator Wash: 21, Small Island: 1, Ferguson Lake: 5, Unnamed areas: 5 Individuals observed aurally B Not Reported Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Population Density West pond: 11, Imperial Reservoir: 1, Squaw Lake: 4, Senator Wash: 2, Small Island: 0, Ferguson Lake: 0, Unnamed areas: 2 Individuals observed aurally B Not Reported Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Population Density West pond: 22, Imperial Reservoir: 1, Squaw Lake: 6, Senator Wash: 10, Small Island: 0, Ferguson Lake: 5, Unnamed areas: 10 Individuals observed aurally B Not Reported Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Population Density Mittry Lake: 9, Gila Main Gravity Cancal seepage: 9, Imperial Reservoir: 14, Large Island: 14, Imperial National Wildlife Refuge: 0 Individuals observed aurally B Not Reported Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Population Density Mittry Lake: 8, Gila Main Gravity Cancal seepage: 4, Imperial Reservoir: 2, Large Island: 0, Imperial National Wildlife Refuge: 0 Individuals observed aurally B Not Reported Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Population Density Mittry Lake: 10, Gila Main Gravity Cancal seepage: 12, Imperial Reservoir: 9, Large Island: 3, Imperial National Wildlife Refuge: 8 Individuals observed aurally B Not Reported Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Legare, M.L. and Eddleman, W.R.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries Error
Hatching Success 86 % hatched % B Embryo 128 Jena, Dixie County Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Home Range 1.3 ha M Both Adults and Juveniles Birds: 9, telemetry locations: 276 Jena, Dixie County Exposure Factor Datasets USA 0.52
Home Range 0.62 ha F Both Adults and Juveniles Birds: 6, telemetry locations: 103 Jena, Dixie County Exposure Factor Datasets USA 0.27
Time of Nesting May 1-August 22 Adult 19 Jena, Dixie County Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Time of Hatching or Parturition Earliest: May 19 Adult 19 Jena, Dixie County Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Clutch or Litter Size 7 Eggs/nest Embryo 13 Jena, Dixie County Exposure Factor Datasets USA 0.5
Richmond, O.M., Tecklin, J. and Beissinger, S.R.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Life Cycle Stage Location Type Countries Error
Population Density 1.84 (pi=1), 3.68 (pi=0.5) Density estimate Rails/ha Not Reported Sierra Nevada foothills & Sacramento Valley Exposure Factor Datasets USA 0.25 (pi=1), 0.50 (pi=0.5)
Population Density 1.81 (pi=1), 3.61 (pi=0.5) Density estimate Not Reported Sierra Nevada foothills & Sacramento Valley Exposure Factor Datasets USA 0.30 (pi=1), 0.60 (pi=0.5)
Population Density 1.67 (pi=1), 3.35 (pi=0.5) Density estimate Not Reported Sierra Nevada foothills & Sacramento Valley Exposure Factor Datasets USA 0.20 (pi=1), 0.41 (pi=0.5)
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Location Type Condition Countries
Body Weight - Mean 35 g M Adult Monkey River Exposure Factor Datasets HONDURAS
Body Weight - Mean 39.9 g F Adult Monkey River Exposure Factor Datasets Breeding HONDURAS
Eddleman, W. R., R. E. Flores and M. Legare.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries
Body Weight - Mean 29 g B Not Reported Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Time of Migration or Dispersal Review Spring and fall migration Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Dietary Composition Review Exposure Factor Datasets
Time of Mating/ Laying Review Exposure Factor Datasets
Time of Nesting Review Exposure Factor Datasets
Clutch or Litter Size Review Exposure Factor Datasets
Longevity Review Exposure Factor Datasets
Home Range Review Exposure Factor Datasets
Population Density Review Individuals/ha Exposure Factor Datasets
Body Weight - Mean Review g B Adult See citation NY, MD, VA, FL, MI, DE, NC Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Evens, J. and Nur, N.
Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Sample Size Location Type Countries Error
Population Density Based on median: 4080, adjusted: 7200 Abundance B See citation Suisun & Carquinez Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Population Density Based on median: 163, adjusted: 289 Abundance B See citation Outer Coast Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Population Density 1.25 Medium abundance index Indivuals/5531 ha B See citation San Pablo Bay Exposure Factor Datasets USA 0.345
Population Density 1.43 Medium abundance index Indivuals/3780 ha B See citation Suisun & Carquinez Exposure Factor Datasets USA 0.32
Population Density 0.46 Medium abundance index Indivuals/543 ha B See citation Outer Coast Exposure Factor Datasets USA 0.196
Population Density Based on median: 3930, adjusted: 7100 Abundance B See citation San Pablo Bay Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Hinojosa-Huerta, O., Guzmán-Olachea, R., Butrón-Méndez, J., Butrón-Rodríguez, J.J. and Calvo-Fonseca, A.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Sample Size Location Type Countries
Population Density 405 Individuals/5800 ha B See citation Cienega de Santa Clara, Colorado River Delta Exposure Factor Datasets MEXICO
Hinojosa-Huerta, O., Soto-Montoya, E., Gómez-Sapiens, M., Calvo-Fonseca, A., Guzmán-Olachea, R., Butrón-Méndez, J., Butrón-Rodríguez, J.J. and Román-Rodríguez, M.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Sample Size Location Type Countries
Population Density Review Individuals/5800 ha B See citation Cienega de Santa Clara, Colorado River Delta Exposure Factor Datasets MEXICO
Evens, J.G., Page, G.W., Laymon, S.A. and Stallcup, R.W.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Sample Size Location Type Countries
Population Density See citation Individuals/12,142 ha wetlands w/tidal influence B 608 Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Population Density See citation Individuals B 116 Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Calder 3rd, W.A. and Braun, E.J.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Location Type
Metabolic Rate See citation equation 7 Glomerular filtration rate NR Exposure Factor Datasets
Conway, C.J. and Sulzman, C.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Location Type Countries
Population Density 136 Individuals detected in AZ/CA B Both Adults and Juveniles AZ, CA Exposure Factor Datasets USA

Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type California Counties Countries
LEAD (elemental) Review Bone concentration NR Not Reported 6 Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
DIELDRIN Breeding: 0.12 ppm Unspecified tissue concentration F Not Reported Breeding: 5, non-breeding: 5 Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
LEAD (elemental) Review Blood concentration NR Not Reported 8 Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
OXYCHLORDANE Breeding: 0.20, non-breeding: 0.16 Unspecified tissue concentration M Not Reported Breeding: 1, non-breeding: 5 Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
LEAD (elemental) Review Liver concentration NR Not Reported 3 Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
OXYCHLORDANE Breeding: 0.30-0.50, non-breeding: 0.09 Unspecified tissue concentration F Not Reported Breeding: 5, non-breeding: 5 Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
ENDRIN 0.17 µg/g ww Feather concentration NR Both Adults and Juveniles 45 Rio Negro Province; rural site: Bariloche; ag site: Valle Toxicity Factor Datasets ARGENTINA
LEAD (elemental) 6.0 µg/dL Blood concentration NR Not Reported 136 Toxicity Factor Datasets Humboldt USA
TRANS-NONACHLOR Breeding: not detected Unspecified tissue concentration M Not Reported Breeding: 5, non-breeding: 5 Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
ENDOSULFAN I: 0.11, II: 0.19 µg/g ww Feather concentration NR Both Adults and Juveniles 45 Rio Negro Province; rural site: Bariloche; ag site: Valle Toxicity Factor Datasets ARGENTINA
LEAD (elemental) 4 µg/dL Blood concentration NR Not Reported 52 Toxicity Factor Datasets Orange USA
TRANS-NONACHLOR Breeding: 0.20 Unspecified tissue concentration F Not Reported Breeding: 5, non-breeding: 5 Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
DDT (4,4'-) 0.84 µg/g ww Feather concentration NR Both Adults and Juveniles 45 Rio Negro Province; rural site: Bariloche; ag site: Valle Toxicity Factor Datasets ARGENTINA
LEAD (elemental) 15 µg/dL Blood concentration NR Not Reported 34 Toxicity Factor Datasets Mendocino USA
TOXAPHENE (POLYCHLORINATED CAMPHENES) Breeding: not detected Unspecified tissue concentration M Not Reported Breeding: 1, non-breeding: 5 Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
DDE (4,4'-) 0.39 µg/g ww Feather concentration NR Both Adults and Juveniles 45 Rio Negro Province; rural site: Bariloche; ag site: Valle Toxicity Factor Datasets ARGENTINA
LEAD (elemental) 7 µg/dL Blood concentration NR Not Reported 39 Toxicity Factor Datasets Mendocino USA
ENDRIN Breeding: not detected Unspecified tissue concentration M Not Reported Breeding: 1, non-breeding: 5 Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
DDD (4,4'-) 0.19 µg/g ww Feather concentration NR Both Adults and Juveniles 45 Rio Negro Province; rural site: Bariloche; ag site: Valle Toxicity Factor Datasets ARGENTINA
LEAD (elemental) 14 µg/dL Blood concentration NR Not Reported 38 Toxicity Factor Datasets Monterey USA
ENDRIN Breeding: 0.11 ppm Unspecified tissue concentration F Not Reported Breeding: 5, non-breeding: 5 Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
ORGANOCHLORINES 7.38 µg/g ww Feather concentration NR Both Adults and Juveniles 45 Rio Negro Province; rural site: Bariloche; ag site: Valle Toxicity Factor Datasets ARGENTINA
LEAD (elemental) 6 µg/dL Blood concentration NR Not Reported 33 Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
HEXACHLOROBENZENE Breeding: not detected Unspecified tissue concentration M Not Reported Breeding: 1, non-breeding: 5 Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
Baseline: 598, 3 hr: 258, 24 hr: 492 mUnits/mL Blood plasma cholinesterase activity NR Adult 2 Pettigrew Science Center, Griffiths Park Toxicity Factor Datasets Los Angeles USA
MERCURY (elemental) 11.3 µg/dL Blood concentration NR Not Reported 137 Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
PCB Breeding: not detected, non-breeding: 0.57 ppm Unspecified tissue concentration M Not Reported Breeding: 1, non-breeding: 5 Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
Increased Plasma concentration B Adult 11 The Center for Birds of Prey Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
COPPER (elemental) 19.0 µg/dL Blood concentration NR Not Reported 126 Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
CYANIDE, SODIUM Dose analyzed immediately: 17, Dose stored 45 days: 21 m Time to death NR Adult 2 Patuxent Wildlife Research Center Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
LEAD (elemental) 0.11-0.60 µg/g Liver concentration B Adult 5 Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
ZINC (elemental) 168.0 µg/dL Blood concentration NR Not Reported 126 Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
CYANIDE, SODIUM Dose analyzed immediately: 2.3, Dose stored 45 days: 11 ppm Blood concentration 2 Patuxent Wildlife Research Center Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
CADMIUM (elemental) 0.86 µg/g dw Liver concentration NR Not Reported 14 Chanaral, Atacama region Toxicity Factor Datasets CHILE
DDE (4,4'-) Breeding: 14 ppm, non-breeding: 2.9 Unspecified tissue concentration M Not Reported Breeding: 1, non-breeding: 5 Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
CYANIDE, SODIUM Dose analyzed immediately: 0.02, Dose stored 45 days: 1.2 ppm Liver concentration 2 Patuxent Wildlife Research Center Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
CADMIUM (elemental) 1.05 µg/g dw Kidney concentration NR Not Reported 14 Chanaral, Atacama region Toxicity Factor Datasets CHILE


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OEHHA California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment