Enhydra lutris (Sea Otter)

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Displaying 127 data points

Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type California Counties Countries
MERCURY (elemental) See citation Figure 4 Eggshell concentration B Embryo NR Contaminated site: Cartagena Bay, Reference site: Totumo Marsh Toxicity Factor Datasets COLUMBIA
PCB 2.49 µg/g ww Egg concentration NR Embryo 5 Mallard Slough Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
BORON COMPOUNDS BI-89: 0.408, WM-89: 0.395, WM-91: 0.859, SW-91: 1.29 µg/g ww Egg concentration NR Embryo 5 Bair Island, WM: West Marin Island, SW: South Wilbur Flood Area Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
COPPER (elemental) 0.93 µg/g ww Egg concentration B Embryo 4 Lower Laguna Madre Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
MERCURY (elemental) Increased Liver concentration NR Nestling 0.16 µg/g fw group: 5, 0.39 µg/g fw group: 7 Wild collected eggs from Pinkey Castle Island, Charleston Harbor Toxicity Factor Datasets Lab USA
OXYCHLORDANE Not detected Brain concentration NR Nestling 10 Mangrove estuary, west coast of Everglades National Park Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
CHROMIUM (elemental) Trace Feather concentration NR Adult 36 Clear Lake Toxicity Factor Datasets Lake USA
LEAD (elemental) See citation Figure 3 Delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase activity NR Not Reported 8 Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
PCB 1982: 3.32, 1989: 1.23, 1990: 5.38 µg/g ww Egg concentration NR Embryo 1982: 10, 1989: 5, 1990: 5 Bair Island Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
BARIUM (elemental) BI-89: 0.259, WM-89: 0.351, SW-91: 0.823 µg/g ww Egg concentration NR Embryo 5 Bair Island, WM: West Marin Island, SW: South Wilbur Flood Area Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
IRON (elemental) 14.6 µg/g ww Egg concentration B Embryo 4 Lower Laguna Madre Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
MERCURY (elemental) Increased Breast feather concentration NR Nestling 0.16 µg/g fw group: 5, 0.39 µg/g fw group: 7 Wild collected eggs from Pinkey Castle Island, Charleston Harbor Toxicity Factor Datasets Lab USA
HEPTACHLOR EPOXIDE Not detected Brain concentration NR Nestling 10 Mangrove estuary, west coast of Everglades National Park Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
IRON (elemental) 588 µg/g Feather concentration NR Adult 36 Clear Lake Toxicity Factor Datasets Lake USA
LEAD (elemental) See citation Figure 3 Erythrocyte protoporphryin activity NR Not Reported 8 Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
MERCURY COMPOUNDS 2002: 2.41, 2003: 2.04, 2004: 1.66 g Brain weight NR Nestling 2002: 2, 2003: 7, 2004: 5 Lahontan Reservoir Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
PCB 1989: 2.19, 1990: 0.792, 1991: 1.55 Egg concentration NR Embryo 5 W. Marin Island Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
CHROMIUM (elemental) BI-89: 0.849, WM-89: 0.813 µg/g ww Egg concentration NR Embryo 5 Bair Island, WM: West Marin Island, SW: South Wilbur Flood Area Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
MAGNESIUM COMPOUNDS 89 µg/g ww Egg concentration B Embryo 4 Lower Laguna Madre Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
LEAD (elemental) 0.26 µg/g ww Liver concentration NR Nestling 5 Mangrove estuary, west coast of Everglades National Park Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
TRANS-NONACHLOR Not detected Brain concentration NR Nestling 10 Mangrove estuary, west coast of Everglades National Park Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
NICKEL (elemental) Trace Feather concentration NR Adult 36 Clear Lake Toxicity Factor Datasets Lake USA
LEAD (elemental) See citation Figure 3 Hematocrit NR Not Reported 8 Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
MERCURY COMPOUNDS 2002: 2.34, 2003: 2.36, 2004: 2.32 g Brain weight NR Nestling 2002: 9, 2003: 7, 2004: 5 Humboldt River Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
PCB 0.185 µg/g ww Egg concentration NR Embryo 5 S. Wilbur Flood Area Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
COPPER (elemental) BI-89: 7.16, WM-89: 7.10, WM-91: 7.12, SW-91: 6.21 µg/g ww Egg concentration NR Embryo 5 Bair Island, WM: West Marin Island, SW: South Wilbur Flood Area Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
MANGANESE COMPOUNDS 0.46 µg/g ww Egg concentration B Embryo 4 Lower Laguna Madre Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
COPPER (elemental) 21 µg/g ww Liver concentration NR Nestling 5 Mangrove estuary, west coast of Everglades National Park Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
DDE (4,4'-) 0.05 µg/g ww Brain concentration NR Nestling 10 Mangrove estuary, west coast of Everglades National Park Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
ZINC (elemental) 179 µg/g Feather concentration NR Adult 36 Clear Lake Toxicity Factor Datasets Lake USA
MERCURY (elemental) 73.8 ppm Liver concentration NR Not Reported 3 Wabigoon-English River area, NW Ontario Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
MERCURY COMPOUNDS 2002: 2.70, 2003: 3.06, 2004: 2.40 µg/g ww Liver concentration NR Nestling 2002: 9, 2003: 7, 2004: 5 Lahontan Reservoir Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
DDE (4,4'-) 0.925 µg/g ww Egg concentration NR Embryo 5 Mallard Slough Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
IRON (elemental) BI-89: 119.0, WM-89: 121.0, WM-91: 135.0, SW-91: 141.0 µg/g ww Egg concentration NR Embryo 5 Bair Island, WM: West Marin Island, SW: South Wilbur Flood Area Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
STRONTIUM 1.25 µg/g ww Egg concentration B Embryo 4 Lower Laguna Madre Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
CADMIUM (elemental) 0.08 µg/g ww Liver concentration NR Nestling 5 Mangrove estuary, west coast of Everglades National Park Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
LEAD (elemental) 23.02 mg/kg Femur concentration NR Not Reported 10 Chesterfield County Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
ARSENIC (elemental) Trace Feather concentration NR Adult 36 Clear Lake Toxicity Factor Datasets Lake USA
MERCURY (elemental) 96.7 ppm Liver concentration NR Not Reported 2 Wabigoon-English River area, NW Ontario Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
MERCURY COMPOUNDS 2002: 0.82, 2003: 0.86, 2004: 0.76 µg/g ww Liver concentration NR Nestling 2002: 9, 2003: 7, 2004: 5 Humboldt River Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
DDE (4,4'-) 1982: 2.04, 1989: 1.71, 1990: 1.88 µg/g ww Egg concentration NR Embryo 1982: 10, 1989: 5, 1990: 5 Bair Island Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
MAGNESIUM COMPOUNDS BI-89: 549, WM-89: 623, WM-91: 597, SW-91: 643 µg/g ww Egg concentration NR Embryo 5 Bair Island, WM: West Marin Island, SW: South Wilbur Flood Area Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
ZINC (elemental) 9.5 µg/g ww Egg concentration B Embryo 4 Lower Laguna Madre Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
HEXACHLOROBENZENE Not detected Brain concentration NR Nestling 4 Lake Okeechobee Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
LEAD (elemental) 0.55 mg/kg Liver concentration NR Not Reported 10 Chesterfield County Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
SELENIUM (elemental) 0.94 µg/g Feather concentration NR Adult 36 Clear Lake Toxicity Factor Datasets Lake USA
MERCURY (elemental) 17.4 ppm Breast muscle concentration NR Not Reported 2 Wabigoon-English River area, NW Ontario Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
METHYLMERCURY 2002: 2.35, 2003: 2.63, 2004: 2.01 µg/g ww Liver concentration NR Nestling 2002: 9, 2003: 7, 2004: 5 Lahontan Reservoir Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
DDE (4,4'-) 1989: 1.86, 1990: 0.824, 1991: 1.17 µg/g ww Egg concentration NR Embryo 5 W. Marin Island Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
MANGANESE COMPOUNDS BI-89: 2.43, WM-89: 3.07, WM-91: 4.54, SW-91: 2.43 µg/g ww Egg concentration NR Embryo 5 Bair Island, WM: West Marin Island, SW: South Wilbur Flood Area Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
DDE (4,4'-) 0.249 µg/g ww Egg concentration B Embryo 4 Lower Laguna Madre Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
OXYCHLORDANE 0.04 µg/g ww Brain concentration NR Nestling 4 Lake Okeechobee Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
LEAD (elemental) 23.21 mg/kg Femur concentration NR Not Reported 10 Chesterfield County Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
BROMINE COMPOUNDS 7.37 µg/g Feather concentration NR Adult 36 Clear Lake Toxicity Factor Datasets Lake USA
CHROMIUM (elemental) Vane 1: 4.7, Vane 2: 2.7, rachis 1: 0.32, rachis 2: 0.61 µg/g Feather concentration; flight left 1⁰ NR Adult 1 Frontenac, Eastern Ontario Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
METHYLMERCURY 2002: 0.68, 2003: 0.74, 2004: 0.59 µg/g ww Liver concentration NR Nestling 2002: 9, 2003: 7, 2004: 5 Humboldt River Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
DDE (4,4'-) 3.01 µg/g ww Egg concentration NR Embryo 5 S. Wilbur Flood Area Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
MOLYBDENUM BI-89:0.778, WM-89: 0.884, WM-91: 0.617, SW-91: 0.616 µg/g ww Egg concentration NR Embryo 5 Bair Island, WM: West Marin Island, SW: South Wilbur Flood Area Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
PCB 0.078 µg/g ww Egg concentration B Embryo 4 Lower Laguna Madre Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
HEPTACHLOR EPOXIDE 0.04 µg/g ww Brain concentration NR Nestling 4 Lake Okeechobee Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
LEAD (elemental) 0.50 mg/kg Liver concentration NR Not Reported 10 Chesterfield County Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
Trace Feather concentration NR Adult 36 Clear Lake Toxicity Factor Datasets Lake USA
CHROMIUM (elemental) Vane 1: 4.6, Vane 2: 2.7, rachis 1: 0.75, rachis 2: 0.50 µg/g Feather concentration; flight right 1⁰ NR Adult 1 Frontenac, Eastern Ontario Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
MERCURY COMPOUNDS 2002: 1.87, 2003: 2.46, 2004: 1.78 µg/g ww Kidney concentration NR Nestling 2002: 9, 2003: 7, 2004: 5 Lahontan Reservoir Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
MS-90: 0.0092, BI-89: 0.0168, BI-09: 0.0342, WM-89: not detected, WM-90: not detected, WM-91: 0.0264, SW-91: 0.0120 µg/g ww Egg concentration NR Embryo 5 MS: Mallard Slough, Bair Island, WM: West Marin Island, SW: South Wilbur Flood Area Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
STRONTIUM BI-89: 5.01, WM-89: 6.65, WM-91: 6.02, SW-91: 5.71 µg/g ww Egg concentration NR Embryo 5 Bair Island, WM: West Marin Island, SW: South Wilbur Flood Area Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
PCB See citation Figure 2 Egg concentration; congener pattern B Embryo 4 Lower Laguna Madre Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
TRANS-NONACHLOR 0.03 µg/g ww Brain concentration NR Nestling 4 Lake Okeechobee Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
LEAD (elemental) 0.58 mg/kg Kidney concentration NR Not Reported 10 Chesterfield County Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
STRONTIUM 9.24 µg/g Feather concentration NR Adult 36 Clear Lake Toxicity Factor Datasets Lake USA
CHROMIUM (elemental) Vane 1: 4.6, Vane 2: 3.0, rachis 1: 0.25, rachis 2: 0.57 µg/g Feather concentration; flight left 2⁰ NR Adult 1 Frontenac, Eastern Ontario Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
MERCURY COMPOUNDS 2002: 0.61, 2003: 0.64, 2004: 0.55 µg/g ww Kidney concentration NR Nestling 2002: 9, 2003: 7, 2004: 5 Humboldt River Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
OXYCHLORDANE MS-90: 0.0355, BI-82: 0.109, BI-89: 0.0153, BI-90: 0.0549, WM-89: 0.0241, WM-90: 0.0306, WM-91: 0.0204, SW-91: 0.0167 µg/g ww Egg concentration NR Embryo BI-82: 10, others: 5 MS: Mallard Slough, Bair Island, WM: West Marin Island, SW: South Wilbur Flood Area Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
ZINC (elemental) BI-89: 53.6, WM-89: 57.8, WM-91: 51.5, SW-91: 52.3 µg/g ww Egg concentration NR Embryo 5 Bair Island, WM: West Marin Island, SW: South Wilbur Flood Area Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
MERCURY (elemental) See citation Figure 2 Egg morphometrics B Embryo NR Contaminated site: Cartagena Bay, Reference site: Totumo Marsh Toxicity Factor Datasets COLUMBIA
DDE (4,4'-) 0.95 µg/g ww Brain concentration NR Nestling 4 Lake Okeechobee Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
LEAD (elemental) 0.11 mg/kg Thigh muscle concentration NR Not Reported 10 Chesterfield County Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
MERCURY (elemental) 1.26 µg/g Feather concentration NR Adult 36 Clear Lake Toxicity Factor Datasets Lake USA
CHROMIUM (elemental) Vane 1:1.9, Vane 2: 2.1, rachis 1: 0.27, rachis 2: 0.31 µg/g Feather concentration; flight right 2⁰ NR Adult 1 Frontenac, Eastern Ontario Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
METHYLMERCURY 2002: 1.65, 2003: 1.90, 2004: 1.47 µg/g ww Kidney concentration NR Nestling 2002: 9, 2003: 7, 2004: 5 Lahontan Reservoir Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
HEPTACHLOR EPOXIDE MS-90: 0.0160, BI-82: not detected, BI-89: 0.0170, BI-90: 0.0242, WM-89: 0.0151, WM-90: 0.0132, WM-91: 0.0146, SW-91: 0.0110 µg/g ww Egg concentration NR Embryo BI-82: 10, others: 5 MS: Mallard Slough, Bair Island, WM: West Marin Island, SW: South Wilbur Flood Area Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
PERFLUOROOCTANESULFONIC ACID (PFSA) 256 ng/g ww Liver concentration NR Not Reported 2 Naples Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
MERCURY (elemental) See citation Figure 4 Egg concentration B Embryo NR Contaminated site: Cartagena Bay, Reference site: Totumo Marsh Toxicity Factor Datasets COLUMBIA
HEXACHLOROBENZENE Not detected Brain concentration NR Nestling 2 Central Everglades Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
LEAD (elemental) 0.11 mg/kg Breast muscle concentration NR Not Reported 10 Chesterfield County Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
LEAD (elemental) 1.61 µg/g Feather concentration NR Adult 36 Clear Lake Toxicity Factor Datasets Lake USA
CHROMIUM (elemental) Vane 1: 3.7, vane 2: 1.4, rachis 1: 0.25, rachis 2: 0.26 µg/g Tail concentration NR Adult 1 Frontenac, Eastern Ontario Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
METHYLMERCURY 2002: 0.52, 2003: 0.57, 2004: 0.50 µg/g ww Kidney concentration NR Nestling 2002: 9, 2003: 7, 2004: 5 Humboldt River Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
TRANS-NONACHLOR MS-90: 0.0744, BI-82: 0.151, BI-89: 0.0290, BI-90: 0.166, WM-89: 0.0657, WM-90: 0.0677, WM-91: 0.0352, SW-91: 0.366 µg/g ww Egg concentration NR Embryo BI-82: 10, others: 5 MS: Mallard Slough, Bair Island, WM: West Marin Island, SW: South Wilbur Flood Area Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
PERFLUOROOCTANESULFONIC ACID (PFSA) 43 ng/g ww Liver concentration NR Not Reported 1 Bonita Springs Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
MERCURY (elemental) Median: 922.5, geometric mean: 806.5 ng/g Feather concentration NR Nestling 21 Birama Swamp Toxicity Factor Datasets CUBA
OXYCHLORDANE Not detected Brain concentration NR Nestling 2 Central Everglades Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
BRODIFACOUM Bird 1: 24, bird 2: 190 µg/kg Nontarget poisoning NR Fledgling 2 Toxicity Factor Datasets
LEAD (elemental) Increased Liver concentration NR Not Reported 8 Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
ARSENIC (elemental) Vane 1: 0.22, Vane 2: 0.20, rachis 1: 0.089, rachis 2: 0.0077 µg/g Feather concentration; flight left 1⁰ NR Adult 1 Frontenac, Eastern Ontario Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
MERCURY COMPOUNDS 2002: 0.93, 2003: 0.93, 2004: 0.70 µg/g ww Brain concentration NR Nestling 2002: 9, 2003: 7, 2004: 5 Lahontan Reservoir Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
CIS-NONACHLOR MS-90: 0.0233, BI-82: 0.103, BI-89: not detected, BI-90: 0.114, WM-91: not detected, SW-91: not detected µg/g ww Egg concentration NR Embryo BI-82: 10, others: 5 MS: Mallard Slough, Bair Island, WM: West Marin Island, SW: South Wilbur Flood Area Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
MERCURY (elemental) 0.07 µg/g ww Egg concentration B Embryo 4 Lower Laguna Madre Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
LEAD (elemental) Median: 279.6, geometric mean: 1116.6 ng/g Feather concentration NR Nestling 21 Birama Swamp Toxicity Factor Datasets CUBA
HEPTACHLOR EPOXIDE Not detected Brain concentration NR Nestling 2 Central Everglades Toxicity Factor Datasets USA


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OEHHA California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment