Athene cunicularia (Burrowing Owl)

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Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia)

Littles, C.J., Williford, D., Skoruppa, M.K., Woodin, M.C. and Hickman, G.C.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries
Dietary Composition Arachnida: 1, Crustacea: <1, Insecta: see citation, Reptilia: 2, Aves: 9, Mammalia: see citation, Other vertebrates: 8 Percent biomass of prey items % NR Not Reported 182 Southern coastal Texas Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Dietary Composition Arachnida: 7, Crustacea: <1, Insecta: see citation, Reptilia: <1, Aves: <1, Mammalia: see citation, Other vertebrates: <1 Percent count of prey items % NR Not Reported 182 Southern coastal Texas Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Williford, D.L., Woodin, M.C., Skoruppa, M.K. and Hickman, G.C.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries
Dietary Composition Baiomys taylori: 16, Reithrodontomys fulvescens: 11, Peromyscus: 7,
Cryptotis parva: 6,
Mus musculus: 6, Perognathus merriami: 3, Sigmodon hispidus: 1
Percent frequency of occurrence of mammalian species in pellets % NR Not Reported 182 Southern Texas Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries
Dietary Composition See citation Table 1 Vertebrate prey types by land-cover type M Adult 18 Between Alberta and Saskatchewan Exposure Factor Datasets CANADA
York, M.M., Rosenberg, D.K. and Sturm, K.K.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type California Counties Countries
Dietary Composition Aranedia: 31.5, Coloptera: 51.9, Dermaptera: 64.8, Isopoda: 3.7, Lepidoptera: 14.8, Orthoptera: 98.2, Rodentia: 3.7, Solipugida: 40.7 Percent frequency of occurrence in stomach contents % NR Not Reported 53 Calipatria State Prison Exposure Factor Datasets Imperial USA
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries
Dietary Composition Mice: 57.0, Insects: 31.6, Petrels 32.9, Auklet: 2.5, Unknown bird: 10.1 Percent frequency of occurrence % NR Not Reported 79 Southeast Farallon Island Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Millsap, B.A. and Bear, C.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Condition Countries
Population Density 6.9 Breeding pairs/sq km B Adult 264 Cape Coral, Lee County Exposure Factor Datasets Breeding USA
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Location Type Countries Error
Survival/ Mortality >60% developed: 0.81, 40-60% developed: 0.62, 20-39% developed: 0.62, <20% developed: 0.81 Estimated percent survival by percent urban housing development % M Adult Cape Coral, Lee County Exposure Factor Datasets USA >60% developed: 0.04, 40-60% developed: 0.05, 20-39% developed: 0.05, <20% developed: 0.04
Survival/ Mortality >60% developed: 0.69, 40-60% developed: 0.52, 20-39% developed: 0.69, <20% developed: 0.69 Estimated percent survival by percent urban housing development % F Adult Cape Coral, Lee County Exposure Factor Datasets USA >60% developed: 0.04, 40-60% developed: 0.06, 20-39% developed: 0.04, <20% developed: 0.04
Survival/ Mortality >60% developed: 0.11, 40-60% developed: 0.28, 20-39% developed: 0.43, <20% developed: 0.18 Estimated percent survival by percent urban housing development % B Juvenile Cape Coral, Lee County Exposure Factor Datasets USA >60% developed: 0.02, 40-60% developed: 0.04, 20-39% developed: 0.08, <20% developed: 0.08
Mrykalo, R.J., Grigione, M.M. and Sarno, R.J.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries
Dietary Composition Insecta: see citation, Arachnida: 8.3, Gastropoda: 1.7, Reptilia: 0, Aves: 0.7, Mammalia: 0.2 Percent frequency of occurrence % NR Not Reported 29 Rutland Ranch, rural habitat Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Dietary Composition Insecta: see citation, Arachnida: 9.1, Gastropoda: 0.8, Reptilia: 1.0, Aves: 2.9, Mammalia: 0.3 Percent frequency of occurrence % NR Not Reported 55 Marco Island, urban habitat Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Nabte, M.J., Pardiñas, U.J. and Saba, S.L.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sample Size Location Type Countries
Dietary Composition Mammals: 20.9, Birds: 0.6, Reptiles: 1.3, Chelicerates: 25.3, Lycosidae: 1.2, Bothriuridae: 24.1, Insects: 51.9 Percent frequency of occurrence % 589 Protected Natural Area Penı´nsula Valde´ s, Chubut, Argentina Exposure Factor Datasets ARGENTINA
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Location Type Condition Countries
Population Density 1991: 32.6, 1993: 19.8, 1994: 17.2, 1997: 2.8, 1998: 5.7, 2000: 4.1 Nests/100 sq km B Adult Hanna, Alberta Exposure Factor Datasets Breeding CANADA
Population Density 1993: 7.2, 1994: 1.9, 1995: 11.6, 1997: 13.5, 1998: 9.7, 1999: 9.7, 2000: 8.7 Nests/100 sq km B Adult Brooks, Alberta Exposure Factor Datasets Breeding CANADA
Hall, D.B., Greger, P.D. and Rosier, J.R.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries
Dietary Composition Invertebrates: 97, Vertebrates: 66 Percent frequency of occurrence % NR Not Reported 426 Nevada Test Site Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Dietary Composition Invertebrates: 95, Vertebrates: 67 Percent frequency of occurrence % NR Not Reported 1631 Nevada Test Site Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Dietary Composition Invertebrates: 100, Vertebrates: 34 Percent frequency of occurrence % NR Not Reported 213 Nevada Test Site Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Dietary Composition Invertebrates: 83, Vertebrates: 67 Percent frequency of occurrence % NR Not Reported 186 Nevada Test Site Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Dietary Composition Invertebrates: 99, Vertebrates: 79 Percent frequency of occurrence % NR Not Reported 806 Nevada Test Site Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sample Size Location Type Countries
Population Density See citation Figure 2 Individuals/100ha 60 Eastern Colorado Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries
Dietary Composition Vertebrates: 362, Arthropods: 233.2 Percent of total prey biomass % NR Not Reported 2 Tall Grass Prairie National Preserve Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Dietary Composition See citation Figure 2 Percent of total prey biomass at different breeding stages % NR Not Reported 2 Tall Grass Prairie National Preserve Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Todd, L.D., Poulin, R.G., Wellicome, T.I. and Brigham, R.M.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries
Survival/ Mortality Fledging: 0.78 [0.68-0.88 (95%)], Dispersal: 0.71 [0.58-0.86 (95% CI)], Pre-migration: 1.00 Interval survival rate % B Juvenile Fledging:64, Dispersal: 49, Pre-migration: 18 Regina Plain, Saskatchewan Exposure Factor Datasets CANADA
Trulio, L.A. and Higgins, P.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Location Type California Counties Countries
Dietary Composition See citation Figure 1 Percent biomass/burrow Exposure Factor Datasets Santa Clara USA
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Location Type Countries
Population Density See citation Table1 Breeding pairs/sq km B Adult Northern Mojave Desert-eastern Sierra Nevada Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Cadena-Ortíz, H., Garzón, C., Villamarín-Cortéz, S., Pozo-Zamora, G.M., Echeverría-Vaca, G., Yánez, J. and Brito-M, J.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Location Type Countries
Dietary Composition Rodentia: 74.9, Reptilia: 0.5, Anura: 3.9, Coleoptera: 12.2, Dermaptera: 0, Hymenoptera: 0.01, Ortoptera: 0.05, Aranea: 8.2, Scorpionida: 0.3, Gastropoda: 0 % total biomass consumed B Not Reported Inter-Andean Valley Exposure Factor Datasets ECUADOR
Gervais, J.A., Hunter, C.M. and Anthony, R.G.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Error
Survival/ Mortality 0.54 Estimated percent survival % F Adult 65 Naval Air Station Lemoore Exposure Factor Datasets 0.12
Survival/ Mortality 0.557 Estimated percent survival % F Adult 63 Naval Air Station Lemoore Exposure Factor Datasets 0.071
Survival/ Mortality 0.575 Estimated percent survival % F Adult 85 Naval Air Station Lemoore Exposure Factor Datasets 0.065
Survival/ Mortality 0.294 Estimated percent survival % F Adult 64 Naval Air Station Lemoore Exposure Factor Datasets 0.053
Survival/ Mortality 0.277 Estimated percent survival % F Juvenile 65 Naval Air Station Lemoore Exposure Factor Datasets 0.1
Survival/ Mortality 0.292 Estimated percent survival % F Juvenile 63 Naval Air Station Lemoore Exposure Factor Datasets 0.056
Survival/ Mortality 0.307 Estimated percent survival % F Juvenile 85 Naval Air Station Lemoore Exposure Factor Datasets 0.053
Survival/ Mortality 0.12 Estimated percent survival % F Juvenile 64 Naval Air Station Lemoore Exposure Factor Datasets 0.025
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Location Type Countries
Dietary Composition Mammals: 71.0, Birds: 1.4, Reptiles: 2.8, Invertebrates: 24.8 % total biomass consumed B Not Reported Pampa del Tamarugal, Atacama Desert Exposure Factor Datasets CHILE
Dietary Composition Mammals: 13.3, Birds: 0.3, Reptiles: 9.1, Invertebrates: 77.4 % frequency B Not Reported Pampa del Tamarugal, Atacama Desert Exposure Factor Datasets CHILE
Dietary Composition Mammals: 25.5, Birds: 7.7, Reptiles: 2.6, Invertebrates: 64.2 % total biomass consumed B Not Reported Pampa del Tamarugal, Atacama Desert Exposure Factor Datasets CHILE
Dietary Composition Mammals: 2.2, Birds: 0.7, Reptiles: 3.9, Invertebrates: 93.1 % frequency B Not Reported Pampa del Tamarugal, Atacama Desert Exposure Factor Datasets CHILE
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type California Counties Countries Error
Foraging Distance 1762 Distance moved from nest post-fledging m F Juvenile 21 El Centro Exposure Factor Datasets Imperial USA 630
Foraging Distance 397 Distance moved from nest post-fledging m M Juvenile 8 El Centro Exposure Factor Datasets Imperial USA 124
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sample Size Location Type Countries
Dietary Composition See citation Table 1 Proporation of frequency of each taxon from pellets (temporal) 35-110 Somuncurá Plateau Protected Area Exposure Factor Datasets ARGENTINA
Ayma, G.R., Kerstupp, A.O., Duarte, A.M., Velasco, A.G. and Rojas, J.I.G.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Location Type Countries
Population Density 2010: 2,026 [1756-2336 (95% CI)] 2011: 2015 [1573-2317 (95% CI)] per 20,529 ha Number of individuals/ha Chihuahuan Desert Exposure Factor Datasets MEXICO
Cavalli, M., Baladrón, A.V., Isacch, J.P., Martínez, G. and Bó, M.S.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries
Dietary Composition See citation Figures 1 & 2 Mean proportion of prey in pellets % NR Not Reported 178 South-eastern coast of Buenos
Aires Province
Exposure Factor Datasets ARGENTINA
Baladrón, A.V., Cavalli, M., Isacch, J.P., Bó, M.S. and Madrid, E.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Description Units Sex Sample Size Location Type Countries Error
Body Weight - Mean 202.4 g B 58 Pampas of Argentina Exposure Factor Datasets ARGENTINA 3
Body Weight - Mean 200.3 g M 11 Pampas of Argentina Exposure Factor Datasets ARGENTINA 4.7
Body Weight - Mean 201.4 g F 33 Pampas of Argentina Exposure Factor Datasets ARGENTINA 3.1
Chandler, S.L., Tietz, J.R., Bradley, R.W. and Trulio, L.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type California Counties Countries
Dietary Composition Rodentia: 27.8, Procellariiformes: 5.3, Charadriiformes: 0.1, Passeriformes: 0.2, Unknown bird: 0.7, Arachnida: 0.4, Orthoptera: 28.1, Dermaptera: 0.2, Coleoptera: 32.3, Lepidoptera: 3.8, Lithobiomorpha: 0.6, Peracarida/amphipoda: 0.3, Isopoda: 0.2, Unknown arthropod: 0.1 Percent of total in pellets % NR Not Reported 679 Southeast Farallon Island Exposure Factor Datasets San Francisco USA
Conway, M., Nadeau, C.P. and Conway, C.J.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type California Counties Condition Countries Error
Clutch or Litter Size 7.4 Number of eggs eggs Embryo 92 Southern portion of the Sonny Bono Salton Sea National Wildlife Refuge Exposure Factor Datasets Imperial Breeding USA 1.9
Morgan Davies, J. and Restani, M.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Condition Countries Error
Survival/ Mortality 0.57 [0.41-0.73 (95% CI)] Juvenile survival NR Juvenile 38 Little Missouri National Grassland Exposure Factor Datasets Post-fledgling USA
Time of Migration or Dispersal 2003: September 2, 2004: August 24 Mean date of mirgration from nest NR Juvenile 38 Little Missouri National Grassland Exposure Factor Datasets Post-fledgling USA 2003: ±3 d, 2004: ±2 d
Baladrón, A.V., Bó, M.S., Bechard, M.J. and Malizia, A.I.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Location Type Countries Error
Population Density 7 Individuals/2850 ha NR Pampas of Argentina Exposure Factor Datasets ARGENTINA 6.5
Population Density See citation Figure 3 Seasonal population changes NR Pampas of Argentina Exposure Factor Datasets ARGENTINA
Gervais, J.A., Rosenberg, D.K. and Anthony, R.G.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type California Counties Countries
Home Range 139 [1-277 (95%CI)] Mean by 95% fixed-kernel ha M Adult 9 Naval Air Station Lemoore Exposure Factor Datasets Fresno USA
Home Range 177 [52-302 (95% CI)] Mean by 100% MCP ha M Adult 11 Naval Air Station Lemoore Exposure Factor Datasets Fresno USA
Home Range 98 [64-132 (95% CI)] Mean by 95% fixed-kernel ha M Adult 19 Naval Air Station Lemoore Exposure Factor Datasets Fresno USA
Home Range 189 [122-256 (95% CI)] Mean by 100% MCP ha M Adult 22 Naval Air Station Lemoore Exposure Factor Datasets Fresno USA
Barclay, J.H., Korfanta, N.M. and Kauffman, M.J.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Location Type California Counties Countries
Population Density See citation Figure 2 Number of pairs (temporal) Managed vegetated areas on
Norman Y. Mineta San Jose International Airport (SJC)
in San Jose< CA
Exposure Factor Datasets Santa Clara USA
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Location Type Countries
Population Density See citation Table 1 Number of individuals/706.5 ha B Adult 946 territories in FL Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Population Density See citation Table 1 Number of individuals/706.5 ha B Juvenile 946 territories in FL Exposure Factor Datasets USA

Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type California Counties Countries
PERFLUOROOCTANE SULFONATE 1244 ng/g ww ± 472 Egg concentration NR Embryo 6 South Bay, San Francisco Bay area, Don Edwards Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
PCB Egg mortality Toxicity Factor Datasets
PERFLUOROOCTANOIC ACID 24.3 ng/g ww ± 3.9 Egg concentration NR Embryo 6 South Bay, San Francisco Bay area, Don Edwards Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
BUTORPHANOL 88.8 % ± 4.8 Bioavailability NR Adult 6 University of California, Davis Toxicity Factor Datasets Lab USA
PERFLUORONONANOIC ACID 30.5 ng/g ww ± 7.8 Egg concentration NR Embryo 6 South Bay, San Francisco Bay area, Don Edwards Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
BUTORPHANOL 1.19 h ± 0.34 Half-life (IV jugular & medial metatarsal veins) NR Adult 6 University of California, Davis Toxicity Factor Datasets Lab USA
PERFLUORODECANOATE 22.9 ng/g ww ± 4.7 Egg concentration NR Embryo 6 South Bay, San Francisco Bay area, Don Edwards Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
BUTORPHANOL 1.79 h ± 1.36 Half-life (IV jugular) NR Adult 6 University of California, Davis Toxicity Factor Datasets Lab USA
PERFLUOROUNDECANOATE 7.84 ng/g ww ± 1.40 Egg concentration NR Embryo 6 South Bay, San Francisco Bay area, Don Edwards Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
BUTORPHANOL 1.84 h ± 1.56 Half-life (IM) NR Adult 6 University of California, Davis Toxicity Factor Datasets Lab USA
PERFLUOROHEXANOATE 4.44 ng/g ww ± 1.76 Egg concentration NR Embryo 6 Central Bay, San Francisco Bay area, Richmond Bridge Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
BRODIFACOUM 0.057 mg/kg ww Liver concentration NR Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
PERFLUOROOCTANE SULFONATE 123 ng/g ww ± 32 Egg concentration NR Embryo 6 Central Bay, San Francisco Bay area, Richmond Bridge Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
PERFLUOROOCTANOIC ACID 5.92 ng/g ww Egg concentration NR Embryo 6 Central Bay, San Francisco Bay area, Richmond Bridge Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
PERFLUORONONANOIC ACID 3.81 ng/g ww ± 0.87 Egg concentration NR Embryo 6 Central Bay, San Francisco Bay area, Richmond Bridge Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
PERFLUORODECANOATE 8.9ng/g ww ± 4.6 Egg concentration NR Embryo 6 Central Bay, San Francisco Bay area, Richmond Bridge Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
PERFLUOROUNDECANOATE 7.17 ng/g ww ± 3.55 Egg concentration NR Embryo 6 Central Bay, San Francisco Bay area, Richmond Bridge Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
PERFLUOROOCTANOIC ACID 2.70 ng/g ww Egg concentration NR Embryo 6 North Bay, San Francisco Bay area, Wheeler Island Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
PERFLUOROOCTANE SULFONATE 84 ng/g ww ± 11 Egg concentration NR Embryo 6 North Bay, San Francisco Bay area, Wheeler Island Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
PERFLUORONONANOIC ACID 7.04 ng/g ww ± 1.35 Egg concentration NR Embryo 6 North Bay, San Francisco Bay area, Wheeler Island Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
PERFLUORONONANOIC ACID 5.90 ng/g ww ± 1.78 Egg concentration NR Embryo 6 North Bay, San Francisco Bay area, Wheeler Island Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
PERFLUORODECANOATE 8.4 ng/g ww ± 2.7 Egg concentration NR Embryo 6 North Bay, San Francisco Bay area, Wheeler Island Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
PERFLUORODECANOATE 9.52 ng/g ww ± 2.60 Egg concentration NR Embryo 6 North Bay, San Francisco Bay area, Wheeler Island Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
PERFLUOROUNDECANOATE 7.15 ng/g ww ± 2.56 Egg concentration NR Embryo 6 North Bay, San Francisco Bay area, Wheeler Island Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
PERFLUOROUNDECANOATE 4.00 ng/g ww ± 1.02 Egg concentration NR Embryo 6 North Bay, San Francisco Bay area, Wheeler Island Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
PERFLUOROHEXANOATE 25.2 ng/g ww ± 13.2 Egg concentration NR Embryo 6 South Bay, San Francisco Bay area, Don Edwards Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
PCB Review Ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase induction Toxicity Factor Datasets
PERFLUOROOCTANOIC ACID 7.91 ng/g ww ± 2.47 Egg concentration NR Embryo 6 South Bay, San Francisco Bay area, Don Edwards Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
MERCURY COMPOUNDS 134.8 µg/g ww Liver concentration B Adult 6 Churchill County, contaminated sites Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
PERFLUORONONANOIC ACID 13.4 ng/g ww ± 3.2 Egg concentration NR Embryo 6 South Bay, San Francisco Bay area, Don Edwards Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
MERCURY COMPOUNDS 69.36 µg/g ww Kidney concentration B Adult 6 Churchill County, contaminated sites Toxicity Factor Datasets
PERFLUORODECANOATE 22.0 ng/g ww ± 3.6 Egg concentration NR Embryo 6 South Bay, San Francisco Bay area, Don Edwards Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
MERCURY COMPOUNDS 11.26 µg/g ww Brain concentration B Adult 6 Churchill County, contaminated sites Toxicity Factor Datasets
PERFLUOROUNDECANOATE 8.91 ng/g ww ± 0.41 Egg concentration NR Embryo 6 South Bay, San Francisco Bay area, Don Edwards Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
MERCURY COMPOUNDS 17.14 µg/g ww Blood concentration B Adult 6 Churchill County, contaminated sites Toxicity Factor Datasets
PERFLUOROHEXANOATE 2.84 ng/g ww ± 0.14 Egg concentration NR Embryo 6 Central Bay, San Francisco Bay area, Richmond Bridge Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
MERCURY COMPOUNDS 17.96 µg/g ww Liver concentration B Adult 6 Elko County, reference site Toxicity Factor Datasets
PERFLUOROOCTANE SULFONATE 280 ng/g ww ± 364 Egg concentration NR Embryo 6 Central Bay, San Francisco Bay area, Richmond Bridge Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
MERCURY COMPOUNDS 8.80 µg/g ww Kidney concentration B Adult 3 Elko County, reference site Toxicity Factor Datasets
PERFLUORONONANOIC ACID 5.19 ng/g ww Egg concentration NR Embryo 6 Central Bay, San Francisco Bay area, Richmond Bridge Toxicity Factor Datasets USA


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OEHHA California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment