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Chemical | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Tox Exposure | Toxicity Endpoint Type | Tox Exposure Duration | Tox Exposure Technique | Type |
CRUDE OILS | decrease | plasma prolactin levels during oviposition, early incubation and post-natal care | Female | Adult | 5-12/dose | control, 3 ml South Louisiana crude oil/100 g diet, dry weight | TOX-REPRO - physiology | 96 d | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
Chemical | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Tox Exposure | Toxicity Endpoint Type | Tox Exposure Duration | Tox Exposure Technique | Type |
LINDANE | decrease @ 20 mg/kg 7x and 3x/wk | egg production and vitellogenin concentration in plasma, liver and ovary | Female | Adult | 5/dose | control, 20 mg/kg given 7x, 3x or 2x/wk | TOX-REPRO - physiology | 8 wks | gavage | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
LINDANE | no effect | body weight at end of study | Female | Adult | 5/dose | control, 20 mg/kg given 7x, 3x or 2x/wk | TOX-Non-Repro-Sublethal - whole animal | 8 wks | gavage | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
Chemical | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Tox Exposure | Toxicity Endpoint Type | Tox Exposure Duration | Tox Exposure Technique | Type |
DIELDRIN | 0.3 ug/g dry wt. @ 0 ppm; 0.9 - 5.0 @ 1 ppm; 4.1 - 40.1 @ 5ppm; 6.1 - 78.5 @ 10 ppm | dieldrin concentrations in egg dry matter ranging from 0-14 d to 330 - 343 d sampling periods at 4 dietary doses | Female | Adult | 18/dose | 0, 1, 5, 10 mg/kg diet | TOX-EXP IND - accumulation | 343 d | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
Chemical | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Tox Exposure | Toxicity Endpoint Type | Tox Exposure Duration | Tox Exposure Technique | Type |
DDT (Technical Grade Mixture) | decrease @ 20 - 200 ppm | eggshell thickness, weight and calcium concentration | Female | Adult | 18/dose | 0, 2, 20, 200 mg/kg | TOX-REPRO - physiology | 343 d | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
DDT (Technical Grade Mixture) | increase @ 200 ppm | Female | Adult | 18/dose | 0, 2, 20, 200 mg/kg | TOX-MORT - dose-response data | 343 d | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets | |
DDT (4,4'-) | decrease @ 20 - 200 ppm | eggshell thickness, weight and calcium concentration | Female | Adult | 18/dose | 0, 2, 20, 200 mg/kg | TOX-REPRO - physiology | 343 d | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
DIELDRIN | 6% decrease @ 10 ppm | eggshell thickness | Female | Adult | 18/dose | 0, 1, 5, 10 mg/kg | TOX-REPRO - physiology | 343 d | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
Chemical | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Tox Exposure | Toxicity Endpoint Type | Tox Exposure Duration | Tox Exposure Technique | Type |
DIELDRIN | increase @ 10-20 ug/g | estradiol metabolism and cytochrome P450 concentration | Female | Adult | 4/dose/sampling time | 0, 10, 20 ug/g diet | TOX-REPRO - physiology | 58 d | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
DIELDRIN | no effect | body or liver weight at end of experiment | Female | Adult | 4/dose/sampling time | 0, 10, 20 ug/g diet | TOX-Non-Repro-Sublethal - whole animal | 58 d | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
DDT (4,4'-) | no effect | body weight at end of experiment | Female | Adult | 4/dose/sampling time | 0, 100, 200 ug/g diet | TOX-Non-Repro-Sublethal - whole animal | 58 d | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
DDT (4,4'-) | increase @ 100-200 ug/g | estradiol metabolism and cytochrome P450 concentration | Female | Adult | 4/dose/sampling time | 0, 100, 200 ug/g diet | TOX-REPRO - physiology | 58 d | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
Chemical | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Tox Exposure | Toxicity Endpoint Type | Tox Exposure Duration | Tox Exposure Technique | Type |
DDT (Technical Grade Mixture) | see citation | table of DDE, DDD and DDT residues in 21 tissues following varying times after application | Not Reported | Not Reported | Sandusky Bay, Port Clinton | 1-6/sample | 0.2 lb/acre | TOX-EXP IND - accumulation | 0-413 d | field application | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
Chemical | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Tox Exposure | Toxicity Endpoint Type | Tox Exposure Duration | Tox Exposure Technique | Type |
DDE (4,4'-) | 36-67% decrease @ 10-1000 ppm | salt gland excretion volume, compared to controls | Male | Not Reported | 12/dose | 0, 10, 100, 1000 mg/kg diet | TOX-Non-Repro-Sublethal - cellular/biochemical effects | 1-9 d | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
Chemical | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Tox Exposure | Toxicity Endpoint Type | Tox Exposure Duration | Tox Exposure Technique | Type |
RADIONUCLIDES | 131I 10d; 140Ba 22d; 51Cr 86d; 58Co 32d; 75Se 26d; 65Zn 67d; 134Cs 10d; 60Co 67d; 137Cs 11 d | mean biological half-lives for whole-body retention of 9 radionuclides; ducks exposed in field for varying time periods then depurated in laboratory to determine half-life | Both Male and Female | Not Reported | Idaho National Engineering Lab | 4-6/sample | see citation for figure of whole-body residues at time 0 | TOX-EXP IND - accumulation | 75 - 145 d | site contamination | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
Chemical | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Tox Exposure | Toxicity Endpoint Type | Tox Exposure Duration | Tox Exposure Technique | Type |
ENDRIN | see citation | figures of carcass and blood endrin concentrations during elimination period (0-64d) | Male | Adult | 2-5/sample | 0, 20 mg/kg diet | TOX-EXP IND - accumulation | 13 d | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
Chemical | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Tox Exposure | Toxicity Endpoint Type | Tox Exposure Duration | Tox Exposure Technique | Type |
DDE (4,4'-) | no effect | behavior of offspring; latency in response to approach a maternal call and distance travelled from a frightening stimulus | Female | Adult | 4 adults/dose; 141-175 offspring/dose | 0, 3 mg/kg diet (adults) | TOX-REPRO - behavior | 3-6 mo | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
DDE (4,4'-) | 0.021 - 0.028 ppm wet wt @ 0 ppm; 5.8 (0.32 SE; range 4.28-7.23) ppm wet wt @ 3 ppm | mean and range of DDE egg concentrations | Female | Adult | 8 eggs/dose | 0, 3 mg/kg diet | TOX-EXP IND - accumulation | 3-6 mo | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
DDE (4,4'-) | increase @ 3 ppm | responsiveness of offspring to maternal call; % that approached call and % that spent 100% of time near call after initial approach | Female | Adult | 4 adults/dose; 148-156 offspring/dose | 0, 3 mg/kg diet (adults) | TOX-REPRO - behavior | 3-6 mo | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
DDE (4,4'-) | decrease @ 3ppm | decrease in distance traveled in those offspring that traveled more than 10 cm from a frightening stimulus | Female | Adult | 4 adults/dose; 64-71 offspring/dose | 0, 3 mg/kg diet (adults) | TOX-REPRO - behavior | 3-6 mo | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
Chemical | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Tox Exposure | Toxicity Endpoint Type | Tox Exposure Duration | Tox Exposure Technique | Type |
LINDANE | 62 lbs AI/acre (slope = 8.13) for exposure of 3d embryo; 52 lbs AI/acre (slope = 9.19) for exposure of 8d embryo | LC50 | Not Reported | Embryo | 30/dose | 3-6 doses (lbs/acre) @ 100 gal emulsifiable concn./acre | TOX-MORT - toxicity benchmarks | single | in ovo, immersion | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
PARAQUAT | 1.5 lbs AI/acre (slope = 1.66) for exposure of 3d embryo; 2.5 lbs AI/acre (slope = 1.40) for exposure of 8d embryo | LC50 | Not Reported | Embryo | 30/dose | 3-6 doses (lbs/acre) @ 100 gal emulsifiable concn. in water/acre | TOX-MORT - toxicity benchmarks | single | in ovo, immersion | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
TOXAPHENE (POLYCHLORINATED CAMPHENES) | 108 lbs AI/acre (slope = 1.62) for exposure of 3d embryo; 101 lbs AI/acre (slope = 3.06) for exposure of 8d embryo | LC50 | Not Reported | Embryo | 30/dose | 3-6 doses (lbs/acre) @ 100 gal emulsifiable concn./acre | TOX-MORT - toxicity benchmarks | single | in ovo, immersion | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
TRICHLOROPHENOXYACETIC ACID (2,4,5-) | 106 lbs AI/acre (slope = 3.7) for exposure of 3d embryo; 116 lbs AI/acre (slope = 3.8) for exposure of 8d embryo | LC50 | Not Reported | Embryo | 30/dose | 3-6 doses (lbs/acre) @ 100 gal emulsifiable concn./acre | TOX-MORT - toxicity benchmarks | single | in ovo, immersion | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
LINDANE | 8.5 lbs AI/acre (slope = 1.34) for exposure of 3d embryo; 7.3 lbs AI/acre (slope = 2.72) for exposure of 8d embryo | LC50 | Not Reported | Embryo | 30/dose | 3-6 doses (lbs/acre) @ 11 gal oil base carrier/acre | TOX-MORT - toxicity benchmarks | single | in ovo, external application | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
PARAQUAT | 0.1 lbs AI/acre (slope = 2.10) for exposure of 3d embryo; 0.2 lbs AI/acre (slope = 3.29) for exposure of 8d embryo | LC50 | Not Reported | Embryo | 30/dose | 3-6 doses (lbs/acre) @ 11 gal oil base carrier/acre | TOX-MORT - toxicity benchmarks | single | in ovo, external application | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
TOXAPHENE (POLYCHLORINATED CAMPHENES) | 66 lbs AI/acre for exposure of 3d embryo; 66 lbs AI/acre for exposure of 8d embryo | LC50 | Not Reported | Embryo | 30/dose | 3-6 doses (lbs/acre) @ 11 gal oil base carrier/acre | TOX-MORT - toxicity benchmarks | single | in ovo, external application | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
TRICHLOROPHENOXYACETIC ACID (2,4,5-) | 44 lbs AI/acre for exposure of 3d embryo; 44 lbs AI/acre for exposure of 8d embryo | LC50 | Not Reported | Embryo | 30/dose | 3-6 doses (lbs/acre) @ 11 gal oil base carrier/acre | TOX-MORT - toxicity benchmarks | single | in ovo, external application | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
Chemical | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Tox Exposure | Toxicity Endpoint Type | Tox Exposure Duration | Tox Exposure Technique | Type |
DICROTOPHOS | 101.8 (coeff. of variation = 21.6%) | 5 day dietary LC50 | Not Reported | Juvenile | 8-10/dose | 0, 40, 55, 76, 105, 145, 200 ppm diet | TOX-MORT - toxicity benchmarks | 5 days | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
DIELDRIN | 155.8 (coeff. of variation = 16.0%) | 5 day dietary LC50 | Not Reported | Juvenile | 8-10/dose | 0, 75, 93, 116, 145, 180, 225 ppm diet | TOX-MORT - toxicity benchmarks | 5 days | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
DICROTOPHOS | decreased @ 55 and 145 ppm | consumption of treated diet compared with controls | Not Reported | Juvenile | 8-10/dose | 0, 40, 55, 76, 105, 145, 200 ppm diet | TOX-Non-Repro-Sublethal - behavioral effects | 5 days | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
DICROTOPHOS | 506.7 (coeff. of variation = 40.3%) | 5 day dietary LC50 | Not Reported | Juvenile | 8-10/dose | 0, 120, 158, 209, 276, 360 ppm diet | TOX-MORT - toxicity benchmarks | 5 days | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
DIELDRIN | 200.7 (coeff. of variation 22.3%) | 5 day dietary LC50 | Not Reported | Juvenile | 8-10/dose | 0, 100, 132, 173, 228, 300 ppm diet | TOX-MORT - toxicity benchmarks | 5 days | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
Chemical | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Tox Exposure | Toxicity Endpoint Type | Tox Exposure Duration | Tox Exposure Technique | Type |
CHLORPYRIFOS | decreased | body weight compared to controls | Both Male and Female | Adult | 24 pairs/dose | 0, 80 (+/- 10%) ppm | TOX-Non-Repro-Sublethal - whole animal | 19 weeks | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
CHLORPYRIFOS | decreased | brain acetylcholinesterase activity compared to controls | Both Male and Female | Adult | 24 pairs/dose | 0, 80 (+/- 10%) ppm | TOX-Non-Repro-Sublethal - cellular/biochemical effects | 19 weeks | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
CHLORPYRIFOS | decreased | number of eggs produced, egg weight, eggshell thickness compared to controls | Both Male and Female | Adult | 24 pairs/dose | 0, 80 (+/- 10%) ppm | TOX-REPRO - physiology | 19 weeks | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
CHLORPYRIFOS | no effect | fertility and hatchability of eggs, and duckling survival to 14 days | Not Reported | Juvenile | 24 pairs/dose | 0, 80 (+/- 10%) ppm | TOX-REPRO - reproductive success | 19 weeks | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
Chemical | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Tox Exposure | Toxicity Endpoint Type | Tox Exposure Duration | Tox Exposure Technique | Type |
PARATHION | 100% @ 5mg/L | percent mortality | Not Reported | Juvenile | 4-5/dose | 0, 5 mg/L in water of dietary tadpoles (96 hours) | TOX-MORT - dose-response data | single | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
PARATHION | 0.8% @ 5 mg/L | brain acetylcholinesterase activity compared with controls | Not Reported | Juvenile | 4-5/dose | 0, 5 mg/L in water of dietary tadpoles (96 hours) | TOX-Non-Repro-Sublethal - cellular/biochemical effects | single | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
FENTHION | 100% @ 5 mg/L | percent mortality | Not Reported | Juvenile | 4-5/dose | 0, 5 mg/L in water of dietary tadpoles (96 hours) | TOX-MORT - dose-response data | single | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |