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Chemical | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Tox Exposure | Toxicity Endpoint Type | Tox Exposure Duration | Tox Exposure Technique | Type |
AROCLOR 1242 | decrease @ 150 ppm | body weight at 6, 8 and 12 wks of treatment | Female | Adult | 12 pairs/dose | 0, 150 mg/kg diet | TOX-Non-Repro-Sublethal - whole animal | 12 wks | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
AROCLOR 1242 | no effect @ 150 ppm | embryo mortality, # infertile eggs/clutch or # eggs hatched/clutch | Female | Adult | 12 pairs/dose | 0, 150 mg/kg diet | TOX-REPRO - reproductive success | 12 wks | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
AROCLOR 1242 | 8.9% decrease @ 150 ppm | eggshell thickness, compared to control | Female | Adult | 12 pairs/dose | 0, 150 mg/kg diet | TOX-REPRO - physiology | 12 wks | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
AROCLOR 1242 | 105.0 (7.7 SE) mg Aroclor 1260/kg egg @ 150 ppm | PCB concentration in eggs (PCB resembled Aroclor 1260 profile most closely) | Female | Adult | 12 pairs/dose | 0, 150 mg/kg diet | TOX-EXP IND - accumulation | 12 wks | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
AROCLOR 1242 | no effect @ 150 ppm | weight and survival of offspring (exposed in ovo) fed control diet after hatching for 3 wks | Female | Adult | 12 pairs/dose | 0, 150 mg/kg diet | TOX-REPRO - development | 12 wks | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
Chemical | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Tox Exposure | Toxicity Endpoint Type | Tox Exposure Duration | Tox Exposure Technique | Type |
DIELDRIN | no effect | body weight at end of experiment | Not Reported | Juvenile | 12/dose | 0, 0.014, 0.052, 0.118 mg/L | TOX-Non-Repro-Sublethal - whole animal | 34 d | waterborne | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
DIELDRIN | no effect | no mortality observed | Not Reported | Juvenile | 12/dose | 0, 0.014, 0.052, 0.118 mg/L | TOX-MORT - dose-response data | 34 d | waterborne | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
DIELDRIN | 706 - 1,995 | steady state bioconcentration factor for lipid, calculated on a wet weight basis; range for 7 doses | Not Reported | Juvenile | 8-16/dose | 0, 0.014, 0.019, 0.052, 0.075, 0.118, 0.177, 0.193 mg/L | TOX-EXP IND - accumulation | 8-34 d | waterborne | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
DIELDRIN | 178 - 684 | steady state bioconcentration factor for skin, calculated on a wet weight basis; range for 7 doses | Not Reported | Juvenile | 8-16/dose | 0, 0.014, 0.019, 0.052, 0.075, 0.118, 0.177, 0.193 mg/L | TOX-EXP IND - accumulation | 8-34 d | waterborne | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
DIELDRIN | 49 - 163 | steady state bioconcentration factor for liver, calculated on a wet weight basis; range for 7 doses | Not Reported | Juvenile | 8-16/dose | 0, 0.014, 0.019, 0.052, 0.075, 0.118, 0.177, 0.193 mg/L | TOX-EXP IND - accumulation | 8-34 d | waterborne | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
DIELDRIN | 5.5 - 95 | steady state bioconcentration factor for muscle, calculated on a wet weight basis; range for 7 doses | Not Reported | Juvenile | 8-16/dose | 0, 0.014, 0.019, 0.052, 0.075, 0.118, 0.177, 0.193 mg/L | TOX-EXP IND - accumulation | 8-34 d | waterborne | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
DIELDRIN | 165 ug/g diet (100 - 224 ug/g, 95% CI) | 96 hr LC50 | Not Reported | Juvenile | 10/dose | 0, 0.3, 16, 48, 155, 272, 606 ug/g diet | TOX-MORT - toxicity benchmarks | 24 d | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
DIELDRIN | 29.5 ug/g diet (14 - 28 ug/g, 95% CI) | 24-d LC50 | Not Reported | Juvenile | 10/dose | 0, 0.3, 16, 48, 155, 272, 606 ug/g diet | TOX-MORT - toxicity benchmarks | 24 d | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
DIELDRIN | 16.4 ug/g diet | 24-d LOAEL based on growth impairment | Not Reported | Juvenile | 10/dose | 0, 0.3, 16, 48, 155, 272, 606 ug/g diet | TOX-Non-Repro-Sublethal - whole animal | 24 d | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
DIELDRIN | 0.3 ug/g | 24-d NOAEL based on growth impairment | Not Reported | Juvenile | 10/dose | 0, 0.3, 16, 48, 155, 272, 606 ug/g diet | TOX-Non-Repro-Sublethal - whole animal | 24 d | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
DIELDRIN | see citation | figures of tissue dieldrin concentrations at different exposure times and doses | Not Reported | Juvenile | 10/dose | 0, 0.3, 16, 48, 155, 272, 606 ug/g diet | TOX-EXP IND - accumulation | 24 d | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
Chemical | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Tox Exposure | Toxicity Endpoint Type | Tox Exposure Duration | Tox Exposure Technique | Type |
DICOFOL | increase @ 100 ug/g | incidence of cracked and soft shelled eggs | Female | Adult | 4-8/dose | 0, 3, 10, 30, 100 ug/g diet | TOX-REPRO - physiology | 42 d | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
DICOFOL | no effect | egg production during study period | Female | Adult | 4-8/dose | 0, 3, 10, 30, 100 ug/g diet | TOX-REPRO - physiology | 42 d | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
DICOFOL | no effect | body weight at end of study | Female | Adult | 4-8/dose | 0, 3, 10, 30, 100 ug/g diet | TOX-Non-Repro-Sublethal - whole animal | 42 d | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
DICOFOL | no effect | mean daily food consumption rate (169.8 g food/kg body weight) | Female | Adult | 4-8/dose | 0, 3, 10, 30, 100 ug/g diet | TOX-Non-Repro-Sublethal - behavioral effects | 42 d | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
DICOFOL | 2-12% decrease @ 10-100 ug/g | eggshell thickness, compared to controls | Female | Adult | 4-8/dose | 0, 3, 10, 30, 100 ug/g diet | TOX-REPRO - physiology | 42 d | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
DICOFOL | 5.4 (0.3 SE) ug/g wet wt. @ 3 ug/g diet; 18.1 (1.2 SE) @ 10 ug/g diet; 37.1 (1.6 SE) @ 30 ug/g diet; 150.7 (9.9SE) @ 100 ug/g diet, | mean egg yolk concentrations of p,p'-dicofol after 37-42 d on dicofol diet | Female | Adult | 4-8/dose | 0, 3, 10, 30, 100 ug/g diet | TOX-EXP IND - accumulation | 42 d | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
DICOFOL | ST = 1.020 - 0.056C | regression equation relating shell thickness (mm) to log10 yolk concentration (C, ug/g); r2=0.39 | Female | Adult | 100 | 0, 3, 10, 30, 100 ug/g diet | TOX-REPRO - physiology | 42 d | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
DDE (4,4'-) | no effect | egg production during study period | Female | Adult | 5-10/dose | 0, 3, 30, 100 ug/g diet | TOX-REPRO - physiology | 42 d | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
DDE (4,4'-) | no effect | body weight at end of study | Female | Adult | 5-10/dose | 0, 3, 30, 100 ug/g diet | TOX-Non-Repro-Sublethal - whole animal | 42 d | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
DDE (4,4'-) | 2 - 17% decrease @ 3-100 ug/g | eggshell thickness, compared to controls | Female | Adult | 5-10/dose | 0, 3, 30, 100 ug/g diet | TOX-REPRO - physiology | 42 d | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
DDE (4,4'-) | 10.3 (0.9 SE) ug/g wet wt. @ 3 ug/g diet; 91.5 (1.5 SE) @ 30 ug/g diet; 332.0 (26.0 SE) @ 100 ug/g diet | mean egg yolk concentrations after 37-42 d on DDE diet | Female | Adult | 5-10/dose | 0, 3, 30, 100 ug/g diet | TOX-EXP IND - accumulation | 42 d | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
DDE (4,4'-) | ST = 0.986 - 0.060C | regression equation relating shell thickness (mm) to log10 yolk concentration (C, ug/g); r2=0.54 | Female | Adult | 63 | 0, 3, 30, 100 ug/g diet | TOX-REPRO - physiology | 42 d | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
DDE (4,4'-) | no effect | mean daily food consumption rate (166.4 g food/kg body weight) | Female | Adult | 5-10/dose | 0, 3, 30, 100 ug/g diet | TOX-Non-Repro-Sublethal - behavioral effects | 42 d | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
Chemical | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Tox Exposure | Toxicity Endpoint Type | Tox Exposure Duration | Tox Exposure Technique | Type |
CRUDE OILS | increase | length of reproductive cycle; due to prolonged phase of gonadal maturation | Female | Adult | 17 pairs/dose | control, 3 ml South Louisiana crude oil/100 g diet, dry weight | TOX-REPRO - physiology | 96 d | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
CRUDE OILS | no effect | clutch size | Female | Adult | 17 pairs/dose | control, 3 ml South Louisiana crude oil/100 g diet, dry weight | TOX-REPRO - physiology | 96 d | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
CRUDE OILS | decrease | % hatchability (53% @ 3ml/100g vs 71% in controls) | Female | Adult | 17 pairs/dose | control, 3 ml South Louisiana crude oil/100 g diet, dry weight | TOX-REPRO - reproductive success | 96 d | diet | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
Chemical | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Tox Exposure | Toxicity Endpoint Type | Tox Exposure Duration | Tox Exposure Technique | Type |
DIAZINON | 38% | mortality of eggs and nestlings (control 21 %) | Not Reported | Embryo, Nestling | Sherbrooke, Quebec | 9 nests | 500 g active ingred/litre | TOX-MORT - mortality in the field | single | field application | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
Chemical | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Tox Exposure | Toxicity Endpoint Type | Tox Exposure Duration | Tox Exposure Technique | Type |
ALDRIN, DIELDRIN | <0.1 ppm aldrin, 3.8 ppm dieldrin, 0.3 ppm DDT and metabolites, wet wt | post-mortem whole body concentrations | Not Reported | Not Reported | 1 bird | 4 oz aldrin/100 lbs seeds | TOX-EXP IND - accumulation | NR | pesticide application | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
Chemical | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Tox Exposure | Toxicity Endpoint Type | Tox Exposure Duration | Tox Exposure Technique | Type |
ALDRIN | 15-17 mg/kg | median lethal dosage | Not Reported | Not Reported | 21 birds | NR | TOX-MORT - toxicity benchmarks | single | oral | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
DIELDRIN | 44-46 mg/kg | median lethal dosage | Not Reported | Not Reported | 20 birds | NR | TOX-MORT - toxicity benchmarks | single | oral | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
TOXAPHENE (POLYCHLORINATED CAMPHENES) | 200-250 mg/kg | approximate median lethal dosage | Not Reported | Not Reported | 8 birds | NR | TOX-MORT - mortality in the field | single | oral | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
LINDANE | 350-400 mg/kg | approximate median lethal dosage | Not Reported | Not Reported | 21 birds | NR | TOX-MORT - toxicity benchmarks | single | oral | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
Chemical | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Tox Exposure | Toxicity Endpoint Type | Tox Exposure Duration | Tox Exposure Technique | Type |
ALDRIN, DIELDRIN | 6.1 ppm (brain), 10.7 ppm (body remainder) dieldrin, wet wt | post-mortem concentrations | Not Reported | Not Reported | 1 bird | 4 oz aldrin/100 lbs seeds | TOX-EXP IND - accumulation | NR | pesticide application | Toxicity Factor Datasets |
Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sample Size | Tox Exposure | Toxicity Endpoint Type | Tox Exposure Duration | Tox Exposure Technique | Type |
6.3 ppm (brain), 24.0 ppm (organ-muscle composite) dieldrin, wet wt | post-mortem concentrations | 1 bird | 4 oz aldrin/100 lbs seeds | TOX-EXP IND - accumulation | NR | pesticide application | Toxicity Factor Datasets |