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South, F.E., R. H. Luecke, M. L. Zatzman and M. D. Shanklin
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Endpoint Description |
Range |
Units |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Sample Size |
Type |
Body Weight - Mean |
32.6 - 37.0 |
kg |
Female |
Juvenile |
2 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Metabolic Rate |
2.1 |
resting metabolism |
kcal/kg/hr |
Female |
Juvenile |
2 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Matsuura, D. T. and G. C. Whittow
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Endpoint Description |
Error |
Units |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Sample Size |
Type |
Metabolic Rate |
321.4 |
oxygen uptake at rectal temperature of 16.4C. |
23.7 SE |
ml O2/min |
Both Male and Female |
Adult |
3 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Metabolic Rate |
403.7 |
oxygen uptake at rectal temperature of 30.9C. |
36.0 SE |
ml O2/min |
Both Male and Female |
Adult |
3 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Endpoint Description |
Units |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Sample Size |
Type |
Metabolic Rate |
4.2 |
initial defecation time |
hours |
Both Male and Female |
Adult |
3 animals |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Jones, Marvin L.
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Endpoint Description |
Units |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Sample Size |
Type |
Longevity |
28 |
captive longevity record |
yrs |
Not Reported |
Adult |
Not Reported |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Antonelis, George A., Brent S. Stewart and Wayne F. Perryman
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Endpoint Description |
Error |
Units |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Location |
Sample Size |
Type |
Foraging Distance |
54.2 |
32.4 SD |
km |
Female |
Adult |
Adams Cove, San Miguel Island [lat., 34^o01'55"N; long., 120^o26'25" W] |
9 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Dietary Composition |
northern anchovy (65%); Pacific Whiting (52%); market squid (13%) |
% occurrence of most frequent prey in scats |
% |
Female |
Adult |
Adams Cove, San Miguel Island [lat., 34^o01'55"N; long., 120^o26'25" W] |
23 animals |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Scheffer, V. B.
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Description |
Range |
Units |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Sample Size |
Type |
Body Weight - Mean |
neonate weight |
14-17 |
lbs |
Not Reported |
Neonate |
16 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Gates, Luke, Suzanne Tatersall and David Nicholson
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Endpoint Description |
Range |
Units |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Location |
Sample Size |
Type |
Survival/ Mortality |
66 |
mean annual survivorship for animals >30 d |
14-100 |
% |
Not Reported |
Juvenile |
captive in British facilities |
38 births/10 yr |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Lowry, Mark S., Brent S. Stewart, Carolyn B. Heath, Pamela K. Yochem and John M. Francis
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Endpoint Description |
Units |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Location |
Sample Size |
Type |
Dietary Composition |
northern anchovy (50.6%); Pacific whiting (29.3%); jack mackerel (27.9%); rockfish (25.9%); Pacific mackerel (11.3%); unid. fishes (6.6%); market squid (21.9%); octopus (6.4%); squid, Onychoteuthis (4.7%); squid, Abraliopsis (2.2%); pelagic red crab (10.8%) |
% frequency of occurrence of major (>2%) prey in scats |
% |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
San Nicholas Island |
1232 scats |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Oftedal, Olav T., Sara J. Iverson and Daryl J. Boness
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Endpoint Description |
Error |
Range |
Units |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Location |
Sample Size |
Type |
Food Ingestion Rate |
723 |
daily milk intake |
31.0 SE |
g/d |
Male |
Pup |
San Nicolas Island [lat., 33^oW; long., 119^oW] |
24 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Food Ingestion Rate |
609 |
daily milk intake |
24.0 SE |
g/d |
Female |
Pup |
San Nicolas Island [lat., 33^oW; long., 119^oW] |
19 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Body Fat (total or %) |
18.7 |
% |
Male |
Pup |
San Nicolas Island [lat., 33^oW; long., 119^oW] |
1 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Body Fat (total or %) |
19.3 |
% |
Female |
Pup |
San Nicolas Island [lat., 33^oW; long., 119^oW] |
1 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Water Ingestion Rate |
651 |
total daily water intake derived from sum of milk water intake and metabolic water production |
27.9 SE |
g/d |
Male |
Pup |
San Nicolas Island [lat., 33^oW; long., 119^oW] |
24 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Food Ingestion Rate |
daily energy intake estimated from milk intake; range of means for 2 yrs |
2144 - 2636 |
kcal/d |
Male |
Pup |
San Nicolas Island [lat., 33^oW; long., 119^oW] |
5-9/yr |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Food Ingestion Rate |
daily energy intake estimated from milk intake; range of means for 2 yrs |
2032 - 2152 |
kcal/d |
Female |
Pup |
San Nicolas Island [lat., 33^oW; long., 119^oW] |
1-8/yr |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Growth Rate |
daily weight gain; range of means for 2 yrs |
92.4 - 120.6 |
g/d |
Male |
Pup |
San Nicolas Island [lat., 33^oW; long., 119^oW] |
5-9/yr |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Growth Rate |
daily weight gain; range of means for 2 yrs |
95.0 - 109.1 |
g/d |
Female |
Pup |
San Nicolas Island [lat., 33^oW; long., 119^oW] |
4-8/yr |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Butler, P. J., A. J. Woakes, I.L. Boyd and S. Kanatous
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Endpoint Description |
Error |
Range |
Units |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Sample Size |
Type |
Body Weight - Mean |
32.2 |
1.6 SE |
25.7-38.1 |
kg |
Both Male and Female |
Juvenile |
6 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Metabolic Rate |
5.1 |
resting metabolic rate |
0.4 SE |
ml O2/min/kg |
Both Male and Female |
Juvenile |
6 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Larsen, Caryla J.
California Department of Fish and Game, Nongame Bird and Mammal Section Report
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Endpoint Description |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Location |
Sample Size |
Type |
Home Range |
review |
reported home range for males was 957m2 for males and 244 m2 for females (from unpublished reports) |
Both Male and Female |
Not Reported |
Caswell Memorial State Park |
Not Reported |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Population Density |
review |
reported overall population density at carrying capacity is 3 animals/ha (from unpublished reports) |
Both Male and Female |
Not Reported |
Caswell Memorial State Park |
Not Reported |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Time of Mating/ Laying |
review |
reported breeding season occurs from January to May (from unpublished reports) |
Both Male and Female |
Adult |
Caswell Memorial State Park |
Not Reported |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Clutch or Litter Size |
review |
reported average of 9-16 young/female/yr (data source not specified) |
Female |
Adult |
Not Reported |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Clutches or Litters per year |
review |
reported 3-4 litters per season (data source not specified) |
Female |
Adult |
Not Reported |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Scribner, Kim T. and Leslie J. Krysl
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Endpoint Description |
Units |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Location |
Sample Size |
Type |
Dietary Composition |
Grasses (51.2%); Forbs (45.4%) |
cumulative dietary frequency estimated from stomach contents (sum of all fragments of a plant species divided by total # plant fragments) |
% |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
Castro County, range playa basins |
172 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Dietary Composition |
Grasses (32.1%); Forbs (66%) |
cumulative dietary frequency estimated from stomach contents (sum of all fragments of a plant species divided by total # plant fragments) |
% |
Not Reported |
Not Reported |
Castro County, agricultural playa basins |
172 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Zembal, Richard and Jack M. Fancher
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Endpoint Description |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Location |
Sample Size |
Type |
Dietary Composition |
crabs, California horn snails, isopods, crayfish, decapods, beetles |
prey items in regurgitated pellets, in order of frequency of occurence |
Not Reported |
Adult |
upper Newport Bay |
18 pellets |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Dietary Composition |
amphipods, garden snails, crane flies, house mice, California voles |
unquantified dietary items identified in regurgitated pellets |
Not Reported |
Adult |
upper Newport Bay |
Not Reported |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Endpoint Description |
Range |
Units |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Location |
Sample Size |
Type |
Body Weight - Mean |
725 |
560 - 896 |
g |
Male |
Adult |
southern portion of state |
87 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Body Weight - Mean |
860 |
562 - 956 |
g |
Female |
Adult |
southern portion of state |
40 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Time of Mating/ Laying |
Jan. - Aug. |
time of breeding |
Both Male and Female |
Adult |
southern portion of state |
Not Reported |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Clutch or Litter Size |
2.9 |
estimated by embryo counts |
2 - 4 |
young/litter |
Female |
Adult |
southern portion of state |
56 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Age at Sexual Maturity |
< 9 |
earliest age when pregnancy noted |
mo |
Female |
Adult |
southern portion of state |
Not Reported |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Endpoint Description |
Range |
Units |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Location |
Sample Size |
Type |
Clutch or Litter Size |
2.7 |
estimated by uterine scar counts |
2 - 6 |
young/litter |
Female |
Adult |
Phoenix |
Not Reported |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Time of Mating/ Laying |
Jan. - Aug. |
time of breeding |
Both Male and Female |
Adult |
Phoenix |
101 |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Ohmart, R.D. and R.E. Tomlinson
Exposure Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Value |
Endpoint Description |
Sex |
Life Cycle Stage |
Location |
Sample Size |
Type |
Dietary Composition |
crayfish (94.67%), ground beetle (0.11%), unident. beetle (0.56%), weevils (2.78%), damselfly nymphs (0.11%), grasshoppers (0.11%), insect eggs (.11%), unident. parts (0.78%), spider (0.56%), seeds (0.11%), corbicula (0.06%), unident. mammal bone (0.06%) |
dietary item occurence by volume in stomach contents |
Not Reported |
Adult |
Topock Marsh to Imperial Lake |
9 stomachs |
Exposure Factor Datasets |
Dietary Composition |
isopoda (48.5%), unident. parts (1.50%), corbicula (50.00%) |
dietary item occurence by volume in stomach contents |
Not Reported |
Adult |
Gila/Colorado River confluence |
2 stomachs |
Exposure Factor Datasets |