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Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Error | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Type |
Food Ingestion Rate | 5.96 | daily milk intake as % of pup body weight | 0.405 SE | %/d | Male | Pup | San Nicolas Island | 5 | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Food Ingestion Rate | 5.93 | daily milk intake as % of pup body weight | 0.467 SE | %/d | Female | Pup | San Nicolas Island | 4 | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Description | Range | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Type |
Body Weight - Mean | range of mean weights taken over 5 yrs at 2 sites | 14.6 - 23.2 | kg | Male | Pup | San Miguel and San Clemente Islands | 51 - 136/yr | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Error | Range | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Type |
Survival/ Mortality | 51.6 | mean annual minimum survival rate; data collection started 5-6 weeks after beginning of pupping season | 7.7 SD | 44.0 - 59.4 | % | Not Reported | Pup | Los Islotes, Baja California Sur | 3 yrs | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Range | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Type |
Body Weight - Mean | 32.6 - 37.0 | kg | Female | Juvenile | 2 | Exposure Factor Datasets | ||
Metabolic Rate | 2.1 | resting metabolism | kcal/kg/hr | Female | Juvenile | 2 | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Error | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Type |
Metabolic Rate | 321.4 | oxygen uptake at rectal temperature of 16.4C. | 23.7 SE | ml O2/min | Both Male and Female | Adult | 3 | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Metabolic Rate | 403.7 | oxygen uptake at rectal temperature of 30.9C. | 36.0 SE | ml O2/min | Both Male and Female | Adult | 3 | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Type |
Metabolic Rate | 4.2 | initial defecation time | hours | Both Male and Female | Adult | 3 animals | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Type |
Longevity | 28 | captive longevity record | yrs | Not Reported | Adult | Not Reported | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Error | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Type |
Foraging Distance | 54.2 | 32.4 SD | km | Female | Adult | Adams Cove, San Miguel Island [lat., 34^o01'55"N; long., 120^o26'25" W] | 9 | Exposure Factor Datasets | |
Dietary Composition | northern anchovy (65%); Pacific Whiting (52%); market squid (13%) | % occurrence of most frequent prey in scats | % | Female | Adult | Adams Cove, San Miguel Island [lat., 34^o01'55"N; long., 120^o26'25" W] | 23 animals | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Description | Range | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Type |
Body Weight - Mean | neonate weight | 14-17 | lbs | Not Reported | Neonate | 16 | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Range | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Type |
Survival/ Mortality | 66 | mean annual survivorship for animals >30 d | 14-100 | % | Not Reported | Juvenile | captive in British facilities | 38 births/10 yr | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Type |
Dietary Composition | northern anchovy (50.6%); Pacific whiting (29.3%); jack mackerel (27.9%); rockfish (25.9%); Pacific mackerel (11.3%); unid. fishes (6.6%); market squid (21.9%); octopus (6.4%); squid, Onychoteuthis (4.7%); squid, Abraliopsis (2.2%); pelagic red crab (10.8%) | % frequency of occurrence of major (>2%) prey in scats | % | Not Reported | Not Reported | San Nicholas Island | 1232 scats | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Error | Range | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Type |
Food Ingestion Rate | 723 | daily milk intake | 31.0 SE | g/d | Male | Pup | San Nicolas Island [lat., 33^oW; long., 119^oW] | 24 | Exposure Factor Datasets | |
Food Ingestion Rate | 609 | daily milk intake | 24.0 SE | g/d | Female | Pup | San Nicolas Island [lat., 33^oW; long., 119^oW] | 19 | Exposure Factor Datasets | |
Body Fat (total or %) | 18.7 | % | Male | Pup | San Nicolas Island [lat., 33^oW; long., 119^oW] | 1 | Exposure Factor Datasets | |||
Body Fat (total or %) | 19.3 | % | Female | Pup | San Nicolas Island [lat., 33^oW; long., 119^oW] | 1 | Exposure Factor Datasets | |||
Water Ingestion Rate | 651 | total daily water intake derived from sum of milk water intake and metabolic water production | 27.9 SE | g/d | Male | Pup | San Nicolas Island [lat., 33^oW; long., 119^oW] | 24 | Exposure Factor Datasets | |
Food Ingestion Rate | daily energy intake estimated from milk intake; range of means for 2 yrs | 2144 - 2636 | kcal/d | Male | Pup | San Nicolas Island [lat., 33^oW; long., 119^oW] | 5-9/yr | Exposure Factor Datasets | ||
Food Ingestion Rate | daily energy intake estimated from milk intake; range of means for 2 yrs | 2032 - 2152 | kcal/d | Female | Pup | San Nicolas Island [lat., 33^oW; long., 119^oW] | 1-8/yr | Exposure Factor Datasets | ||
Growth Rate | daily weight gain; range of means for 2 yrs | 92.4 - 120.6 | g/d | Male | Pup | San Nicolas Island [lat., 33^oW; long., 119^oW] | 5-9/yr | Exposure Factor Datasets | ||
Growth Rate | daily weight gain; range of means for 2 yrs | 95.0 - 109.1 | g/d | Female | Pup | San Nicolas Island [lat., 33^oW; long., 119^oW] | 4-8/yr | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Error | Range | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Type |
Body Weight - Mean | 32.2 | 1.6 SE | 25.7-38.1 | kg | Both Male and Female | Juvenile | 6 | Exposure Factor Datasets | |
Metabolic Rate | 5.1 | resting metabolic rate | 0.4 SE | ml O2/min/kg | Both Male and Female | Juvenile | 6 | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Error | Range | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Type |
Population Density | minimum densities of foxes in study area over three years | 1 | fox /4.1 km2 - 1 fox / 6.5 km2 | Both Male and Female | Adult | Carrizo Plain Natural Area | 15-22 foxes/year | Exposure Factor Datasets | ||
Clutch or Litter Size | 1-3 | pups | Female | Adult | Carrizo Plain Natural Area | 4 foxes | Exposure Factor Datasets | |||
Home Range | 11.6 | individual home range size | 0.9 SE | km2 | Both Male and Female | Adult | Carrizo Plain Natural Area | 21 foxes | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Type |
Dietary Composition | deer mice (10.8%), kangaroo rats (8.4%), pocket gophers (2.9%), pocket mice (20.0%), woodrats (0.6%), ground squirrels (6.4%), birds (7.5%), insects (33.5%), leporids (4.7%), reptiles (2.0%), | percentage occurrence of prey types in feces | % | Both Male and Female | Adult | Carrizo Plain Natural Area | 834 feces | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Type |
Dietary Composition | Jerusalem crickets (27%), unident. birds (2%), rabbits (3%), California ground squirrel (35%), pocket mice (2%), western harvest mice (17%), Peromyscus sp. (13%) | percent volume of total prey items in scat | % | Both Male and Female | Not Reported | Bethany Reservoir | 10 scats | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Dietary Composition | Jerusalem crickets (1%), unident. reptiles (1%), unident. birds (1%), rabbits (5%), California ground squirrel (62%), pocket mice (5%), western harvest mice (10%), Peromyscus sp. (11%) | percent volume of total prey items in scat | % | Both Male and Female | Not Reported | Bethany Reservoir | 10 scats | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Dietary Composition | Jerusalem crickets (20%), unident. insects (4%), unident. birds (10%), desert cottontail (1%), rabbits (5%), California ground squirrel (27%), pocket mice (13%), western harvest mice (9%), Peromyscus sp. (9%), unident. cricetid rodents (5%) | percent volume of total prey items in scat | % | Both Male and Female | Not Reported | Bethany Reservoir | 10 scats | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Dietary Composition | unident. vegetation (4%), California ground squirrel (83%), California pocket mice (2%), Peromyscus sp. (5%), unident. cricetid rodents (5%) | percent volume of total prey items in scat | % | Both Male and Female | Not Reported | Bethany Reservoir | 10 scats | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Survival/ Mortality | 80 | % | Both Male and Female | Juvenile | Bethany Reservoir | 5 foxes | Exposure Factor Datasets | |
Survival/ Mortality | 67 | % | Both Male and Female | Adult | Bethany Reservoir | 3 foxes | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Error | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Type |
Home Range | 9.8 | home range as calculated with the grid-cell method | 0.1.4 SE | km2 | Female | Adult | 7.5 km NW Tonopah | 3 foxes | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Home Range | 12.3 | home range as calculated with the grid-cell method | 1.0 SE | km2 | Male | Adult | 7.5 km NW Tonopah | 4 foxes | Exposure Factor Datasets |
Exposure Endpoint Type | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Range | Units | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Location | Sample Size | Type |
Time of Migration or Dispersal | late summer | time of juvenile dispersal from natal territory | Both Male and Female | Juvenile | western Utah | Not Reported | Exposure Factor Datasets | ||
Longevity | 5+ | average maximum age attained | 4-7 | yr | Both Male and Female | Adult | western Utah | Not Reported | Exposure Factor Datasets |