Spacing out at Mono Lake: Breeding success, nest density, and predation in the snowy plover

Page, Gary W., Lynne E. Stenzel, David W. Winkler and Christopher W. Swarth
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Spacing out at Mono Lake: Breeding success, nest density, and predation in the snowy plover
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Displaying 1 - 10 of 10 datapoints.
Species: Western Snowy Plover (Charadrius nivosus ssp. nivosus formerly Charadrius alexandrinus ssp. nivosus)
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Description Endpoint Value Sample Size Units Life Cycle Stage Specific Location Range California Counties Type
Time of Nesting period between beginning of egg laying and observation of first fledgling for one year April 18 to July 6 Not Reported Adult Mono Lake (elev. 1,940 m) Mono Exposure Factor Datasets
Duration of Incubation or Gestation incubation period 26.9 9 nests d Embryo Mono Lake (elev. 1,940 m) 25-32 Mono Exposure Factor Datasets
Time of Mating/ Laying period of time from beginning to end of egg laying for one year April 18 to July 15 9 nests Adult Mono Lake (elev. 1,940 m) Mono Exposure Factor Datasets
Hatching Success range in percent of clutches hatching at least one chick (over 4 years) Not Reported % Hatchling Mono Lake (elev. 1,940 m) 39.5-68.2 Mono Exposure Factor Datasets
Fledging or Weaning Rate number of chicks fledged per successful brood (for one year) 1.64 22 nests fledglings/brood Fledgling Mono Lake (elev. 1,940 m) Mono Exposure Factor Datasets
Clutches or Litters per year number of clutches laid by 30 out of 81 total nesting females 2 81 nesting females clutches/yr Adult Mono Lake (elev. 1,940 m) Mono Exposure Factor Datasets
Survival/ Mortality minimum annual survival rates of marked individuals 0.778 18 birds Adult Mono Lake (elev. 1,940 m) Mono Exposure Factor Datasets
Survival/ Mortality minimum annual survival rate of marked individuals (2 years and both sexes pooled) 0.743 101 birds Adult Monterey Bay Monterey Exposure Factor Datasets
Survival/ Mortality minimum annual survival rate of marked individuals 0.643 14 birds Juvenile Point Reyes Marin Exposure Factor Datasets
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Description Endpoint Value Sample Size Specific Location Type
Survival/ Mortality minimum annual survival rates of marked individuals 0.449 49 birds Mono Lake (elev. 1,940 m) Exposure Factor Datasets


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