Riparian forest as habitat for the least Bell's vireo

Gray, M. Violet and James M. Greaves
Article Title
Riparian forest as habitat for the least Bell's vireo
Book Title
California Riparian Systems: Ecology, Conservation, and Productive Management
Warner, Richard E. and Kathleen M. Hendrix
University of California Press
Berkeley, CA
Start Page Number
Final Page


Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 datapoints.
Species: Least Bell's Vireo (Vireo bellii ssp. pusillus)
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Description Endpoint Value Sample Size Units Life Cycle Stage Specific Location Range California Counties Type
Territory Size nesting territory size 43-48 pairs (2 yrs) ha Adult Gibraltar Reservoir 0.2-1.6 Santa Barbara Exposure Factor Datasets
Population Density range of nesting density over two years 43-48 pairs (2 yrs) pairs/243 ha Adult Gibraltar Reservoir 43-48 Santa Barbara Exposure Factor Datasets
Fledging or Weaning Rate percent of nesting pairs that successfully raised at least one young (range over two years) 43-48 pairs (2 yrs) % Adult Gibraltar Reservoir 26-32 Santa Barbara Exposure Factor Datasets
Hatching Success range in proportions of total eggs hatching vs. total eggs laid (for two years) 238-262 eggs (two yrs) eggs hatched/eggs produced Hatchling Gibraltar Reservoir 147/238 to 147/262 Santa Barbara Exposure Factor Datasets
Fledging or Weaning Rate range in proportions of total chicks fledging vs. total chicks hatched (for two years) 147 eggs hatched (2 yrs) chicks fledged/chicks hatched Fledgling Gibraltar Reservoir 85/147 - 91/147 Santa Barbara Exposure Factor Datasets
Clutches or Litters per year annual clutch numbers per pair observed over 2 years 43-48 pairs (2 yrs) clutches/yr Adult Gibraltar Reservoir 1-2 Santa Barbara Exposure Factor Datasets
Foraging Distance maximum observed distance travelled by birds from the nest up to several hundred yards 32 pairs (1 yr) Adult Gibraltar Reservoir Santa Barbara Exposure Factor Datasets
Time of Migration or Dispersal period of departure from the breeding area by migrants mid Jul to early Sep Not Reported Both Adults and Juveniles Gibraltar Reservoir Santa Barbara Exposure Factor Datasets


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