Ontogenetic changes in diet, field metabolic rate, and water flux in the herbivorous lizard, Dipsosaurus dorsalis

Mautz, William J. and Kenneth A. Nagy
Article Title
Ontogenetic changes in diet, field metabolic rate, and water flux in the herbivorous lizard, Dipsosaurus dorsalis
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Displaying 1 - 18 of 18 datapoints.
Species: Desert Iguana (Dipsosaurus dorsalis)
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Description Endpoint Value Sample Size Units Life Cycle Stage Specific Location Range California Counties Type
Metabolic Rate range of average field metabolic rates (measured using doubly-labeled water) over 3 time periods 7-9/time period ml CO2/g/hr Hatchling Thousand Palms 0.350 - 0.380 Riverside Exposure Factor Datasets
Time of Torpor or Hibernation Oct. - Mar. Not Reported Not Reported Thousand Palms Riverside Exposure Factor Datasets
Metabolic Rate average field metabolic rate (measured using doubly-labeled water) 0.357 8 ml CO2/g/hr Juvenile Thousand Palms Riverside Exposure Factor Datasets
Time of Hatching or Parturition Aug. Not Reported Hatchling Thousand Palms Riverside Exposure Factor Datasets
Metabolic Rate average resting metabolic rate (oxygen consumption) measured at 30-40C 0.110 (30C); 0.217 (35C); 0.238 (40C) 5 ml O2/g/hr Adult Thousand Palms Exposure Factor Datasets
Dietary Composition mean % of total dry matter stomach contents Plant Species: Ambrosia dumosa (4.8%); Coldenia palmeri (27.6%); Croton californica (2.8%); Dalea emoryi (24.7%); Dalea schottii (13.2%); Dicoria canescens (22.5%); Arthropods (1.3%); Rodent feces (2.4%); Gravel (0.6%) 7 % Adult Thousand Palms Riverside Exposure Factor Datasets
Metabolic Rate average resting metabolic rate (oxygen consumption) measured at 30-40C 0.180 (30C); 0.250 (35C); 0.279 (40C) 5 ml O2/g/hr Hatchling Thousand Palms Exposure Factor Datasets
Dietary Composition mean % of total dry matter stomach contents Plant Species: Ambrosia dumosa (19.6%); Coldenia palmeri (10.1%); Dalea schottii (14.4%); Euphorbia polycarpa (4.5%); Geraea canescens (3.1%); Larrea divaricata (32.7%); Palafoxia linearis (11.7%); Rafinesquia neomexicana (1.6%); Schismus barbatus (0.7%);Arthropods (0.5%); Rodent feces (0.5%); Shed skin (0.6%) 6 % Adult Thousand Palms Riverside Exposure Factor Datasets
Food Ingestion Rate estimated feeding rate to support energy expenditure measured in field 7-11/time period mg dry food/g/d Adult Thousand Palms 15.2 - 17.1 Riverside Exposure Factor Datasets
Dietary Composition mean % of total dry matter stomach contents Plant Species: Ambrosia dumosa (15.4%); Coldenia palmeri (68.3%); Croton californica (2.8%); Dalea emoryi (5.9%); Dalea schottii (5.6%); Arthropods (1.3%); Gravel (0.8%) 12 % Hatchling Thousand Palms Riverside Exposure Factor Datasets
Food Ingestion Rate estimated feeding rate to support energy expenditure measured in field 7-9/time period mg dry food/g/d Hatchling Thousand Palms 19.1 - 28.5 Riverside Exposure Factor Datasets
Dietary Composition mean % of total dry matter stomach contents Plant Species: Ambrosia dumosa (6.1%); Coldenia palmeri (16.2%); Dalea emoryi (2.9%); Dalea schottii (26.7%); Geraea canescens (4.1%); Larrea divaricata (23.9%); Palafoxia linearis (3.4%); Rafinesquia neomexicana (0.4%); Unidentified vegetation (12.3%); Arthropods (3.0%) 5 % Hatchling Thousand Palms Riverside Exposure Factor Datasets
Time of Hatching or Parturition Aug. Not Reported Hatchling Thousand Palms Riverside Exposure Factor Datasets
Body Weight - Mean average snout-vent length = 5.1 cm 3.5 5 - 52/sampling time g Hatchling Thousand Palms Riverside Exposure Factor Datasets
Growth Rate 5 - 52/sampling time g/d Hatchling Thousand Palms 0.0003 - .145 Riverside Exposure Factor Datasets
Body Weight - Mean average snout-vent length = 12.1 cm 60 9-24/sampling time g Adult Thousand Palms Riverside Exposure Factor Datasets
Body Weight - Mean average snout-vent length = 11.2 cm 47 4 - 26/sampling time g Adult Thousand Palms Riverside Exposure Factor Datasets
Metabolic Rate range of average field metabolic rates (measured using doubly-labeled water) over 3 time periods 7-11/time period ml CO2/g/hr Adult Thousand Palms 0.152 - 0.295 Riverside Exposure Factor Datasets


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