The life and demography of the side-blotched lizard, Uta stansburiana

Tinkle, Donald W.
Article Title
The life and demography of the side-blotched lizard, Uta stansburiana
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Displaying 1 - 20 of 28 datapoints.
Species: Sideblotched Lizard (Uta stansburiana)
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Description Endpoint Value Sample Size Units Life Cycle Stage Specific Location Range Type
Body Weight - Mean range of average weights for snout-vent length size classes of 20-45 mm 1-67 lizards/size class and date g Juvenile 0.29 - 3.96 Exposure Factor Datasets
Clutch or Litter Size average clutch size based on counts of yolked follicles, eggs or corpora lutea 3.2 256 eggs/clutch Adult Mesa County Exposure Factor Datasets
Body Weight - Mean range of average weights for snout-vent length size classes of 20-41 mm 1-88 lizards/size class and date g Juvenile 0.30 - 2.57 Exposure Factor Datasets
Dietary Composition range of monthly percentages of total volume of food in stomach contents Arachnids (2.4-22.4%); Orthopterans (0-16.7%); Isopterans (0-17.5%); Coleopterans (8.2-45.7%); Hemipterans (0-47.9%); Homopterans (0-34.8%); Neuropterans (0-1.3%); Lepidopterans (2.8-34.0%); Dipterans (0-9.3%); Hymenopterans (4.3-72.8%) 7-24 lizards/mo % Not Reported Exposure Factor Datasets
Clutch or Litter Size range of monthly average clutch sizes over 3 yrs 13-48 lizards/10 dates eggs/clutch Adult 2.8 - 4.7 Exposure Factor Datasets
Body Weight - Mean range of average weights for snout-vent length size classes of 46-57 mm 1-24 lizards/size class and date g Adult 3.30 - 6.70 Exposure Factor Datasets
Home Range average and range of home ranges at 2 sites over 6 yrs, estimated using minimum polygon method (mark and recapture technique) 4896 7-26 lizards/site and yr sq. ft. Adult 2889 - 11391 Exposure Factor Datasets
Clutches or Litters per year at least 3 Not Reported clutches/yr Adult Exposure Factor Datasets
Body Weight - Mean range of average weights for snout-vent length size classes of 42-53 mm 1-29 lizards/size class and date g Adult 2.44 - 5.27 Exposure Factor Datasets
Home Range average and range of home ranges at 2 sites over 6 yrs, estimated using minimum polygon method (mark and recapture technique) 1497 6-14 lizards/yr and site sq. ft. Adult 785 - 3460 Exposure Factor Datasets
Duration of Incubation or Gestation time from egg laying to hatching Not Reported d Embryo 65 - 77 Exposure Factor Datasets
Population Density range of densities over 2 yrs Not Reported #/acre Adult Mesa County 10 - 17 Exposure Factor Datasets
Home Range home range estimated using probability density function (95%) 0.49 Not Reported acre Adult Exposure Factor Datasets
Time of Hatching or Parturition based on hatchling observations June - Oct. Not Reported Embryo Exposure Factor Datasets
Home Range home range estimated using probability density function (95%) 0.38 Not Reported acre Adult Mesa County Exposure Factor Datasets
Home Range home range estimated using probability density function (95%) 0.15 Not Reported acre Adult Exposure Factor Datasets
Growth Rate range of average male and female growth rates, based on increases in snout-vent length 418 - 496/sex mm/d Hatchling 0.19 - 0.22 Exposure Factor Datasets
Home Range home range estimated using probability density function (95%) 0.23 Not Reported acre Adult Mesa County Exposure Factor Datasets
Home Range average home range, estimated using minimum polygon method (mark and recapture technique) 1300 357 lizards sq. ft. Juvenile Exposure Factor Datasets
Body Weight - Mean range of average egg weights for clutch sizes of 2-6. 1-28 clutches g Embryo 0.17 - 0.27 Exposure Factor Datasets


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