Habitat use and movement patterns of northern alligator lizards (Elgaria coerulea) and western skinks (Eumeces skiltonianus) in southeastern British Columbia.

Rutherford, P.L. and Gregory, P.T.
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Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 datapoints.
Species: Western Skink (Eumeces skiltonianus)
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Description Endpoint Value Units Life Cycle Stage Countries Type
Population Density Hand captured/trapped 39 Individuals per 22,500 sq m Not Reported CANADA Exposure Factor Datasets
Population Density Hand captured/trapped 4 Individuals per 60,000 sq m Not Reported CANADA Exposure Factor Datasets
Population Density Hand captured 25 Individuals per 70,000 sq m Not Reported CANADA Exposure Factor Datasets
Population Density Hand captured 3 Individuals per 90,000 sq m Not Reported CANADA Exposure Factor Datasets
Population Density Hand captured 1 Individuals per 10,000 sq m Not Reported CANADA Exposure Factor Datasets
Population Density Hand captured 2 Individuals per 2,500 sq m Not Reported CANADA Exposure Factor Datasets
Population Density Hand captured 27 Individuals per 22,500 sq m Not Reported CANADA Exposure Factor Datasets


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OEHHA California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment