Comparative ecology of populations of the lizard Uta stansburiana

Parker, William S. and Eric R. Pianka
Article Title
Comparative ecology of populations of the lizard Uta stansburiana
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Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 datapoints.
Species: Sideblotched Lizard (Uta stansburiana)
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Description Endpoint Value Sample Size Units Life Cycle Stage Specific Location Range Type
Dietary Composition volume (cc) of prey items in stomach contents Spiders (4.70); Solpugids (0.56); Ants (7.87); Other Hymenoptera (0.54); Grasshoppers and Crickets (21.68); Roaches (0.20); Mantids (0.66); Beetles (12.35); Termites (0.10); Homoptera-Hemiptera (2.19); Diptera (2.54); Lepidoptera (1.24); Insect larvae (6.13); Unidentified Insects (6.52); Plant Materials (0.89); Unidentified (2.89) 556 cc Not Reported Mountain Home, ID; Granstville, UT; Lovelock, Gabbs and Beatty, NV [lat., 37-42] Exposure Factor Datasets
Dietary Composition volume (cc) of prey items in stomach contents Spiders (4.1); Solpugids (0.5); Ants (14.7); Other Hymenoptera (2.6); Grasshoppers (19.3); Roaches (3.6); Mantids (1.3); Ant Lions (0.6); Beetles (41.2); Termites (33.8); Homoptera-Hemiptera (1.9); Diptera (0.4); Lepidoptera (1.2); Insect larvae (11.3); Unidentified Insects (9.9); Insect Eggs (0.3); Lizards (0.5); Plant Materials (3.0); Unidentified (9.4) 811 cc Not Reported Pahrump, Searchlight, NV; Mojave, Twentynine Palms, CA; Salome, Phoenix South Mountain, Casa Grande, AZ [lat., 32-36] Exposure Factor Datasets
Clutches or Litters per year Not Reported clutches/yr Adult Stansbury and Granstville, UT [lat., 40] 1 - 2 Exposure Factor Datasets
Clutches or Litters per year Not Reported clutches/yr Adult El Paso, TX; Casa Grande, Phoenix South Mountain, AZ 2 - 4 Exposure Factor Datasets
Clutch or Litter Size range of mean clutch sizes 14-74 animals/site and time period eggs/clutch Adult Hart Mountain, OR; Stansbury Island and Grantsville, UT [lat., 40-42] 2.85 - 4.82 Exposure Factor Datasets
Clutch or Litter Size range of mean clutch sizes 13-44 animals/site and time period eggs/clutch Adult Phoenix South Mountain, Casa Grande, AZ; El Paso, TX [lat., 31-33] 3.31 - 4.48 Exposure Factor Datasets


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