Changes in desert tortoise populations at four study sites in California

Berry, Kristin H., Lori L. Nicholson, Steve Juarez and A. Peter Woodman
Article Title
Changes in desert tortoise populations at four study sites in California
Book Title
Desert Tortoise Council Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium
Desert Tortoise Council
Long Beach, CA
Start Page Number
Final Page


Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 datapoints.
Species: Desert Tortoise (Gopherus agassizi)
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Description Endpoint Value Sample Size Units Life Cycle Stage Specific Location Range Type
Population Density 2 yrs #/km2 Both Adults and Juveniles western Mojave desert, Fremont Peak 15-27 Exposure Factor Datasets
Survival/ Mortality annual mortality rate for subadults and adults between 1973 and 1985 4.8 Not Reported %/yr Both Adults and Juveniles western Mojave desert, Fremont Peak Exposure Factor Datasets
Population Density range of 95% confidence intervals 2 yrs #/km2 Both Adults and Juveniles western Mojave desert, Kramer Hills 64-155 Exposure Factor Datasets
Survival/ Mortality annual mortality rate for subadults and adults between 1980 and 1982 2.9 2 yrs %/yr Both Adults and Juveniles western Mojave desert, Kramer Hills Exposure Factor Datasets
Population Density range of 95% confidence intervals 2 yrs #/km2 Both Adults and Juveniles Colorado desert, Chemehuevi Wash and Valley 42-94 Exposure Factor Datasets
Survival/ Mortality annual mortality rate for subadults and adults from 1975 and 1982 2.2 Not Reported %/yr Both Adults and Juveniles Colorado desert, Chemehuevi Wash and Valley Exposure Factor Datasets
Population Density range of 95% confidence intervals 2 yrs #/km2 Both Adults and Juveniles Colorado desert, Chuckwalla Bench 120-283 Exposure Factor Datasets
Survival/ Mortality annual mortality rate for subadults and adults from 1973 and 1982 2.3 Not Reported %/yr Both Adults and Juveniles Colorado desert, Chuckwalla Bench Exposure Factor Datasets


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