Vulpes macrotis (Kit Fox)

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Kit Fox (Vulpes macrotis)

Randel III, C.J. and Silvy, N.J.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type California Counties Countries Error
Survival/ Mortality 80 Mortality % B 56 Upper Chuckwalla Valley Exposure Factor Datasets Riverside USA
Survival/ Mortality 2012-2013: pair formation: 0.868, pup-rearing: 0.944, dispersal: 1.000, annual: 0.752; 2013-2014: pair formation: 0.891, pup-rearing: 1.000, annual: 0.892 Survival M Adult 56 Upper Chuckwalla Valley Exposure Factor Datasets Riverside USA 2012-2013: pair formation: 0.014, pup-rearing: 0.0.14, dispersal: 0.000, annual: 0.010; 2013-2014: pair formation: 0.023, pup-rearing: 0.000, annual: 0.017
Survival/ Mortality 2012-2013: pair formation: 0.885, pup-rearing: 0.1.000, dispersal: 1.000, annual: 0.885; 2013-2014: pair formation: 0.836, pup-rearing: 0.923, annual: 0.772 Survival F Adult 56 Upper Chuckwalla Valley Exposure Factor Datasets Riverside USA 2012-2013: pair formation: 0.0.033, pup-rearing: 0.000, dispersal: 0.0000, annual: 0.012; 2013-2014: pair formation: 0.0.028, pup-rearing: 0.019, annual: 0.022
Survival/ Mortality 2012-2013: pair formation: 0.876, pup-rearing: 0..969, dispersal: 1.000, annual: 0.809; 2013-2014: pair formation: 0.864, pup-rearing: 0.9640, annual: 0.833 Survival B Adult 56 Upper Chuckwalla Valley Exposure Factor Datasets Riverside USA 2012-2013: pair formation: 0.019, pup-rearing: 0.001, dispersal: 0.000, annual: 0.012; 2013-2014: pair formation: 0.019, pup-rearing: 0.011, annual: 0.014
Cypher, B.L., Warrick, G.D., Otten, M.R., O'Farrell, T.P., Berry, W.H., Harris, C.E., Kato, T.T., McCue, P.M., Scrivner, J.H. and Zoellick, B.W.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type California Counties Countries
Population Density See citation Table 1 Number/km2 B Both Adults and Juveniles See citation Naval Petroleum Reserve Exposure Factor Datasets Kern USA
Survival/ Mortality See citation Survival B Both Adults and Juveniles See citation Naval Petroleum Reserve Exposure Factor Datasets Kern USA
Clutch or Litter Size See citation Table 6 Pups/litter B Pup See citation Naval Petroleum Reserve Exposure Factor Datasets Kern USA
Dietary Composition Leporids: 44.1, kangaroo rats: 31.0, pocket mice: 1.2, antelope squirrels: 2.3, other rodents: 4.1, sheep: 0.8, birds: 2.5, snakes: 1.4, lizards: 0.1, orthopterans: 6.4, colopterans: 1.3, other arthropods: 0.1, other items: 6.9 Frequency of occurrence % Both Adults and Juveniles 4393 Naval Petroleum Reserve Exposure Factor Datasets Kern USA
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type California Counties Countries Error
Clutch or Litter Size 2.69 Pups/litter B Pup 32 Upper Chuckwalla Valley Exposure Factor Datasets Riverside USA 0.3

Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries
MERCURY COMPOUNDS LCRS: 0.65 µg/g ww Egg concentration Embryo 20 Carson Lake & Lahontan Reservoir Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
MERCURY COMPOUNDS LCRS: 423, reference: 422 g Body weight Both Adults and Juveniles LCRS: 6, Reference: 5 LCRS: Carson Lake & Lahontan Reservoir; Reference site: Ruby Lake & Humboldt River Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
MERCURY COMPOUNDS LCRS: 13.73, reference: 12.44 g Liver weight Both Adults and Juveniles LCRS: 6, Reference: 5 LCRS: Carson Lake & Lahontan Reservoir; Reference site: Ruby Lake & Humboldt River Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
MERCURY COMPOUNDS LCRS: 4.78, reference: 4.56 g Kidney weight Both Adults and Juveniles LCRS: 6, Reference: 5 LCRS: Carson Lake & Lahontan Reservoir; Reference site: Ruby Lake & Humboldt River Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
MERCURY COMPOUNDS LCRS: 0.28, reference: 0.50 g Spleen weight Both Adults and Juveniles LCRS: 6, Reference: 5 LCRS: Carson Lake & Lahontan Reservoir; Reference site: Ruby Lake & Humboldt River Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
MERCURY COMPOUNDS LCRS: 2.92, reference: 3.30 g Brain weight Both Adults and Juveniles LCRS: 6, Reference: 5 LCRS: Carson Lake & Lahontan Reservoir; Reference site: Ruby Lake & Humboldt River Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
MERCURY COMPOUNDS LCRS: 38.0, reference: 43.0 Hematocrit Both Adults and Juveniles LCRS: 6, Reference: 5 LCRS: Carson Lake & Lahontan Reservoir; Reference site: Ruby Lake & Humboldt River Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
MERCURY COMPOUNDS See citation Table 7 Histopathology Both Adults and Juveniles LCRS: 5, Reference: 6 LCRS: Carson Lake & Lahontan Reservoir; Reference site: Ruby Lake & Humboldt River Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
MERCURY COMPOUNDS See citation Table 3 Egg concentration Embryo See citation Lahontan Reservoir & Humboldt River Toxicity Factor Datasets USA


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OEHHA California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment