Uta stansburiana

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Sideblotched Lizard (Uta stansburiana)

Bakewell, George, Joseph M. Chopek and Gary L. Burkholder
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type
Clutches or Litters per year clutches/yr Female Adult 124 Snake River Valley (elev., 530-750m) Exposure Factor Datasets
Clutch or Litter Size 3.75 mean clutch size eggs/clutch Female Adult 124 Snake River Valley (elev., 530-750m) Exposure Factor Datasets
Age at Sexual Maturity 1 based on presence of mature spermazoa or yolked ovarian follicles, oviducal eggs or corpora lutea; snout-vent length = 40-43 mm yr Both Male and Female Adult 275 Snake River Valley (elev., 530-750m) Exposure Factor Datasets
Goldberg, Stephen R.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type California Counties
Duration of Incubation or Gestation 63 time between laying and hatching d Both Male and Female Embryo Not Reported San Gabriel Mountains (elev., 1585-1829m) Exposure Factor Datasets Los Angeles
Time of Mating/ Laying May - Aug. time of laying Female Adult 162 San Gabriel Mountains (elev., 1585-1829m) Exposure Factor Datasets Los Angeles
Clutches or Litters per year clutches/yr Female Adult 162 San Gabriel Mountains (elev., 1585-1829m) Exposure Factor Datasets Los Angeles
Clutch or Litter Size 3.5 eggs/clutch Female Adult 162 San Gabriel Mountains (elev., 1585-1829m) Exposure Factor Datasets Los Angeles
Age at Sexual Maturity 10 mo Female Adult 162 San Gabriel Mountains (elev., 1585-1829m) Exposure Factor Datasets Los Angeles
Nussbaum, Ronald A. and Lowell V. Diller
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Error
Home Range 0.219 estimated using probability density function (95% confidence interval) ha Male Adult 9 Deschutes River, Jefferson county (elev., 732m) Exposure Factor Datasets 0.06 SE
Home Range 0.175 estimated using probability density function (95% confidence interval) ha Female Adult 8 Deschutes River, Jefferson county (elev., 732m) Exposure Factor Datasets
Survival/ Mortality 30 annual adult survival % Both Male and Female Adult 36 Deschutes River, Jefferson county (elev., 732m) Exposure Factor Datasets
Age at Sexual Maturity mo Both Male and Female Adult Not Reported Deschutes River, Jefferson county (elev., 732m) Exposure Factor Datasets
Time of Torpor or Hibernation Oct. - Mar. Not Reported Not Reported Not Reported Deschutes River, Jefferson county (elev., 732m) Exposure Factor Datasets
Growth Rate 0.22 growth rate measured as increase in snout-vent length (mm) mm/d Male Hatchling Not Reported Deschutes River, Jefferson county (elev., 732m) Exposure Factor Datasets
Growth Rate 0.17 growth rate measured as increase in snout-vent length (mm) mm/d Female Hatchling Not Reported Deschutes River, Jefferson county (elev., 732m) Exposure Factor Datasets
Body Weight - Mean g Both Male and Female Adult 11 Deschutes River, Jefferson county (elev., 732m) Exposure Factor Datasets
Time of Mating/ Laying Apr. - June time of breeding Both Male and Female Adult Not Reported Deschutes River, Jefferson county (elev., 732m) Exposure Factor Datasets
Time of Mating/ Laying May - July time of laying Both Male and Female Adult Not Reported Deschutes River, Jefferson county (elev., 732m) Exposure Factor Datasets
Clutches or Litters per year clutches/yr Female Adult Not Reported Deschutes River, Jefferson county (elev., 732m) Exposure Factor Datasets
Clutch or Litter Size 3.33 eggs/clutch Female Adult 87 Deschutes River, Jefferson county (elev., 732m) Exposure Factor Datasets 0.08 SE
Body Weight - Mean egg weight g Not Reported Embryo 13 Deschutes River, Jefferson county (elev., 732m) Exposure Factor Datasets
Parker, William S.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type
Time of Hatching or Parturition May-June Not Reported Hatchling Not Reported Phoenix South Mountain, Maricopa county Exposure Factor Datasets
Home Range 446 home range estimted by convex polygon method (maximum was 810m2) m2 Male Adult 15 Phoenix South Mountain, Maricopa county Exposure Factor Datasets
Home Range 121 home range estimted by convex polygon method (maximum was 202 m2) m2 Female Adult 15 Phoenix South Mountain, Maricopa county Exposure Factor Datasets
Home Range 61 home range estimted by convex polygon method (maximum was 121 m2) m2 Not Reported Juvenile 15 Phoenix South Mountain, Maricopa county Exposure Factor Datasets
Population Density #/ha Both Male and Female Adult Not Reported Phoenix South Mountain, Maricopa county Exposure Factor Datasets
Population Density #/ha Not Reported Juvenile Not Reported Phoenix South Mountain, Maricopa county Exposure Factor Datasets
Growth Rate 4.29 growth rate estimated by increase in snout-vent length (mm), snout-vent length range 21-35mm mm/mo Not Reported Not Reported 62 Phoenix South Mountain, Maricopa county Exposure Factor Datasets
Growth Rate 2.93 growth rate estimated by increase in snout-vent length (mm), snout-vent length range 30-40mm mm/mo Female Not Reported 10 Phoenix South Mountain, Maricopa county Exposure Factor Datasets
Growth Rate 5.19 growth rate estimated by increase in snout-vent length (mm), snout-vent length range 30-40mm mm/mo Male Not Reported 7 Phoenix South Mountain, Maricopa county Exposure Factor Datasets
Growth Rate 0.79 growth rate estimated by increase in snout-vent length (mm), snout-vent length range 40-50 mm mm/mo Female Not Reported 30 Phoenix South Mountain, Maricopa county Exposure Factor Datasets
Growth Rate 0.94 growth rate estimated by increase in snout-vent length (mm), snout-vent length range 40-50mm mm/mo Male Not Reported 10 Phoenix South Mountain, Maricopa county Exposure Factor Datasets
Growth Rate 0.31 growth rate estimated by increase in snout-vent length (mm), snout-vent length range 50-56mm mm/mo Female Not Reported 2 Phoenix South Mountain, Maricopa county Exposure Factor Datasets
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type California Counties
Clutch or Litter Size 4.3 average clutch size eggs/female Female Adult 27 Del Puerto Canyon Road Exposure Factor Datasets Stanislaus
Clutch or Litter Size 6.3 average clutch size eggs/female Female Adult 35 Los Banos Creek, Billy Wright Road Exposure Factor Datasets Merced
Body Weight - Mean 0.42 average egg weight g Not Reported Embryo 12 Corral Hollow Road Exposure Factor Datasets Contra Costa
Body Weight - Mean 0.38 average egg weight g Not Reported Embryo 27 Del Puerto Canyon Road Exposure Factor Datasets Stanislaus
Body Weight - Mean 0.35 average egg weight g Not Reported Embryo 35 Los Banos Creek, Billy Wright Road Exposure Factor Datasets Merced
Tinkle, Donald W.
1 - 182
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Age-Specific Condition
Growth Rate range of average male and female growth rates, based on increases in snout-vent length (40-49 mm) mm/d Both Male and Female Adult 17-21/sex Exposure Factor Datasets
Population Density #/acre Both Male and Female Juvenile Not Reported Exposure Factor Datasets
Dietary Composition Arachnids (2.4-22.4%); Orthopterans (0-16.7%); Isopterans (0-17.5%); Coleopterans (8.2-45.7%); Hemipterans (0-47.9%); Homopterans (0-34.8%); Neuropterans (0-1.3%); Lepidopterans (2.8-34.0%); Dipterans (0-9.3%); Hymenopterans (4.3-72.8%) range of monthly percentages of total volume of food in stomach contents % Not Reported Not Reported 7-24 lizards/mo Exposure Factor Datasets
Body Weight - Mean range of average weights for snout-vent length size classes of 20-45 mm g Male Juvenile 1-67 lizards/size class and date Exposure Factor Datasets
Home Range 4896 average and range of home ranges at 2 sites over 6 yrs, estimated using minimum polygon method (mark and recapture technique) sq. ft. Male Adult 7-26 lizards/site and yr Exposure Factor Datasets
Body Weight - Mean range of average weights for snout-vent length size classes of 20-41 mm g Female Juvenile 1-88 lizards/size class and date Exposure Factor Datasets
Home Range 1497 average and range of home ranges at 2 sites over 6 yrs, estimated using minimum polygon method (mark and recapture technique) sq. ft. Female Adult 6-14 lizards/yr and site Exposure Factor Datasets
Body Weight - Mean range of average weights for snout-vent length size classes of 46-57 mm g Male Adult 1-24 lizards/size class and date Exposure Factor Datasets
Home Range 0.49 home range estimated using probability density function (95%) acre Male Adult Not Reported Exposure Factor Datasets
Body Weight - Mean range of average weights for snout-vent length size classes of 42-53 mm g Female Adult 1-29 lizards/size class and date Exposure Factor Datasets
Home Range 0.15 home range estimated using probability density function (95%) acre Female Adult Not Reported Exposure Factor Datasets
Population Density range of densities over 2 yrs #/acre Both Male and Female Adult Not Reported Mesa County Exposure Factor Datasets
Home Range 1300 average home range, estimated using minimum polygon method (mark and recapture technique) sq. ft. Both Male and Female Juvenile 357 lizards Exposure Factor Datasets
Home Range 0.38 home range estimated using probability density function (95%) acre Male Adult Not Reported Mesa County Exposure Factor Datasets
Food Ingestion Rate 0.02 total volume of food eaten g/d Not Reported Not Reported Not Reported Exposure Factor Datasets
Home Range 0.23 home range estimated using probability density function (95%) acre Female Adult Not Reported Mesa County Exposure Factor Datasets
Survival/ Mortality range of % "survival to next season" over 5 yrs at 2 sites % Both Male and Female Adult 39-110/date and site Exposure Factor Datasets 9 mo
Clutch or Litter Size range of monthly average clutch sizes over 3 yrs eggs/clutch Female Adult 13-48 lizards/10 dates Exposure Factor Datasets
Longevity 100 maximum longevity observed for marked hatchlings wks Not Reported Both Adults and Juveniles Not Reported Exposure Factor Datasets
Survival/ Mortality range of % "survival to maturity" over 5 years for males and females % Both Male and Female Juvenile 17-65/date and sex Exposure Factor Datasets
Clutches or Litters per year at least 3 clutches/yr Female Adult Not Reported Exposure Factor Datasets
Population Density range of densities estimated over 6 yrs at two sites #/acre Both Male and Female Adult Not Reported Exposure Factor Datasets breeding
Duration of Incubation or Gestation time from egg laying to hatching d Both Male and Female Embryo Not Reported Exposure Factor Datasets
Clutch or Litter Size 3.2 average clutch size based on counts of yolked follicles, eggs or corpora lutea eggs/clutch Female Adult 256 Mesa County Exposure Factor Datasets
Time of Hatching or Parturition June - Oct. based on hatchling observations Not Reported Embryo Not Reported Exposure Factor Datasets
Growth Rate range of average male and female growth rates, based on increases in snout-vent length mm/d Both Male and Female Hatchling 418 - 496/sex Exposure Factor Datasets
Medica, Philip A. and Frederick B. Turner
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type
Clutch or Litter Size range of mean monthly clutch sizes for females >12 mo old, measured over a 10 yr period eggs/clutch Female Adult 1363 Rock Valley, Nye county Exposure Factor Datasets
Body Weight - Mean snout vent length range = 49 - 51 mm g Female Adult 19 Rock Valley, Nye county Exposure Factor Datasets
Clutches or Litters per year clutches/yr Female Adult 1363 Rock Valley, Nye county Exposure Factor Datasets
Time of Mating/ Laying Apr. - July time of laying Female Adult 1363 Rock Valley, Nye county Exposure Factor Datasets
Parker, William S. and Eric R. Pianka
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type
Dietary Composition Spiders (4.70); Solpugids (0.56); Ants (7.87); Other Hymenoptera (0.54); Grasshoppers and Crickets (21.68); Roaches (0.20); Mantids (0.66); Beetles (12.35); Termites (0.10); Homoptera-Hemiptera (2.19); Diptera (2.54); Lepidoptera (1.24); Insect larvae (6.13); Unidentified Insects (6.52); Plant Materials (0.89); Unidentified (2.89) volume (cc) of prey items in stomach contents cc Not Reported Not Reported 556 Mountain Home, ID; Granstville, UT; Lovelock, Gabbs and Beatty, NV [lat., 37-42] Exposure Factor Datasets
Dietary Composition Spiders (4.1); Solpugids (0.5); Ants (14.7); Other Hymenoptera (2.6); Grasshoppers (19.3); Roaches (3.6); Mantids (1.3); Ant Lions (0.6); Beetles (41.2); Termites (33.8); Homoptera-Hemiptera (1.9); Diptera (0.4); Lepidoptera (1.2); Insect larvae (11.3); Unidentified Insects (9.9); Insect Eggs (0.3); Lizards (0.5); Plant Materials (3.0); Unidentified (9.4) volume (cc) of prey items in stomach contents cc Not Reported Not Reported 811 Pahrump, Searchlight, NV; Mojave, Twentynine Palms, CA; Salome, Phoenix South Mountain, Casa Grande, AZ [lat., 32-36] Exposure Factor Datasets
Clutches or Litters per year clutches/yr Female Adult Not Reported Stansbury and Granstville, UT [lat., 40] Exposure Factor Datasets
Clutches or Litters per year clutches/yr Female Adult Not Reported El Paso, TX; Casa Grande, Phoenix South Mountain, AZ Exposure Factor Datasets
Clutch or Litter Size range of mean clutch sizes eggs/clutch Female Adult 14-74 animals/site and time period Hart Mountain, OR; Stansbury Island and Grantsville, UT [lat., 40-42] Exposure Factor Datasets
Clutch or Litter Size range of mean clutch sizes eggs/clutch Female Adult 13-44 animals/site and time period Phoenix South Mountain, Casa Grande, AZ; El Paso, TX [lat., 31-33] Exposure Factor Datasets
Best, Troy L. and A.L. Gennaro
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type
Dietary Composition Araneae (3.0%); Acari (1.0%); Solifugae (<0.1%); Hexapoda (2.4%); Collembola (0.3%); Thysanura (0.1%); Orthoptera (3.6%); Dermaptera (0.1%); Isoptera (0.5%); Thysanoptera (0.2%); Hemiptera (8.3%); Homoptera (3.5%); Neuroptera (0.8%); Coleoptera (11.9%); Lepidoptera (3.3%); Diptera (1.4%); Hymenoptera (59.2%); Insect eggs (0.5%); Plants (0.1%) % of total number of prey items in stomach contents % Not Reported Not Reported 266 Eddy and Lea counties Exposure Factor Datasets
Dietary Composition Araneae (1.2); Acari (1.8); Solifugae (1.0); Hexapoda (26.3); Collembola (2.5); Thysanura (1.0); Orthoptera (1.2); Dermaptera (1.0); Isoptera (15); Thysanoptera (1.5); Hemiptera (2.3); Homoptera (1.8); Neuroptera (1.3); Coleoptera (2.2); Lepidoptera (1.7); Diptera (1.3); Hymenoptera (9.3); Insect eggs (9.0); Plants (1.0) mean number of prey eaten per lizard eating such prey (estimated from stomach contents) # prey/lizard Not Reported Not Reported 266 Eddy and Lea counties Exposure Factor Datasets
Doughty, Paul and Barry Sinervo
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type California Counties
Population Density 88 #/ha Not Reported Not Reported Not Reported Del Puerto Canyon Exposure Factor Datasets Stanislaus
Population Density #/ha Not Reported Not Reported Not Reported Los Banos Exposure Factor Datasets Merced
Medica, Philip A. and Frederick B. Turner
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type
Longevity 58 oldest individual observed, female mo Both Male and Female Adult 3575 Rock Valley, Nye county Exposure Factor Datasets
Turner, Frederick B., Gerard A. Hoddenbach, Philip A. Medica and Joseph R. Lannom
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Age-Specific
Population Density range of 3 yearly averages for 4 study sites #/ha Both Male and Female Both Adults and Juveniles Not Reported Rock Valley, Nye County Exposure Factor Datasets
Clutch or Litter Size range of average clutch sizes on 8 dates eggs/clutch Female Adult Not Reported Exposure Factor Datasets <12 mo
Clutch or Litter Size range of average clutch sizes on 8 dates eggs/clutch Female Adult Not Reported Exposure Factor Datasets >12 mo
Clutches or Litters per year clutches/yr Female Adult Not Reported Exposure Factor Datasets
Fitch, Henry S.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type
Clutch or Litter Size 3.50 mean clutch size eggs/clutch Female Adult 162 San Gabriel Mountains Exposure Factor Datasets
Grenot, Claude J., Patricia Galina-Tessaro and Sergio Alvarez-Cardenas
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries Error
Metabolic Rate 8.5 field metabolic rate (estimated by injecting with doubly-labelled water); also expressed as 218 +/- 141SE kJ/kg/d L CO2/kg/d Both Male and Female Adult 5 El Comitan, Baja California Sur Exposure Factor Datasets MEXICO 5.5 SE
Dietary Composition Scorpionida (1.22%); Araneae (22.72%); Solifugae (2.78%); Thysanura (0.28%); Orthoptera (5.66%); Isoptera (2.31%); Homoptera (0.38%); Neuroptera (7.93%); Coleoptera (7.86%); Trichoptera (0.62%); Lepidoptera (44.76%); Hymenoptera (2.97%) % frequency of prey (by volume) in stomach contents % Both Male and Female Adult 27 El Comitan, Baja California Sur Exposure Factor Datasets MEXICO
Body Weight - Mean 2.4 g Both Male and Female Adult 5 El Comitan, Baja California Sur Exposure Factor Datasets MEXICO 0.4 SE
Food Ingestion Rate 26.1 mg dry mass diet/g/d Both Male and Female Adult Not Reported El Comitan, Baja California Sur Exposure Factor Datasets MEXICO 11.7 SE
Waldschmidt, Steve
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Error
Home Range 284.3 home range estimated using convex polygon method m2 Male Adult Not Reported Carlsbad (elev., 1067m) Exposure Factor Datasets 41.5 (95%CI)
Home Range 153.6 home range estimated using convex polygon method m2 Female Adult Not Reported Carlsbad (elev., 1067m) Exposure Factor Datasets 24.7 (95%CI)
Wilson, Byron S.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type California Counties
Population Density range of average densities estimated over 2 yrs #/ha Not Reported Not Reported Not Reported Chuckwalla Mountains (elev., 460m), [lat., 33^o37'N; long., 115^o18' W] Exposure Factor Datasets Riverside
Population Density range of average densities estimated over 2 yrs #/ha Not Reported Not Reported Not Reported Panamint Valley (elev., 790m), [lat., 36^o20'N; long., 117^o30' W] Exposure Factor Datasets Inyo
Population Density range of average densities estimated over 2 yrs #/ha Not Reported Not Reported Not Reported San Joaquin Valley (elev., 460m), [lat., 37^o38'N; long., 121^o29' W] Exposure Factor Datasets San Joaquin
Survival/ Mortality range of early activity season (spring to summer) mortality rates measured over 3 yrs deaths/100 lizards/d Not Reported Adult 90-169/yr Chuckwalla Mountains (elev., 460m), [lat., 33^o37'N; long., 115^o18' W] Exposure Factor Datasets Riverside
Survival/ Mortality range of early activity season (spring to summer) mortality rates measured over 3 yrs deaths/100 lizards/d Not Reported Adult 33-48/yr Panamint Valley (elev., 790m), [lat., 36^o20'N; long., 117^o30' W] Exposure Factor Datasets Inyo
Hoddenbach, Gerard A. and Frederick B. Turner
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type
Clutch or Litter Size range of monthly means for 2 size classes measured over 3 yrs. eggs/clutch Female Adult 3 - 95 clutches/mo Rock Valley, Nye County Exposure Factor Datasets
Roberts, Lou Anne
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Condition Error Lab
Metabolic Rate 163 oxygen consumption measured at 30C mm3 O2/g/hr Not Reported Both Adults and Juveniles 4 Exposure Factor Datasets fasted 3d 13.2 SE Laboratory
Dawson, William R. and George A. Bartholomew
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Lab
Metabolic Rate OC = 0.60W^0.64 equation relating resting oxygen consumption (OC) to body weight (W, g) at 20C cc O2/g/hr Not Reported Not Reported 2-5/weight group Exposure Factor Datasets Laboratory
Metabolic Rate OC = 1.30W^0.47 equation relating resting oxygen consumption (OC) to body weight (W, g) at 30C cc O2/g/hr Not Reported Not Reported 2-5/weight group Exposure Factor Datasets Laboratory
Whitaker, John O. Jr. and Chris Maser
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type
Dietary Composition Orthoptera (31.3%); Coleoptera (5.7%); Hymenoptera (3.8%); Hemiptera (20.0%); Homoptera (1.9%); Lepidoptera (14.4%); Araneida (16.3%) % volume in stomach contents % Not Reported Not Reported 8 Owyhee Upland Province Exposure Factor Datasets


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OEHHA California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment