Thamnophis sirtalis ssp. sirtalis

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Eastern Garter Snake (Thamnophis sirtalis ssp. sirtalis)

Zehr, David R.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Error
Clutch or Litter Size 12.9 young/litter Female Adult 104 Hanover Exposure Factor Datasets 6.1 SD
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type
Dietary Composition earthworms (80%); amphibians (5%); mammals, caterpillars and leeches (5%) % frequency of occurrence in stomach contents % Not Reported Not Reported 178 Washtenaw County Exposure Factor Datasets
Home Range 2.07 acres Both Male and Female Not Reported 1609 Washtenaw County Exposure Factor Datasets
Clutch or Litter Size 18 young/litter Female Adult 20 Washtenaw County Exposure Factor Datasets
Population Density 482 #/48 acres Both Male and Female Both Adults and Juveniles Not Reported Washtenaw County Exposure Factor Datasets
Aleksiuk, Michael
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Lab
Body Weight - Mean g Both Male and Female Not Reported 20 captured at Miami, Florida Exposure Factor Datasets Laboratory
Metabolic Rate see citation figure of oxygen consumption at 5-27C ml O2/g/hr Both Male and Female Not Reported 20 captured at Miami, Florida Exposure Factor Datasets Laboratory
Costanzo, Jon P.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Condition Lab
Metabolic Rate 0.42 estimated from changes in body composition cal/g/d Both Male and Female Not Reported 13 captured in Portage County, WI Exposure Factor Datasets hibernating Laboratory
Birchard, Geoffrey F., Craig P. Black, Gordon W. Schuett and Virginia Black
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Condition Error Lab
Body Weight - Mean 30.3 g Male Adult 6 captured in Michigan and Ohio Exposure Factor Datasets 2.0 SE Laboratory
Body Weight - Mean 52.1 g Female Adult 3 captured in Michigan and Ohio Exposure Factor Datasets non-pregnant 4.4 SE Laboratory
Metabolic Rate 0.059 resting oxygen consumption at 25C cm3 O2 STP/hr/g Male Adult 6 captured in Michigan and Ohio Exposure Factor Datasets 0.001 SE Laboratory
Metabolic Rate 0.054 resting oxygen consumption at 25C cm3 O2 STP/hr/g Female Adult 3 captured in Michigan and Ohio Exposure Factor Datasets non-pregnant 0.011 SE Laboratory
Body Weight - Mean 52.5 g Female Adult 4 captured in Michigan and Ohio Exposure Factor Datasets 1 wk post-partum 1.8 SE Laboratory
Metabolic Rate 0.065 resting oxygen consumption at 25C cm3 O2 STP/hr/g Female Adult 4 captured in Michigan and Ohio Exposure Factor Datasets 1 wk post-partum 0.005 SE Laboratory
Body Weight - Mean 94.2 g Female Adult 6 captured in Michigan and Ohio Exposure Factor Datasets pregnant 10.2 SE Laboratory
Metabolic Rate 0.095 resting oxygen consumption at 25C cm3 O2 STP/hr/g Female Adult 6 captured in Michigan and Ohio Exposure Factor Datasets pregnant 0.010 SE Laboratory
Body Weight - Mean 1.66 g Not Reported Neonate 8 captured in Michigan and Ohio Exposure Factor Datasets 0.07 SE Laboratory
Metabolic Rate 0.119 resting oxygen consumption at 25C cm3 O2 STP/hr/g Not Reported Neonate 8 captured in Michigan and Ohio Exposure Factor Datasets 0.010 SE Laboratory
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type
Population Density 18.7 #/ha Not Reported Not Reported Not Reported McDonough County Exposure Factor Datasets


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OEHHA California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment