Sturnella neglecta (Western Meadowlark)

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Western Meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta)

Jones, S.L., Dieni, J.S. and Gouse, P.J.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries Error
Hatching Success 82 % hatched eggs/total laid % Embryo 119 Bowdoin National Wildlife Refuge Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Clutch or Litter Size 4.4 Number of eggs Embryo 119 Bowdoin National Wildlife Refuge Exposure Factor Datasets USA 0.3
Hatching Success 0.4 Nest success % Embryo 119 Bowdoin National Wildlife Refuge Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Population Density 2.6 Mean nests/40 ha 92 Bowdoin National Wildlife Refuge Exposure Factor Datasets USA 0.46
Time of Mating/ Laying 43255 Clutch initation date Adult Bowdoin National Wildlife Refuge Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Reinkensmeyer, D.P., Miller, R.F., Anthony, R.G. and Marr, V.E.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Life Cycle Stage Location Type Countries Error
Population Density Postburn grassland: 0.13, shurb-steppe: 0.04, mid-successional juniper: 0.04 Birds/ha/yr Birds/ha/yr Adult Deschutes and Lake Counties Exposure Factor Datasets USA Postburn grassland: 0.02, shurb-steppe: 0.02, mid-successional juniper: 0.01
Smallwood, K.S. and Karas, B.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Location Type Countries Error
Survival/ Mortality 1998-2003: 1.964, 2005-2007: 3.817 Fatality rate due to wind turbines Deaths/megawatt/yr Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area Exposure Factor Datasets USA 1998-2003: 0.526, 2005-2007: 0.693
Survival/ Mortality Before repowering: 2.249, after repowering: 1.747, old generation turbines: 3.135 Fatality rate due to wind turbines Deaths/megawatt/yr Diablo Winds Energy Project Exposure Factor Datasets USA Before repowering: 0.945, after repowering: 0.597, old generation turbines:0.338
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries
Survival/ Mortality 0.981 Daily survival Adult 46 Nebraska Sandhills grasslands Exposure Factor Datasets USA

Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries
MAGNESIUM COMPOUNDS 0.17 µg/g ww Blood concentration B Juvenile 14 Bahía Magdalena Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
HEXACHLOROCYCLOHEXANE α: 0.16160, β: 1.169761, γ: 0.773151, δ: 0.790514 ng/mL Plasma concentration B Juvenile 39 Punta Abreojos Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
ALDRIN 0.957726 ng/mL Plasma concentration B Juvenile 39 Punta Abreojos Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
ENDRIN 1.064513 ng/mL Plasma concentration B Juvenile 38 Punta Abreojos Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
ENDRIN 1.398561 ng/mL Plasma concentration of endrin sulfate B Juvenile 20 Punta Abreojos Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
ENDRIN Not detected Plasma concentration of endrin aldehyde B Juvenile 19 Punta Abreojos Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
ENDRIN Not detected Plasma concentration of endrin ketone B Juvenile 39 Punta Abreojos Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
ENDOSULFAN Not detected Plasma concentration of endosulfan I B Juvenile 39 Punta Abreojos Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
ENDOSULFAN Not detected Plasma concentration of endosulfan II B Juvenile 39 Punta Abreojos Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
ENDOSULFAN Not detected Plasma concentration of endosulfan sulfate B Juvenile 19 Punta Abreojos Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
DIELDRIN Not detected Plasma concentration B Juvenile 39 Punta Abreojos Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO


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OEHHA California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment