Sterna antillarum ssp. browni

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California Least Tern (Sterna antillarum ssp. browni)

Massey, Barbara W. and Jonathon L. Atwood
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type California Counties
Fledging or Weaning Rate 0.50 (first wave), 0.58 (second wave) mean number of fledglings produced per nesting pair fledglings/pair Not Reported Fledgling 10 nests (first wave), 33 nests (second wave) NASA Island, Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge Exposure Factor Datasets Orange
Hatching Success 100% (first wave), 82% (second wave) proportions of eggs hatched of eggs laid Not Reported Hatchling 54 eggs (second wave) NASA Island, Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge Exposure Factor Datasets Orange
Clutch or Litter Size 2.33 (first wave), 1.70 (second wave) average clutch sizes for early and late nesters eggs/clutch Female Adult 10 nests (first wave), 33 nests (second wave) NASA Island, Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge Exposure Factor Datasets Orange
Age at Sexual Maturity 2 age of birds nesting for the first time yr Both Male and Female Adult 10 pairs NASA Island, Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge Exposure Factor Datasets Orange
Time of Mating/ Laying May-early Jul (first wave), late May-Aug (second wave) nesting periods of early (first wave) and late (second wave) birds Both Male and Female Adult 8-10 pairs (first wave), 29 pairs (second wave) NASA Island, Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge Exposure Factor Datasets Orange
Massey, Barbara W. and Jack M. Fancher
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type California Counties
Survival/ Mortality 17/32 to 33/33 range of numbers of clutches lost of total numbers of clutches in a colony Not Reported Chick, Embryo 7 colonies, 8 years coast Exposure Factor Datasets Los Angeles, Orange
Massey, Barbara W., David W. Bradley and Jonathon L. Atwood
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type California Counties Error
Fledging or Weaning Rate average number of fledglings produced per pair, over 13 years fledglings/pair Not Reported Fledgling 35-165 pairs/year Venice (beach) Exposure Factor Datasets Los Angeles
Fledging or Weaning Rate average number of fledglings produced per pair, over 13 years fledglings/pair Not Reported Fledgling 775-1,264 pairs/year statewide Exposure Factor Datasets
Age at Sexual Maturity 2 earliest age at which adults were known to breed for the first time yr Not Reported Adult 186 birds Venice (beach) Exposure Factor Datasets Los Angeles
Longevity 13 age of oldest banded breeding birds yr Not Reported Adult 40-105 birds/year Venice (beach) Exposure Factor Datasets Los Angeles
Survival/ Mortality 0.88 overall survival rate for adults that have returned to breed once Not Reported Adult 82-165 breeding pairs/year Venice (beach) Exposure Factor Datasets Los Angeles
Survival/ Mortality 0.16 rate at which chicks survived to breed at least once Not Reported Chick 84-285 chicks/year Venice (beach) Exposure Factor Datasets Los Angeles
Longevity 9.63 expected number of breeding years per adult bird yr Not Reported Adult 372 birds Venice (beach) Exposure Factor Datasets Los Angeles 6.55-14.48 95% CI
Garcia, Andres, and Gerardo Ceballos
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries
Fledging or Weaning Rate range of fledging rates, 2 years fledglings/nests Not Reported Fledgling 16-58 nests/year Cuixmala Beach [19 deg, 22'14"N, 104 deg 59'31"W] Exposure Factor Datasets MEXICO
Hatching Success range of egg hatching rates, 2 years % Not Reported Hatchling 16-58 nests/year Cuixmala Beach [19 deg, 22'14"N, 104 deg 59'31"W] Exposure Factor Datasets MEXICO
Time of Mating/ Laying May to Aug beginning to end of nesting period Both Male and Female Adult 1 colony Cuixmala Beach [19 deg, 22'14"N, 104 deg 59'31"W] Exposure Factor Datasets MEXICO
Population Density 40 density of nests at one colony nests/1400 m^2 Both Male and Female Adult 1 colony Cuixmala Beach [19 deg, 22'14"N, 104 deg 59'31"W] Exposure Factor Datasets MEXICO
Clutch or Litter Size range of average clutch sizes, 2 years eggs/clutch Female Adult 16-58 nests/year Cuixmala Beach [19 deg, 22'14"N, 104 deg 59'31"W] Exposure Factor Datasets MEXICO
Massey, Barbara W.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type California Counties Error
Time of Migration or Dispersal late Apr time of arrival at breeding grounds Both Male and Female Adult 2 colonies Sunset Aquatic Park, Huntington Beach; Santa Margarita Lagoon Exposure Factor Datasets Orange
Clutches or Litters per year 1 normal number of broods per year Both Male and Female Adult Not Reported Sunset Aquatic Park, Huntington Beach; Santa Margarita Lagoon Exposure Factor Datasets Orange
Time of Mating/ Laying May-Jul period of egg laying, 2 years Female Adult 2 colonies Sunset Aquatic Park, Huntington Beach Exposure Factor Datasets Orange
Clutch or Litter Size 2 most frequent clutch size, 2 years Female Adult 96 nests Sunset Aquatic Park, Huntington Beach Exposure Factor Datasets Orange
Duration of Incubation or Gestation 22 most frequent incubation period, 2 years d Not Reported Embryo 41 clutches Sunset Aquatic Park, Huntington Beach Exposure Factor Datasets Orange
Hatching Success range of hatching success, 2 years % Not Reported Hatchling 53-157 eggs/year Sunset Aquatic Park, Huntington Beach Exposure Factor Datasets Orange
Body Weight - Mean 5.93 mean body weight of day 0 chicks g Not Reported Hatchling 77 birds Sunset Aquatic Park, Huntington Beach Exposure Factor Datasets Orange 0.09 2SE
Body Weight - Mean 39.62 asymptotic body weight of juveniles at 15 days of age g Not Reported Fledgling 8 birds Sunset Aquatic Park, Huntington Beach Exposure Factor Datasets Orange 0.73 2SE
Time of Migration or Dispersal first two wks Apr timing of dispersal from breeding areas Both Male and Female Both Adults and Juveniles 1 colony Sunset Aquatic Park, Huntington Beach Exposure Factor Datasets Orange
Age at Fledging, Metamorphosis, Weaning 20 approximate age of fledging (first flight) d Not Reported Fledgling 2 birds Sunset Aquatic Park, Huntington Beach Exposure Factor Datasets Orange
Survival/ Mortality proportion of hatched birds that survived during post-fledging period, 2 years % Not Reported Hatchling 42-140 hatched birds/year Sunset Aquatic Park, Huntington Beach Exposure Factor Datasets Orange
Fancher, Jack M.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type
Fledging or Weaning Rate 0.69 statewide average annual fledging rate, 13 years fledglings/pair Not Reported Fledgling 832-1708 nesting pairs/year Exposure Factor Datasets
Davis, Milton E.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type California Counties
Territory Size 40 radius of nesting territory cm Both Male and Female Adult Not Reported Huntington Beach State Park Exposure Factor Datasets Orange
Clutch or Litter Size eggs/clutch Female Adult 12 clutches Huntington Beach State Park Exposure Factor Datasets Orange
Atwood, Jonathon L. and Dennis E. Minsky
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type California Counties
Foraging Distance foraging distance from nesting sites mi Not Reported Adult 10-11 surveys/site Venice Beach, Huntington Beach, Santa Margarita River Exposure Factor Datasets Los Angeles, Orange
Time of Migration or Dispersal late Jul timing of post-fledging dispersal Not Reported Both Adults and Juveniles Not Reported Santa Margarita River Exposure Factor Datasets Orange
Swickard, Deane K.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type California Counties
Time of Migration or Dispersal late Aug-Sep timing of departure from breeding areas Not Reported Both Adults and Juveniles 4 nesting areas, 2 years Santa Margarita River at Camp Pendleton Exposure Factor Datasets Orange
Clutch or Litter Size range of average clutch sizes over 2 years eggs/clutch Not Reported Both Adults and Juveniles 230-336 nests Santa Margarita River at Camp Pendleton Exposure Factor Datasets Orange
Hatching Success proportion of eggs hatched of total eggs laid over 2 years % Not Reported Hatchling 419-734 eggs Santa Margarita River at Camp Pendleton Exposure Factor Datasets Orange
Survival/ Mortality estimated annual mortality rate for two years based on juvenile censuses % Not Reported Juvenile 92-195 birds counted Santa Margarita River at Camp Pendleton Exposure Factor Datasets Orange


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OEHHA California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment