Sceloporus occidentalis ssp. occidentalis

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Northwestern Fence Lizard (Sceloporus occidentalis ssp. occidentalis)

Davis, John and R. Glenn Ford
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Age-Specific California Counties Condition
Home Range 73.10 home range reported as minimum area probability (0.95 level); minimum area which will contain a given proportion (95%) of the total observations of the average individual m2 Male Adult 14 animals Hastings Natural History Reservation, Carmel Valley Exposure Factor Datasets 2+ yr Monterey nonbreeding
Home Range 61.20 home range reported as minimum area probability (0.95 level); minimum area which will contain a given proportion (95%) of the total observations of the average individual m2 Female Adult 10 animals Hastings Natural History Reservation, Carmel Valley Exposure Factor Datasets 2+ yr Monterey nonbreeding
Home Range 49.98 home range reported as minimum area probability (0.95 level); minimum area which will contain a given proportion (95%) of the total observations of the average individual m2 Male Juvenile 87 animals Hastings Natural History Reservation, Carmel Valley Exposure Factor Datasets < 1yr Monterey
Home Range 19.64 home range reported as minimum area probability (0.95 level); minimum area which will contain a given proportion (95%) of the total observations of the average individual m2 Female Juvenile 103 animals Hastings Natural History Reservation, Carmel Valley Exposure Factor Datasets < 1yr Monterey
Home Range 120.96 home range reported as minimum area probability (0.95 level); minimum area which will contain a given proportion (95%) of the total observations of the average individual m2 Male 23 animals Hastings Natural History Reservation, Carmel Valley Exposure Factor Datasets 1 yr Monterey breeding
Home Range 76.25 home range reported as minimum area probability (0.95 level); minimum area which will contain a given proportion (95%) of the total observations of the average individual m2 Female 48 animals Hastings Natural History Reservation, Carmel Valley Exposure Factor Datasets 1 yr Monterey breeding
Home Range 131.92 home range reported as minimum area probability (0.95 level); minimum area which will contain a given proportion (95%) of the total observations of the average individual m2 Male 36 animals Hastings Natural History Reservation, Carmel Valley Exposure Factor Datasets 1 yr Monterey nonbreeding
Home Range 76.50 home range reported as minimum area probability (0.95 level); minimum area which will contain a given proportion (95%) of the total observations of the average individual m2 Female 37 animals Hastings Natural History Reservation, Carmel Valley Exposure Factor Datasets 1 yr Monterey nonbreeding
Home Range 71.40 home range reported as minimum area probability (0.95 level); minimum area which will contain a given proportion (95%) of the total observations of the average individual m2 Male Adult 11 animals Hastings Natural History Reservation, Carmel Valley Exposure Factor Datasets 2+ yr Monterey breeding
Home Range 51.26 home range reported as minimum area probability (0.95 level); minimum area which will contain a given proportion (95%) of the total observations of the average individual m2 Female Adult 28 animals Hastings Natural History Reservation, Carmel Valley Exposure Factor Datasets 2+ yr Monterey breeding
Davis, John
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type California Counties
Time of Hatching or Parturition July - Sept. time when hatchlings appeared at study site Not Reported Hatchling Not Reported Hastings Reservation, Carmel Valley (elev., 550m) Exposure Factor Datasets Monterey
Time of Mating/ Laying May - July time of laying, estimated from assumed incubation period of 60d Female Adult Not Reported Hastings Reservation, Carmel Valley (elev., 550m) Exposure Factor Datasets Monterey
Time of Mating/ Laying Apr. - June time of mating, based on observations of copulation and courtship behavior Both Male and Female Adult Not Reported Hastings Reservation, Carmel Valley (elev., 550m) Exposure Factor Datasets Monterey
Johnson, Clifford Ray
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type California Counties
Dietary Composition Thysanura (0.5%); Collembola (1.0%); Dermaptera (0.5%); Orthoptera (37.1%); Isoptera (6.2%); Ephemeroptera (0.5%); Plecoptera (2.9%); Homoptera (5.7%); Hemiptera (27.6%); Coleoptera (42.4%); Diptera (47.1%); Lepidoptera (18.1%); Hymenoptera (20.9%); Isopoda (2.4%); Chilopoda (0.5%); Araneida (19.0%); Acarina (1.0%); S. occidentalis (1.4%) percent of lizards in which prey type occurred in stomach contents % Both Male and Female Adult 210 oak-grassland and creosote bush-rocky moutain terrain Exposure Factor Datasets Lake, Marin, Mendocino, Napa, San Mateo, Shasta, Sonoma, Tehama, Trinity


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OEHHA California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment