Rana aurora (Northern Red-legged Frog)

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Northern Red-legged Frog (Rana aurora)

Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type California Counties Condition Countries
Time of Migration or Dispersal January 29-May 1 Post-breeding migration Adult 26-Aug Scott Creek watershed Exposure Factor Datasets Santa Cruz Post-breeding USA
de Solla, S.R., Pettit, K.E., Bishop, C.A., Cheng, K.M. and Elliott, J.E.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Units Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Condition Countries
Hatching Success See citation % Embryo 100 Sumas Prairie, British Columbia Exposure Factor Datasets Field-collected eggs CANADA

Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type California Counties Countries Lab
ZINC SULFATE 0.65 % mortality NR Tadpole 80 Colorado Division of Wildlife Aquatic Toxicity Laboratory, Ft. Collins, CO Toxicity Factor Datasets Lab USA
ZINC SULFATE 1 % mortality NR Tadpole 80 Colorado Division of Wildlife Aquatic Toxicity Laboratory, Ft. Collins, CO Toxicity Factor Datasets Lab USA
UREA See citation % survival NR Juvenile 30 Lost Lake, OR Toxicity Factor Datasets Lab USA Laboratory
GLYPHOSATE 0.792 % mortality NR Tadpole 24 San Francisco State University Toxicity Factor Datasets Lab USA Laboratory
GLYPHOSATE 0.583 % mortality NR Tadpole 24 San Francisco State University Toxicity Factor Datasets Lab USA Laboratory
GLYPHOSATE 0.958 % mortality NR Tadpole 24 San Francisco State University Toxicity Factor Datasets Lab USA Laboratory
GLYPHOSATE 0.958 % mortality NR Tadpole 24 San Francisco State University Toxicity Factor Datasets Lab USA Laboratory
ROTENONE See citation Mortality NR Tadpole 12 Private lab, Bozeman, MT Toxicity Factor Datasets Lab USA Laboratory
ENDOSULFAN No effect Hatching success NR Embryo 375 South Okanagan Valley, British Columbia Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA Laboratory
ZINC SULFATE 844 [760-929 (95 % CI)] µg/L LC50 NR Tadpole 80 Colorado Division of Wildlife Aquatic Toxicity Laboratory, Ft. Collins, CO Toxicity Factor Datasets Lab USA Laboratory
ZINC SULFATE 755 µg/L LC50 NR Tadpole 80 Colorado Division of Wildlife Aquatic Toxicity Laboratory, Ft. Collins, CO Toxicity Factor Datasets Lab USA Laboratory
ZINC SULFATE No effect % mortality NR Tadpole 80 Colorado Division of Wildlife Aquatic Toxicity Laboratory, Ft. Collins, CO Toxicity Factor Datasets Lab USA Laboratory
ZINC SULFATE No effect % mortality NR Tadpole 80 Colorado Division of Wildlife Aquatic Toxicity Laboratory, Ft. Collins, CO Toxicity Factor Datasets Lab USA Laboratory
ZINC SULFATE 0.01 % mortality NR Tadpole 80 Colorado Division of Wildlife Aquatic Toxicity Laboratory, Ft. Collins, CO Toxicity Factor Datasets Lab USA Laboratory
ZINC SULFATE No effect % mortality NR Tadpole 80 Colorado Division of Wildlife Aquatic Toxicity Laboratory, Ft. Collins, CO Toxicity Factor Datasets Lab USA Laboratory
ZINC SULFATE 1 % mortality NR Tadpole 80 Colorado Division of Wildlife Aquatic Toxicity Laboratory, Ft. Collins, CO Toxicity Factor Datasets Lab USA Laboratory
COPPER SULFATE 0.12 mg/L LC50 NR Not Reported Toxicity Factor Datasets Laboratory


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OEHHA California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment