Peromyscus maniculatus ssp. gambelii

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Displaying 26 data points

Deer Mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus ssp. gambelii)

Seabloom, Robert W., Robert G. Schwab and Susan C. Loeb
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type California Counties Error
Food Ingestion Rate 0.17 mean dry stomach content mass g Male Juvenile 23 Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge (1230 m) Exposure Factor Datasets Siskiyou 0.03 SE
Food Ingestion Rate 0.28 mean dry stomach content mass g Female Juvenile 38 Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge (1230 m) Exposure Factor Datasets Siskiyou 0.05 SE
Food Ingestion Rate 0.19 mean dry stomach content mass g Male Adult 55 Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge (1230 m) Exposure Factor Datasets Siskiyou 0.02 SE
Population Density 1500 #/ha Both Male and Female Not Reported Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge (elev., 1230 m) Exposure Factor Datasets Siskiyou
Food Ingestion Rate 0.24 mean dry stomach content mass g Female Adult 60 Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge (1230 m) Exposure Factor Datasets Siskiyou 0.03 SE
Time of Mating/ Laying January, August-October annual reproductive peaks Female Adult 1085 Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge (1230 m) Exposure Factor Datasets Siskiyou
Food Ingestion Rate 0.18 mean dry stomach content mass g Male Adult 155 Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge (1230 m) Exposure Factor Datasets Siskiyou 0.02 SE
Food Ingestion Rate 0.22 mean dry stomach content mass g Female Adult 90 Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge (1230 m) Exposure Factor Datasets Siskiyou 0.02 SE
Food Ingestion Rate 0.24 mean dry stomach content mass g Male Adult 121 Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge (1230 m) Exposure Factor Datasets Siskiyou 0.02 SE
Food Ingestion Rate 0.24 mean dry stomach content mass g Female Adult 100 Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge (1230 m) Exposure Factor Datasets Siskiyou 0.02 SE
Food Ingestion Rate 0.22 mean dry stomach content mass g Male Adult 104 Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge (1230 m) Exposure Factor Datasets Siskiyou 0.03 SE
Food Ingestion Rate 0.3 mean dry stomach content mass g Female Adult 97 Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge (1230 m) Exposure Factor Datasets Siskiyou 0.03 SE
Food Ingestion Rate 0.14 mean dry stomach content mass g Male Juvenile 69 Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge (1230 m) Exposure Factor Datasets Siskiyou 0.01 SE
Food Ingestion Rate 0.14 mean dry stomach content mass g Female Juvenile 29 Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge (1230 m) Exposure Factor Datasets Siskiyou 0.02 SE
Food Ingestion Rate 0.13 mean dry stomach content mass g Male Juvenile 18 Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge (1230 m) Exposure Factor Datasets Siskiyou 0.02 SE
Food Ingestion Rate 0.15 mean dry stomach content mass g Female Juvenile 22 Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge (1230 m) Exposure Factor Datasets Siskiyou 0.03 SE
Food Ingestion Rate 0.16 mean dry stomach content mass g Male Juvenile 57 Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge (1230 m) Exposure Factor Datasets Siskiyou 0.02 SE
Food Ingestion Rate 0.25 mean dry stomach content mass g Female Juvenile 46 Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge (1230 m) Exposure Factor Datasets Siskiyou 0.04 SE
Brant, Daniel H.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type
Population Density see citation figure of seasonal changes in density #/acre Both Male and Female Not Reported Not Reported Tilden Regional Park, Berkeley (elev. 600-1200 ft) Exposure Factor Datasets
Murie, Martin
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Error Lab
Metabolic Rate 3.26 resting oxygen consumption rate at 25C cc O2/g/hr Both Male and Female Not Reported 8 Exposure Factor Datasets 0.09 SE Laboratory
McNab, Brian K., and Peter Morrison
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Error Lab
Body Weight - Mean 19.1 g Not Reported Not Reported 29 collected near Berkeley, CA Exposure Factor Datasets 0.13 SE Laboratory
Metabolic Rate 2.04 mean basal metabolic rate estimated by oxygen consumption cc O2/g/h Not Reported Not Reported 29 collected near Berkeley, CA Exposure Factor Datasets 0.07 SE Laboratory
Mazen, Walter S. and Robert L. Rudd
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Error Lab
Metabolic Rate 2.56 mean basal metabolic rate ccO2/g/h Both Male and Female Not Reported 20 collected 5 km east of Chico, Butte County, CA Exposure Factor Datasets 0.34 SD Laboratory
Metabolic Rate 7.9 average long term metabolic rate, assessed overnight cc O2/g/h Both Male and Female Not Reported 20 collected 5 km east of Chico, Butte County, CA Exposure Factor Datasets 0.139 SD Laboratory
Body Fat (total or %) 14.99 % Both Male and Female Not Reported 36 collected 5 km east of Chico, Butte County, CA Exposure Factor Datasets 2.68 SD Laboratory
Metabolic Rate 6.46 maximal metabolic rate cc O2/g/hr Both Male and Female Not Reported 24 collected 5 km east of Chico, Butte County, CA Exposure Factor Datasets 1.4 SD Laboratory


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OEHHA California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment