Peromyscus maniculatus ssp. borealis

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Deer Mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus ssp. borealis)

Millar, John S. and Duncan G. Innes
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Age-Specific Condition Countries Error Lab
Body Weight - Mean 31.46 g Female Adult 44 captured at Kananaskis Valley, Alberta [lat., 51 N] Exposure Factor Datasets breeding 0.43 SE Laboratory
Survival/ Mortality 37 average over-winter survival % Both Male and Female Juvenile 64 Kananaskis Valley, Alberta [lat., 51 N] Exposure Factor Datasets "young of the yr" CANADA
Body Weight - Mean 23.1 g Female Adult 47 captured at Kananaskis Valley, Alberta [lat., 51 N] Exposure Factor Datasets day of parturition 0.3 SE Laboratory
Survival/ Mortality 0 over-winter survival % Male Adult 8 Kananaskis Valley, Alberta [lat., 51 N] Exposure Factor Datasets CANADA
Body Weight - Mean 13.7 g Both Male and Female Juvenile 110 Kananaskis Valley, Alberta [lat., 51 N] Exposure Factor Datasets "young of the yr" CANADA 0.3 SE
Population Density # of animals live-trapped in 3 grids (2 - 4 ha) from May to Oct. (1979 - 1981) #/ha Both Male and Female Both Adults and Juveniles 3 grids Kananaskis Valley, Alberta [lat., 51 N] Exposure Factor Datasets CANADA
Body Weight - Mean 24.48 g Female Adult 37 captured at Kananaskis Valley, Alberta [lat., 51 N] Exposure Factor Datasets lactating 0.37 SE Laboratory
Body Weight - Mean 1.70 g Both Male and Female Neonate 165 adults captured at Kananaskis Valley, Alberta [lat., 51 N] Exposure Factor Datasets 0.02 SE Laboratory
Body Weight - Mean 9.91 g Both Male and Female Weanling 151 adults captured at Kananaskis Valley, Alberta [lat., 51 N] Exposure Factor Datasets 0.10 SE Laboratory
Growth Rate 0.34 g/d Both Male and Female Juvenile 33 adults captured at Kananaskis Valley, Alberta [lat., 51 N] Exposure Factor Datasets 0 - 24 d Laboratory
Time of Hatching or Parturition May - Aug. Female Adult Not Reported Kananaskis Valley, Alberta [lat., 51 N] Exposure Factor Datasets CANADA
Growth Rate 0.20 g/d Both Male and Female Juvenile 47 adults captured at Kananaskis Valley, Alberta [lat., 51 N] Exposure Factor Datasets 24 - 40 d 0.05 SE Laboratory
Growth Rate 0.27 difference in weight of newly emerged young between 1st and 2nd capture/ time interval (4-11d) g/d Male Juvenile 31 Kananaskis Valley, Alberta [lat., 51 N] Exposure Factor Datasets CANADA 0.06 SE
Food Ingestion Rate 3.67 daily ingestion rate; animals fed Purina lab chow; body weight averaged 20.34 g g/d Female Adult 40 captured at Kananaskis Valley, Alberta [lat., 51 N] Exposure Factor Datasets non-breeding 0.11 SE Laboratory
Growth Rate 0.22 difference in weight of newly emerged young between 1st and 2nd capture/ time interval (4-11d) g/d Female Juvenile 30 Kananaskis Valley, Alberta [lat., 51 N] Exposure Factor Datasets CANADA 0.05 SE
Food Ingestion Rate 194.2 cumulative food ingestion from parturition to weaning (approx. 24 d); Purina lab chow g Female Adult 37 captured at Kananaskis Valley, Alberta [lat., 51 N] Exposure Factor Datasets lactating 5.5 SE Laboratory
Survival/ Mortality 67 over-winter survival % Female Adult 6 Kananaskis Valley, Alberta [lat., 51 N] Exposure Factor Datasets CANADA
Age at Fledging, Metamorphosis, Weaning 24.9 d Both Male and Female Juvenile 43 Exposure Factor Datasets Laboratory
Survival/ Mortality 30 over winter survival % Male Juvenile 30 Kananaskis Valley, Alberta [lat., 51 N] Exposure Factor Datasets "young of the yr" CANADA
Clutches or Litters per year 1.9 litters/yr Female Adult 38 Kananaskis Valley, Alberta [lat., 51 N] Exposure Factor Datasets CANADA 0.1 SE
Survival/ Mortality 44 over winter survival % Female Juvenile 34 Kananaskis Valley, Alberta [lat., 51 N] Exposure Factor Datasets "young of the yr" CANADA
Clutch or Litter Size 5.25 #/litter Female Adult 102 Kananaskis Valley, Alberta [lat., 51 N] Exposure Factor Datasets CANADA 0.09 SE
Survival/ Mortality 31 average survival to weaning % Both Male and Female Juvenile 372 Kananaskis Valley, Alberta [lat., 51 N] Exposure Factor Datasets CANADA
Survival/ Mortality 81 average summer survival per 14 d % Both Male and Female Juvenile 639 Kananaskis Valley, Alberta [lat., 51 N] Exposure Factor Datasets "young of the yr" CANADA
Body Weight - Mean 20.34 g Female Adult 40 captured at Kananaskis Valley, Alberta [lat., 51 N] Exposure Factor Datasets Non-breeding 0.42 SE Laboratory
Survival/ Mortality 80 average summer survival per 14 d % Both Male and Female Adult 877 Kananaskis Valley, Alberta [lat., 51 N] Exposure Factor Datasets "overwintered adults" CANADA
Millar, J.S.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Age-Specific Condition Error Lab
Body Weight - Mean 1.87 g Both Male and Female Neonate 281 original pairs trapped at Heart Lake, Northwest Territories Exposure Factor Datasets 0 d 0.01 SE Laboratory
Body Weight - Mean 19.2 g Female Adult 103 Original pairs trapped at Heart Lake, Northwest Territories Exposure Factor Datasets nonbreeding 0.9 SE Laboratory
Body Weight - Mean 33.6 g Female Adult 45 Original pairs trapped at Heart Lake, Northwest Territories Exposure Factor Datasets 1-2 d postpartum 0.7 SE Laboratory
Body Weight - Mean 24.4 g Female Adult 42 Original pairs trapped at Heart Lake, Northwest Territories Exposure Factor Datasets Lactating 0.4 SE Laboratory
Body Weight - Mean 9.26 g Both Male and Female Juvenile 232 Original pairs trapped at Heart Lake, Northwest Territories Exposure Factor Datasets 21 d At weaning 0.10 SE Laboratory
Body Weight - Mean range of mean weights for 6 time periods g Both Male and Female Juvenile 232-261 Original pairs trapped at Heart Lake, Northwest Territories Exposure Factor Datasets 3-18 d Nursing Laboratory
Growth Rate 0.36 average growth between birth and weaning. g/d Both Male and Female Juvenile 57 Original pairs trapped at Heart Lake, Northwest Territories Exposure Factor Datasets 0-21 d Nursing 0.01 SE Laboratory
Food Ingestion Rate food ingestion during lactation; minimum from 0-3 d postpartum, maximum at 12-15 d postpartum. g/d Female Adult 41 Original pairs trapped at Heart Lake, Northwest Territories Exposure Factor Datasets 0 - 15 d Lactation Laboratory
Food Ingestion Rate 0.15 daily ingestion rate; animals fed Purina rat pellets g/g/d Female Adult 18 Original pairs trapped at Heart Lake, Northwest Territories Exposure Factor Datasets nonbreeding Laboratory
Duration of Incubation or Gestation 26.3 d for postpartum litters d Female Adult 11 Original pairs trapped at Heart Lake, Northwest Territories Exposure Factor Datasets 0.8 SE Laboratory
Age at Fledging, Metamorphosis, Weaning 21.4 average weaning age. d Both Male and Female Juvenile 136 Original pairs trapped at Heart Lake, Northwest Territories Exposure Factor Datasets Laboratory
Age at Sexual Maturity age at first conception d Female Adult 3 Original pairs trapped at Heart Lake, Northywest Territories Exposure Factor Datasets Laboratory
Clutch or Litter Size 5.03 Female Adult 98 Original pairs trapped at Heart Lake, Northwest Territories Exposure Factor Datasets 0.18 SE Laboratory
Stebbins, L.L.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Condition Error Lab
Body Weight - Mean 29.0 g Female Adult 8 captured in Lethbridge, Alberta Exposure Factor Datasets lactating 1.0 SE Laboratory
Body Weight - Mean 23.9 g Female Adult 8 captured in Lethbridge, Alberta Exposure Factor Datasets lactating (end) 0.47 SE Laboratory
Clutch or Litter Size #/litter Female Adult 8 captured in Lethbridge, Alberta Exposure Factor Datasets Laboratory
Millar, John S. and Jim O. Schieck
1981 - 1985
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries
Body Fat (total or %) relative fat content (arcsine ratio of fat:fat-free dry weight); range of means for males and females at different ages and breeding status Both Male and Female Both Adults and Juveniles 28 - 242/group Kananaskis Valley, Alberta [lat., 51^oN; long., 115^oW] Exposure Factor Datasets CANADA
Millar, John S. and Duncan G.L. Innes
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries Error
Clutch or Litter Size 5.25 #/litter Female Adult 137 Kananaskis Valley, Alberta (elev., 1370 - 2700m) Exposure Factor Datasets CANADA 0.07 SE
Gyug, Les W., and John S. Millar
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries Error
Body Weight - Mean 19.7 g Male Adult 55 Heart Lake Biological Station, Northwest Territories Exposure Factor Datasets CANADA 0.33

Deer Mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus ssp. borealis), Deer Mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus ssp. maniculatus)

Gyug, Les W., and John S. Millar
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Age-Specific Countries
Growth Rate see citation figures of weight versus age (20-90d) Male Both Adults and Juveniles 90 - 363 Heart Lake Biological Station, Northwest Territories and Pinawa, Manitoba Exposure Factor Datasets 20 - 90 d CANADA
Growth Rate see citation figures of weight versus age (20-90d) Male Both Adults and Juveniles 90 - 363 Heart Lake Biological Station, Northwest Territories and Pinawa, Manitoba Exposure Factor Datasets 20 - 90 d CANADA


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OEHHA California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment