Oceanodroma homochroa (Ashy Storm Petrel)

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Ashy Storm Petrel (Oceanodroma homochroa)

McIver, W.R., Carter, H.R., Harvey, A.L., Mazurkiewicz, D.M. and Mason, J.W.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sample Size Location Type California Counties Countries Error
Hatching Success 2005–2011: 71.2 Breeding success in natural nests (percent of nests fledging chicks) 156 Cave of the Birds' Eggs, Santa Cruz Island Exposure Factor Datasets Santa Barbara USA
Time of Mating/ Laying 43267 96 Orizaba Rock, Santa Cruz Island Exposure Factor Datasets Santa Barbara USA 2.5
Time of Mating/ Laying 43257 156 Cave of the Birds' Eggs, Santa Cruz Island Exposure Factor Datasets Santa Barbara USA 2.1
Fledging or Weaning Rate See citation Figure 8 Chicks fledged/nest % Orizaba Rock, Santa Cruz Island Exposure Factor Datasets Santa Barbara USA
Fledging or Weaning Rate See citation Figure 8 Chicks fledged/nest % Cave of the Birds' Eggs, Santa Cruz Island Exposure Factor Datasets Santa Barbara USA
Hatching Success 2008–2011: 49.5 Breeding success in artificial and natural nests (percent of nests fledging chicks) 105 Orizaba Rock, Santa Cruz Island Exposure Factor Datasets Santa Barbara USA
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type California Counties Countries Error
Body Weight - Mean 34.7 g M Adult 28 Channel Islands Exposure Factor Datasets Santa Barbara USA 2.1
Body Weight - Mean 36.1 g F Adult 71 Channel Islands Exposure Factor Datasets Santa Barbara USA 2.8
Sausner, J., Torres-Mura, J.C., Robertson, J. and Hertel, F.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Units Sex Sample Size Location Type California Counties Countries Error
Body Weight - Mean 34.2 g NR 19 Anacapa Islands Exposure Factor Datasets Ventura USA 2.3
Sydeman, W.J., Nur, N., McLaren, E.B. and McChesney, G.J.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Location Type California Counties Countries
Population Density Total individuals: 6,461; breeders: 3,402 Estimated population size on island B South Farallon Island Exposure Factor Datasets San Francisco USA
Population Density Total individuals:4,284; breeders: 1,990 Estimated population size on island B South Farallon Island Exposure Factor Datasets San Francisco USA
Ainley, D.G., Lewis, T.J. and Morrell, S.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type California Counties Condition Countries
Time of Molt Body: egg-hatching,Rectrice: 40 days post egg-hatch, Primaries: 30 days post-rectrice molt start, Secondaries: immediately post-primaries Start time of molting relative to breeding Adult 981 South Farallon Island Exposure Factor Datasets San Francisco Breeding USA
Time of Molt Body: adult egg-laying,Rectrice: 40 days post egg-laying by adults, Primaries: 30 days post-rectrice molt start, Secondaries: immediately post-primaries Start time of molting relative to breeding Days Juvenile 981 South Farallon Island Exposure Factor Datasets San Francisco USA
Time of Molt 257 Length of molt cycle Days Adult 981 South Farallon Island Exposure Factor Datasets San Francisco USA
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries Error
Population Density 0.09 Individuals/sq km Individuals/sq km B Both Adults and Juveniles 977 Bodega Bay-Cypress Point Exposure Factor Datasets USA 1.6041
Becker, B.H., Carter, H.R., Henderson, R.P., Weinstein, A.M. and Parker, M.W.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Sample Size Location Type California Counties Condition Countries
Population Density See citation Table 2 Number of active nests/number of potential sites checked Number of active nests/number of potential sites checked B See citation Point Reyes
National Seashore
Exposure Factor Datasets Marin Breeding USA
Harvey, A.L., Mazurkiewicz, D.M., McKown, M.W., Barnes, K.W. and Parker, M.W.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type California Counties Countries
Age at Fledging, Metamorphosis, Weaning >76 Days post hatch Days NR Fledgling 1 Anacapa Islands Exposure Factor Datasets Ventura USA
Mason, J.W., McChesney, G.J., McIver, W.R., Carter, H.R., Takekawa, J.Y., Golightly, R.T., Ackerman, J.T., Orthmeyer, D.L., Perry, W.M., Yee, J.L. and Pierson, M.O.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Sample Size Location Type Countries
Population Density 10000 Approx. individuals off CA coast Individuals B 10,000 Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Population Density See citation Figure 20 Birds/sq km B Exposure Factor Datasets USA

Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries
STRONTIUM Vane & rachis: see citation Table 6 Feather concentration (flight, tail) NR Adult 1 Frontenac, Eastern Ontario Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
MOLYBDENUM Vane & rachis: see citation Table 6 Feather concentration (flight, tail) NR Adult 1 Frontenac, Eastern Ontario Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
MERCURY (elemental) Vane 1: 1.8, vane 2: 2.2, rachis 1: 1.7, rachis: 1.5 µg/g Feather concentration; flight right 1⁰ NR Adult 1 Frontenac, Eastern Ontario Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
SILVER COMPOUNDS Vane & rachis: see citation Table 6 Feather concentration (flight, tail) NR Adult 1 Frontenac, Eastern Ontario Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
MERCURY (elemental) Vane 1: 2.4, vane 2: 2.9, rachis 1: 1.4, rachis: 2.6 µg/g Feather concentration; flight left 2⁰ NR Adult 1 Frontenac, Eastern Ontario Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
CADMIUM (elemental) Vane & rachis: see citation Table 6 Feather concentration (flight, tail) NR Adult 1 Frontenac, Eastern Ontario Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
MERCURY (elemental) Vane 1: 2.0, vane 2: 1.3, rachis 1: 2.4, rachis: 2.1 µg/g Feather concentration; flight right 2⁰ NR Adult 1 Frontenac, Eastern Ontario Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
TIN COMPOUNDS Vane & rachis: see citation Table 6 Feather concentration (flight, tail) NR Adult 1 Frontenac, Eastern Ontario Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
MERCURY (elemental) Vane 1: 1.7, vane 2: 1.4, rachis 1: 7.4, rachis: 3.0 µg/g Tail concentration NR Adult 1 Frontenac, Eastern Ontario Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
BORON COMPOUNDS Vane & rachis: see citation Table 6 Feather concentration (flight, tail) NR Adult 1 Frontenac, Eastern Ontario Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
MAGNESIUM COMPOUNDS Vane & rachis: see citation Table 6 Feather concentration (flight, tail) NR Adult 1 Frontenac, Eastern Ontario Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
ALUMINUM COMPOUNDS Vane & rachis: see citation Table 6 Feather concentration (flight, tail) NR Adult 1 Frontenac, Eastern Ontario Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
Vane & rachis: see citation Table 6 Feather concentration (flight, tail) NR Adult 1 Frontenac, Eastern Ontario Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
VANADIUM (elemental) Vane & rachis: see citation Table 6 Feather concentration (flight, tail) NR Adult 1 Frontenac, Eastern Ontario Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
IRON (elemental) Vane & rachis: see citation Table 6 Feather concentration (flight, tail) NR Adult 1 Frontenac, Eastern Ontario Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
COBALT COMPOUNDS Vane & rachis: see citation Table 6 Feather concentration (flight, tail) NR Adult 1 Frontenac, Eastern Ontario Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
NICKEL (elemental) Vane & rachis: see citation Table 6 Feather concentration (flight, tail) NR Adult 1 Frontenac, Eastern Ontario Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
COPPER (elemental) Vane & rachis: see citation Table 6 Feather concentration (flight, tail) NR Adult 1 Frontenac, Eastern Ontario Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
ZINC (elemental) Vane & rachis: see citation Table 6 Feather concentration (flight, tail) NR Adult 1 Frontenac, Eastern Ontario Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA


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OEHHA California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment