Mephitis mephitis (Striped Skunk)

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Striped Skunk (Mephitis mephitis)

Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries
Population Density Claytonville: 0.27, Halfway: 0.71, Olton: 0.63, Plainview: 0.10 Individuals/12.8 sq km Individuals/12.8 sq km B Both Adults and Juveniles 104 Lamb/Hale/Swisher counties Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Population Density Claytonville: 0.36, Halfway: 0.59, Olton: 0.38, Plainview: 0.20 Individuals/12.8 sq km Individuals/12.8 sq km B Both Adults and Juveniles 104 Lamb/Hale/Swisher counties Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Survival/ Mortality 1994: 0.40, 1995: 0.48 Annual survival % B Both Adults and Juveniles 104 Lamb/Hale/Swisher counties Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Lariviere, S., Hwang, Y.T., Gorsuch, W.A. and Medill, S.A.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries
Clutch or Litter Size 7 Offspring/litter B Neonate 3 Delta Waterfowl and
Wetlands Research Station
Exposure Factor Datasets CANADA
Clutch or Litter Size 5.5 Offspring/litter B Neonate 11 Delta Waterfowl and
Wetlands Research Station
Exposure Factor Datasets CANADA
Survival/ Mortality 97.9 Survival >60 d post weaning % B 93 Delta Waterfowl and
Wetlands Research Station
Exposure Factor Datasets CANADA
Valdez-Villavicencio, J.H., Ruiz-Campos, G., Escobar-Flores, J., Guevara-Carrizales, A.A. and González-Guzmán, A.S.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries
Body Weight - Mean 1800 g F Adult 1 Baja California Exposure Factor Datasets MEXICO

Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries
SELENIUM (elemental) Vane 1: 1.6, vane 2: 1.5, rachis 1: 0.65, rachis 2: 0.54 µg/g Feather concentration; flight left 1⁰ NR Adult 1 Frontenac, Eastern Ontario Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
SELENIUM (elemental) Vane 1: 1.3, vane 2: 1.5, rachis 1: 0.62, rachis 2: 0.65 µg/g Feather concentration; flight right 1⁰ NR Adult 1 Frontenac, Eastern Ontario Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
SELENIUM (elemental) Vane 1: 1.3, vane 2: 1.30 rachis 1: 0.65, rachis 2: 0.64 µg/g Feather concentration; flight left 2⁰ NR Adult 1 Frontenac, Eastern Ontario Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
SELENIUM (elemental) Vane 1: 1.4, vane 2: 1.5, rachis 1: 0.59, rachis 2: 0.57 µg/g Feather concentration; flight right 2⁰ NR Adult 1 Frontenac, Eastern Ontario Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
SELENIUM (elemental) Vane 1: 1.7, vane 2: 1.1, rachis 1: 0.68, rachis 2: 0.65 µg/g Tail concentration NR Adult 1 Frontenac, Eastern Ontario Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
ANTIMONY (elemental) Vane 1: 0.32, vane 2: 0.26, rachis 1: 0.02, rachis 2: 0.01 µg/g Feather concentration; flight left 1⁰ NR Adult 1 Frontenac, Eastern Ontario Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
ANTIMONY (elemental) Vane 1: 0.27, vane 2: 0.26, rachis 1: 0.03, rachis 2: 0.26 µg/g Feather concentration; flight right 1⁰ NR Adult 1 Frontenac, Eastern Ontario Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA


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OEHHA California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment