Macrotus californicus (California Leaf-Nosed Bat)

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California Leaf-Nosed Bat (Macrotus californicus)

Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Sample Size Location Type California Counties Countries Error
Food Ingestion Rate 3.83 Req for weight maint. g/d B NR Colorado Desert Exposure Factor Datasets Riverside USA
Food Ingestion Rate 29.4 Req for weight maint. % body mass B NR Colorado Desert Exposure Factor Datasets Riverside USA
Food Ingestion Rate 1.15 Req for weight maint. g dry mass/d B NR Colorado Desert Exposure Factor Datasets Riverside USA
Body Weight - Mean g M 5 Colorado Desert Exposure Factor Datasets Riverside USA
Body Weight - Mean g F 15 Colorado Desert Exposure Factor Datasets Riverside USA
Metabolic Rate 2.78 Field metabolic rate mL CO2/g/hr B 16 Colorado Desert Exposure Factor Datasets Riverside USA 0.15
Metabolic Rate Field metabolic rate mL CO2/g/hr F 12 Colorado Desert Exposure Factor Datasets Riverside USA
Metabolic Rate Field metabolic rate mL CO2/g/hr M 4 Colorado Desert Exposure Factor Datasets Riverside USA
Water Ingestion Rate 191 Water influx mL/kg/d B 20 Colorado Desert Exposure Factor Datasets Riverside USA 17
Water Ingestion Rate Water influx mL/kg/d F 15 Colorado Desert Exposure Factor Datasets Riverside USA
Water Ingestion Rate Water influx mL/kg/d M 5 Colorado Desert Exposure Factor Datasets Riverside USA
Water Ingestion Rate 221 Water efflux mL/kg/d B 20 Colorado Desert Exposure Factor Datasets Riverside USA 13
Water Ingestion Rate Water efflux mL/kg/d F 15 Colorado Desert Exposure Factor Datasets Riverside USA
Water Ingestion Rate Water efflux mL/kg/d M 5 Colorado Desert Exposure Factor Datasets Riverside USA
Food Ingestion Rate Tot energy intake: 28.8, metabolizable: 23.6 Req for weight maint. kJ/day B NR Colorado Desert Exposure Factor Datasets Riverside USA
Body Weight - Mean 12.9 g B 20 Colorado Desert Exposure Factor Datasets Riverside USA 0.2
Exposure Endpoint Type Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Location Type
Body Weight - Mean g B Not Reported Exposure Factor Datasets
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Location Type
Body length <49.0 Radius length mm B Juvenile Exposure Factor Datasets
Body length >49.0 Radius length mm B Adult Exposure Factor Datasets
Herrera, M., Gerardo, L., Ortega-García, S., Morales-Malacara, J.B., Flores-Martínez, J.J., López-Ortega, G. and Richman, A.D.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Error
Body Weight - Mean 11.1 g B Adult Male: 6, female: 4 Exposure Factor Datasets 1.2
Body Weight - Mean 83.1 Spleen mass mg B Adult Male: 6, female: 4 Exposure Factor Datasets 17
Body Weight - Mean 14.3 g B Both Adults and Juveniles Male: 5, female: 2 Exposure Factor Datasets 1.1
Body Weight - Mean 60.2 Spleen mass mg B Both Adults and Juveniles Male: 5, female: 2 Exposure Factor Datasets 28
Body Weight - Mean 15.1 g B Adult Male: 6, female: 3 Exposure Factor Datasets 1.1
Body Weight - Mean 13.4 g B Both Adults and Juveniles Male: 7, female: 3 Exposure Factor Datasets 1.5
Body Weight - Mean 49.3 Spleen mass mg B Both Adults and Juveniles Male: 7, female: 3 Exposure Factor Datasets 18
Body Weight - Mean 14.5 g B Both Adults and Juveniles Male: 5, female: 4 Exposure Factor Datasets 0.9
Body Weight - Mean 147.1 Spleen mass mg B Both Adults and Juveniles Male: 5, female: 4 Exposure Factor Datasets 17
Body Weight - Mean 15 g B Adult Male: 6, female: 4 Exposure Factor Datasets 1.1
Body Weight - Mean 52.3 mg B Adult Male: 6, female: 4 Exposure Factor Datasets 17
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Age-Specific Condition Countries Error
Time of Mating/ Laying See citation beginning p. 62 Female reproduction cycle F Adult Exposure Factor Datasets
Body length 93.74 Total length g B Adult 62 Old Fort Yuma, Imperial County, CA and Tuscon, Pima County, AZ Exposure Factor Datasets USA 0.46
Body length 33.49 Tail length mm B Adult 62 Old Fort Yuma, Imperial County, CA and Tuscon, Pima County, AZ Exposure Factor Datasets USA 1.02
Body length 13.31 Hindfoot length mm B Adult 61 Old Fort Yuma, Imperial County, CA and Tuscon, Pima County, AZ Exposure Factor Datasets USA 0.68
Body length 29.31 Ear length mm B Adult 48 Old Fort Yuma, Imperial County, CA and Tuscon, Pima County, AZ Exposure Factor Datasets USA 0.34
Body length 49.39 Forearm length mm B Adult 62 Old Fort Yuma, Imperial County, CA and Tuscon, Pima County, AZ Exposure Factor Datasets USA 0.13
Body length 20.19 Condylo-premexillary length mm B Adult 60 Old Fort Yuma, Imperial County, CA and Tuscon, Pima County, AZ Exposure Factor Datasets USA 0.25
Body length 22.46 Greatest skull length mm B Adult 60 Old Fort Yuma, Imperial County, CA and Tuscon, Pima County, AZ Exposure Factor Datasets USA 0.07
Body length 15.12 Mandible length mm B Adult 61 Old Fort Yuma, Imperial County, CA and Tuscon, Pima County, AZ Exposure Factor Datasets USA 0.12
Body Weight - Mean October: 11.64, November: 12.78, December: 13.42, January: 12.95, February: 13.11, March: 12.33 Change due to body fat g B Not Reported October: 17, November: 15, December: 10, January: 4, February: 10, March: 4 Old Fort Yuma, Imperial County, CA and Tuscon, Pima County, AZ Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Dietary Composition Fruits and insects; Coleoptera: Scarabediae; Orthoptera: grasshoppers, othopteran insects; Lepidoptera: moths, diurnal butterflies and moths, Sphingidae, Noctudiae, Cossidae, butterflies, catepillars; Odonata: dragonflies; Homoptera: cicada; Diptera: flies; Hymenoptera: Camponotus vafer. NR Not Reported Not reported Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Home Range ≤6 Foraging range mi NR Not Reported Not reported Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Body length Max testes length mm M Adult Exposure Factor Datasets Nonreproductive
Age at Sexual Maturity >1 yr M Adult Exposure Factor Datasets Sub-adult
Time of Mating/ Laying July-early November (most September-October) M Adult Exposure Factor Datasets
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Location Type Condition
Time of Mating/ Laying Ovulation/fertilization: October, Gestation: November-mid June, Lactation: mid June-August, Anestrus: August, Estrus: September Time of reproductive cycle F Adult Exposure Factor Datasets Breeding


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OEHHA California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment