Gambelia sila

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Blunt-nosed Leopard Lizard (Gambelia sila formerly Gambelia silus)

Tollestrup, Kristine
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Age-Specific California Counties
Time of Mating/ Laying Apr. - June time of breeding Both Male and Female Adult Not Reported Pixley National Wildlife Refuge, Delano and Kettleman Hills Exposure Factor Datasets Kern, Kings, Tulare
Time of Hatching or Parturition July - Aug. Both Male and Female Hatchling Not Reported Pixley National Wildlife Refuge, Delano and Kettleman Hills Exposure Factor Datasets Kern, Kings, Tulare
Time of Mating/ Laying May - July time of laying Female Adult Not Reported Pixley National Wildlife Refuge, Delano and Kettleman Hills Exposure Factor Datasets Kern, Kings, Tulare
Duration of Incubation or Gestation 4 wks Both Male and Female Embryo Not Reported Pixley National Wildlife Refuge, Delano and Kettleman Hills Exposure Factor Datasets Kern, Kings, Tulare
Clutches or Litters per year clutches/yr Female Adult Not Reported Pixley National Wildlife Refuge, Delano and Kettleman Hills Exposure Factor Datasets Kern, Kings, Tulare
Time of Torpor or Hibernation Oct. - Mar. Not Reported Not Reported Not Reported Pixley National Wildlife Refuge, Delano and Kettleman Hills Exposure Factor Datasets Kern, Kings, Tulare
Growth Rate 11.8 increase in snout-vent length before retreat in Oct. mm/mo Both Male and Female Hatchling 2 Pixley National Wildlife Refuge, Delano and Kettleman Hills Exposure Factor Datasets Kern, Kings, Tulare
Growth Rate increase in snout-vent length for juvenile to 9 mo period mm/mo Both Male and Female Juvenile 7 Pixley National Wildlife Refuge, Delano and Kettleman Hills Exposure Factor Datasets Kern, Kings, Tulare
Growth Rate 3.4 increase in snout-vent length from 8 to 12 mo mm/mo Male 3 Pixley National Wildlife Refuge, Delano and Kettleman Hills Exposure Factor Datasets 8 - 12 mo Kern, Kings, Tulare
Growth Rate 1.6 increase in snout-vent length from 8 to 12 mo mm/mo Female 2 Pixley National Wildlife Refuge, Delano and Kettleman Hills Exposure Factor Datasets 8 - 12 mo Kern, Kings, Tulare
Growth Rate 2.0 increase in snout-vent length mm/mo Male Adult 36 Pixley National Wildlife Refuge, Delano and Kettleman Hills Exposure Factor Datasets Kern, Kings, Tulare
Growth Rate 0.7 increase in snout-vent length mm/mo Female Adult 38 Pixley National Wildlife Refuge, Delano and Kettleman Hills Exposure Factor Datasets Kern, Kings, Tulare
Clutch or Litter Size range of average clutch size from 2 sites over 2 yrs eggs/clutch Female Adult 3-22 Delano and Kettleman Hills Exposure Factor Datasets Kern, Kings
Age at Sexual Maturity 9 (occassionally 21) based on presence of oviductal eggs and breeding color mo Female Adult Not Reported Pixley National Wildlife Refuge, Delano and Kettleman Hills Exposure Factor Datasets Kern, Kings, Tulare
Age at Sexual Maturity mo Male Adult Not Reported Pixley National Wildlife Refuge, Delano and Kettleman Hills Exposure Factor Datasets Kern, Kings, Tulare
Germano, David J., Daniel F. Williams and Walter Tordoff III
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type California Counties
Body Weight - Mean see citation figure of seasonal changes in body weight g Not Reported Not Reported Not Reported Elkhorn Plain (elev., 685-765m) Exposure Factor Datasets San Luis Obispo
Time of Mating/ Laying May - June time of laying Female Adult Not Reported Elkhorn Plain (elev., 685-765m) Exposure Factor Datasets San Luis Obispo
Time of Hatching or Parturition Aug. Not Reported Hatchling Not Reported Elkhorn Plain (elev., 685-765m) Exposure Factor Datasets San Luis Obispo
Germano, David J. and Daniel F. Williams
Exposure Endpoint Type Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type California Counties
Clutch or Litter Size eggs/clutch Female Adult 11 Elkhorn Plain Exposure Factor Datasets San Luis Obispo
Clutches or Litters per year clutches/yr Female Adult 11 Elkhorn Plain Exposure Factor Datasets San Luis Obispo
Montanucci, Richard R.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type California Counties
Time of Mating/ Laying Apr. - May time of mating Both Male and Female Adult Not Reported Exposure Factor Datasets Kern, San Joaquin, San Luis Obispo, Tulare
Time of Mating/ Laying June - July time of laying Female Adult Not Reported Exposure Factor Datasets Kern, San Joaquin, San Luis Obispo, Tulare
Clutch or Litter Size 3 eggs/clutch Female Adult Not Reported Exposure Factor Datasets Kern, San Joaquin, San Luis Obispo, Tulare
Duration of Incubation or Gestation 57 egg to hatching d Not Reported Hatchling Not Reported Exposure Factor Datasets Kern, San Joaquin, San Luis Obispo, Tulare
Time of Hatching or Parturition Aug. - Sept. Not Reported Hatchling Not Reported Exposure Factor Datasets Kern, San Joaquin, San Luis Obispo, Tulare
Foraging Distance 42 maximum foraging distance from burrow m Not Reported Not Reported Not Reported Exposure Factor Datasets Kern, San Joaquin, San Luis Obispo, Tulare
United States Fish and Wildlife Service
United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 1
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type
Population Density review reported densities range from 0.10 - 3.4 lizards/acre (from unpublished reports) Not Reported Not Reported Not Reported Exposure Factor Datasets


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OEHHA California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment