Empidonax traillii (Willow Flycatcher)

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Willow Flycatcher (Empidonax traillii)

Durst, S.L., Theimer, T.C., Paxton, E.H. and Sogge, M.K.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries
Dietary Composition See citation Figures 1 & 3 Diet based on fecal samples Frequency detected Adult 100 Roosevelt Lake Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Dietary Composition See citation Figure 1 & 4 Diet based on fecal samples Frequency detected Nestling 98 Roosevelt Lake Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Koronkiewicz, T.J., Sogge, M.K. and Paxton, E.H.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries Error
Home Range Chomes site: 0.48, Bolson site: 0.82 ha M Adult Chomes: 47, Bolson: 44 Chomes site: 10⁰05'N, 85⁰05'W, Bolson site: 10⁰20'N, 85⁰25'W Exposure Factor Datasets COSTA RICA Chomes site: 0.04, Bolson site: 0.08
Home Range Chomes site: 0.46, Bolson site: 0.77 F Adult Chomes: 69, Bolson: 25 Chomes site: 10⁰05'N, 85⁰05'W, Bolson site: 10⁰20'N, 85⁰25'W Exposure Factor Datasets COSTA RICA Chomes site: 0.05, Bolson site: 0.18
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Location Type California Counties Countries
Population Density Review Pairs/site B Adult Exposure Factor Datasets Kern USA
Hatching Success Review Nest success B Embryo Exposure Factor Datasets Kern USA
Paxton, E.H., Durst, S.L., Sogge, M.K., Koronkiewicz, T.J. and Paxton, K.L.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Location Type Countries
Survival/ Mortality Breeding grounds: 66 [64-69 (95%CI)], Wintering grounds: 65 [51-79 (95% CI)] Seasonal estimate % Breeding: Roosevelt Lake & San Pedro/Gila River confluence; wintering: Chomes site: 10⁰05'N, 85⁰05'W, Bolson site: 10⁰20'N, 85⁰25'W Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Survival/ Mortality Breeding grounds: 97 [96-97 (95%CI)], Wintering grounds: 96 [96-97 (95% CI)] Monthly estimate % Breeding: Roosevelt Lake & San Pedro/Gila River confluence; wintering: Chomes site: 10⁰05'N, 85⁰05'W, Bolson site: 10⁰20'N, 85⁰25'W Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Drost, C.A., Paxton, E.H., Sogge, M.K. and Whitfield, M.J.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type California Counties Countries
Dietary Composition Diptera: 74.6, Hemiptera: 64.4, Coleoptera: 52.5, Oldonata: 40.7, Hymenoptera/flying: 35.6, Cicadellidae: 35.6, Araneae: 30.5, plant: 13.6, Leipidoptera larva: 11.9, unidentified insect: 10.2, Homoptera/other: 8.5, Lepidoptera adult: 6.8, Isoptera: 6.8, Formicidae: 3.4 Diet based on fecal samples Percent occurrence in samples NR Not Reported 59 Kern River Preserve Exposure Factor Datasets Kern USA

Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries
DDE (4,4'-) Not detected Plasma concentration B Juvenile 13 Bahía Magdalena Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
CHLORDANE α: not detected, γ: 0.230227 ng/mL Plasma concentration B Juvenile α: 19, γ: 39 Punta Abreojos Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
HEPTACHLOR 8.607096 ng/mL Plasma concentration B Juvenile 39 Punta Abreojos Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
HEPTACHLOR EPOXIDE 0.005-7.88 ng/mL Plasma concentration B Juvenile 39 Punta Abreojos Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
DDT (2,4'-) Not detected Plasma concentration B Juvenile 20 Punta Abreojos Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
DDD (2,4'-) 0.745459 ng/mL Plasma concentration B Juvenile 21 Punta Abreojos Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
DDE (2,4'-) 0.005-0.32 ng/mL Plasma concentration B Juvenile 20 Punta Abreojos Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
DDT (4,4'-) 0.001-0.26 ng/mL Plasma concentration B Juvenile 39 Punta Abreojos Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
DDD (4,4'-) 0.005-11.82 ng/mL Plasma concentration B Juvenile 13 Bahía Magdalena Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
CHLORDANE α: not detected, γ: 0.313725 ng/mL Plasma concentration B Juvenile α: 12, γ: 13 Bahía Magdalena Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
HEPTACHLOR 2.731588 ng/mL Plasma concentration B Juvenile 13 Bahía Magdalena Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
DDD (4,4'-) Not detected Plasma concentration B Juvenile 39 Punta Abreojos Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
HEPTACHLOR EPOXIDE 1.844882 ng/mL Plasma concentration B Juvenile 13 Bahía Magdalena Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
DDE (4,4'-) Not detected Plasma concentration B Juvenile 39 Punta Abreojos Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
DDD (2,4'-) Not detected Plasma concentration B Juvenile 1 Bahía Magdalena Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
HEXACHLOROBENZENE 0.386999 ng/mL Plasma concentration B Juvenile 19 Punta Abreojos Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
DDE (2,4'-) Not detected Plasma concentration B Juvenile 1 Bahía Magdalena Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
METHOXYCHLOR Not detected Plasma concentration B Juvenile 39 Punta Abreojos Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
DDT (4,4'-) 0.001-3.98 ng/mL Plasma concentration B Juvenile 13 Bahía Magdalena Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
HEXACHLOROCYCLOHEXANE α:1.32301, β: 4.58425, γ: 2.96004, δ: 2.61459 ng/mL Plasma concentration B Juvenile 13 Bahía Magdalena Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
ALDRIN 10.43339 ng/mL Plasma concentration B Juvenile 12 Bahía Magdalena Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
ENDRIN Not detected Plasma concentration B Juvenile 13 Bahía Magdalena Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
ENDRIN 0.001-1.36 ng/mL Plasma concentration of endrin sulfate B Juvenile 1 Bahía Magdalena Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
ENDRIN Not detected Plasma concentration of endrin aldehyde B Juvenile 12 Bahía Magdalena Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
ENDRIN Not detected Plasma concentration of endrin ketone B Juvenile 13 Bahía Magdalena Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
ENDOSULFAN 0.005-1.22 ng/mL Plasma concentration of endosulfan I B Juvenile 13 Bahía Magdalena Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
ENDOSULFAN 0.005-7.54 ng/mL Plasma concentration of endosulfan II B Juvenile 13 Bahía Magdalena Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
ENDOSULFAN 0.005-12.99 ng/mL Plasma concentration of endosulfan sulfate B Juvenile 12 Bahía Magdalena Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
DIELDRIN Not detected Plasma concentration B Juvenile 13 Bahía Magdalena Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO


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OEHHA California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment