Empidonax traillii

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Willow Flycatcher (Empidonax traillii)

Flett, Mary Anne and Susan D. Sanders
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type California Counties Error
Time of Fledging or Metamorphosis July 15-August 13 dates on which first and last young fledged Both Male and Female Adult 11 nests Perazzo Meadows, Lacey Valley (32 km NW of Truckee) Exposure Factor Datasets Sierra
Time of Migration or Dispersal August 31 date by which last fall migrants departed Both Male and Female Adult Not Reported Perazzo Meadows, Lacey Valley (32 km NW of Truckee) Exposure Factor Datasets Sierra
Fledging or Weaning Rate 1.3 average number of fledglings per nest fledglings/nest Not Reported Fledgling 11 nests Perazzo Meadows, Lacey Valley (32 km NW of Truckee) Exposure Factor Datasets Sierra 1.3 SD
Fledging or Weaning Rate 29% total egg-to-fledgling success rate Not Reported Fledgling 5 nests Perazzo Meadows, Lacey Valley (32 km NW of Truckee) Exposure Factor Datasets Sierra
Hatching Success 24/31 total number of eggs hatched relative to estimate of total eggs laid eggs hatched/eggs laid Not Reported Nestling 11 nests Perazzo Meadows, Lacey Valley (32 km NW of Truckee) Exposure Factor Datasets Sierra
Territory Size 3000 average territory size of paired males based on observed perch locations m^2 Male Adult 8 territories Perazzo Meadows, Lacey Valley (32 km NW of Truckee) Exposure Factor Datasets Sierra 2000 SD
Time of Migration or Dispersal early to mid-June timing of arrival of spring migrants Both Male and Female Adult Not Reported Perazzo Meadows, Lacey Valley (32 km NW of Truckee) Exposure Factor Datasets Sierra
Time of Mating/ Laying mid-June time by which first eggs laid Both Male and Female Adult 11 nests Perazzo Meadows, Lacey Valley (32 km NW of Truckee) Exposure Factor Datasets Sierra
Time of Hatching or Parturition June 30 time by which first eggs hatched Both Male and Female Adult 11 nests Perazzo Meadows, Lacey Valley (32 km NW of Truckee) Exposure Factor Datasets Sierra
Prescott, David R.C. and Alex L.A. Middleton
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Condition Countries Error
Dietary Composition Mollusca (4), Arachnida (19), Isopoda (4), Orthoptera (15), Hemiptera (56), Coleoptera (7), Lepidoptera adult (20), Lepidoptera larvae (10), Diptera adult (188), Hymenoptera adult (9), Hymenoptera larvae (1) numbers of food items delivered to nestlings fitted with neck ligatures Not Reported Nestling 333 food items collected Badenoch Swamp, 14 km SE of Guelph (69 deg, 32'N, 80 deg, 13' W) Exposure Factor Datasets CANADA
Clutch or Litter Size 4 first clutch size in 13/14 females observed eggs/nest Female Adult 14 females Badenoch Swamp, 14 km SE of Guelph (69 deg, 32'N, 80 deg, 13' W) Exposure Factor Datasets CANADA
Territory Size 3,009 mean territory size based on observed perch sites and territorial disputes m^2 Male Adult 61 observation periods Badenoch Swamp, 14 km SE of Guelph (69 deg, 32'N, 80 deg, 13' W) Exposure Factor Datasets breeding CANADA 153 SE
Walsberg, Glenn E. and James R. King
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Lab
Surface Area 0.00487 estimated area of the external plumage surface (geometrical approximation) of 13.2 g bird m^2 Not Reported Adult Not Reported Exposure Factor Datasets Laboratory
Body Weight - Mean 13.2 mean body weight during breeding season g Female Adult 5 birds collection location George E. Hudson Biological Reserve, Whitman County Exposure Factor Datasets Laboratory
Metabolic Rate 0.325 predicted daytime basal metabolic rate W Not Reported Adult Not Reported collection location George E. Hudson Biological Reserve, Whitman County Exposure Factor Datasets Laboratory
Metabolic Rate 0.241 predicted night time basal metabolic rate W Not Reported Adult Not Reported collection location George E. Hudson Biological Reserve, Whitman County Exposure Factor Datasets Laboratory
Valentine, Bradley E., Thomas A. Roberts, Stephen P. Boland and A. Peter Woodman
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type California Counties
Clutch or Litter Size range of clutch sizes eggs Female Adult 6 nests Sierra National Forest Exposure Factor Datasets Fresno
Hatching Success range of hatching success eggs/nest Not Reported Hatchling 6 nests Sierra National Forest Exposure Factor Datasets Fresno
Stafford, Michael D. and Bradley E. Valentine
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type California Counties
Time of Nesting May-August inclusive of pairing through departure from nesting territory Both Male and Female Adult 15 birds Sierra National Forest Exposure Factor Datasets Fresno
Territory Size range of territory sizes during the breeding season m^2 Both Male and Female Adult 15 birds Sierra National Forest Exposure Factor Datasets Fresno
Hatching Success 75% hatching success among total eggs laid Both Male and Female Hatchling 8 nests Sierra National Forest Exposure Factor Datasets Fresno
Fledging or Weaning Rate 50% proportion of nestlings known or believed to have fledged Both Male and Female Fledgling 8 nests Sierra National Forest Exposure Factor Datasets Fresno
Yong, Wang, and Deborah M. Finch
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Error
Time of Migration or Dispersal mid-May (onset), June 8 (date of last capture) spring passage Not Reported Adult 42 captures Rio Grand Nature Center (35deg07'N, 106deg41'W); Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge (33deg48'N, 106deg52'W) Exposure Factor Datasets
Time of Migration or Dispersal mid-August (onset), September 16 (date of last capture) fall migration Not Reported Adult 42 captures Rio Grand Nature Center (35deg07'N, 106deg41'W); Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge (33deg48'N, 106deg52'W) Exposure Factor Datasets
Body Weight - Mean 12.7 mean body weight of all birds (subspecies not separated) g Not Reported Adult 84 Rio Grand Nature Center (35deg07'N, 106deg41'W); Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge (33deg48'N, 106deg52'W) Exposure Factor Datasets 1.2 SD
Body Fat (total or %) 1 (8%) to 2.4 (20%) total fat mass in birds with 8% or 20% fat-free body mass g Not Reported Adult 8-42 captures per habitat type Rio Grand Nature Center (35deg07'N, 106deg41'W); Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge (33deg48'N, 106deg52'W) Exposure Factor Datasets
Body Weight - Mean 13.31 mean body weight of adastus subspecies g Not Reported Adult 9 captures Rio Grand Nature Center (35deg07'N, 106deg41'W); Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge (33deg48'N, 106deg52'W) Exposure Factor Datasets 1.19 SD
Body Weight - Mean 12.59 mean body weight of brewsteri subspecies g Not Reported Adult 33 captures Rio Grand Nature Center (35deg07'N, 106deg41'W); Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge (33deg48'N, 106deg52'W) Exposure Factor Datasets 1.13 SD
Body Weight - Mean 13.07 mean body weight of traillii subspecies g Not Reported Adult 7 captures Rio Grand Nature Center (35deg07'N, 106deg41'W); Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge (33deg48'N, 106deg52'W) Exposure Factor Datasets 0.84 SD
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Error
Clutch or Litter Size 3.68 mean clutch size in first nests eggs/nest Female Adult 31 nests Wooster and Toledo, OH; Fremont, NE Exposure Factor Datasets 0.1 SE
Clutch or Litter Size 3.14 mean clutch size in renests eggs/nest Female Adult 29 nests Wooster and Toledo, OH; Fremont, NE Exposure Factor Datasets 0.1 SE
Holcomb, Larry C.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Error
Clutch or Litter Size 3.68 mean first clutch size eggs Female Adult 31 nests Toledo, Wooster, OH Exposure Factor Datasets 0.1 SE
Clutch or Litter Size 3.14 mean clutch size in renests eggs Female Adult 29 nests Toledo, Wooster, OH Exposure Factor Datasets 0.1 SE
Duration of Incubation or Gestation 13.3 d Both Male and Female Embryo 28 nests Toledo, Wooster, OH Exposure Factor Datasets 0.1 SE
Age at Fledging, Metamorphosis, Weaning 12.3 d Both Male and Female Fledgling 82 chicks Toledo, Wooster, OH Exposure Factor Datasets 0.1 SE
Holcomb, Larry C.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type
Fledging or Weaning Rate 36.4% percent of young fledged of total eggs laid Not Reported Fledgling 272 eggs, 91 nests Wooster, Toledo, OH; Fremont, NE Exposure Factor Datasets
Hatching Success 54.8 % percent of eggs hatched of total eggs laid Not Reported Hatchling 272 eggs, 91 nests Wooster, Toledo, OH; Fremont, NE Exposure Factor Datasets
Fledging or Weaning Rate 1.11 mean fledglings in nests of known numbers of eggs fledglings/nest Not Reported Fledgling 89 nests Wooster, Toledo, OH; Fremont, NE Exposure Factor Datasets
Survival/ Mortality see figure in citation figure showing percent survival over time of eggs and nestlings Not Reported Embryo, Nestling 272 eggs, 91 nests Wooster, Toledo, OH; Fremont, NE Exposure Factor Datasets
Harris, John H.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type California Counties
Fledging or Weaning Rate 16% Percent of nests that fledged young Not Reported Fledgling 19 nests Kern River Preserve Exposure Factor Datasets Kern
Sedgwick, James A. and Fritz L. Knopf
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type
Fledging or Weaning Rate 56.3% percent of unparasitized nests with at least one fledgling Not Reported Fledgling 16 nests Illinois River, Arapahoe National Wildlife Refuge (elev. 2,500 m) Exposure Factor Datasets
Fledging or Weaning Rate 18.2% percent of parasitized nests with at least one fledgling Not Reported Fledgling 11 nests Illinois River, Arapahoe National Wildlife Refuge (elev. 2,500 m) Exposure Factor Datasets
Ettinger, Amelia O. and James R. King
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Condition
Metabolic Rate total daily energy expenditure kJ/h Male Adult 2-4 birds per breeding phase Hudson Biological Reserve Exposure Factor Datasets breeding
Metabolic Rate total daily energy expenditure kJ/d Female Adult 2-6 birds per breeding phase Hudson Biological Reserve Exposure Factor Datasets breeding


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OEHHA California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment