Charadrius nivosus

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Snowy Plover (Charadrius nivosus formerly Charadrius alexandrinus)

Clapp, Roger B., M. Kathleen Klimkiewicz and John H. Kennard
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries
Longevity 7-00 from USFWS Bird Banding Laboratory data yr-mo Not Reported Adult 35 band recoveries Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Fraga, Rosendo M., and Juan A. Amat
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries Error
Body Weight - Mean 43.1 mean body weight g Male Adult 154 Fuente de Piedra lake, s. Spain Exposure Factor Datasets SPAIN 2.8 SD
Body Weight - Mean 42.2 mean body weight g Female Adult 158 Fuente de Piedra lake, s. Spain Exposure Factor Datasets SPAIN 3.0 SD
Time of Mating/ Laying March 29-June 25 (1991), March 11-June 29 (1992) length of egg laying season in two sample years Female Adult Not Reported Fuente de Piedra lake, s. Spain Exposure Factor Datasets SPAIN
Clutch or Litter Size 2.63 clutch size eggs/clutch Female Adult 316 nests Fuente de Piedra lake, s. Spain Exposure Factor Datasets SPAIN
Fledging or Weaning Rate 19.3% Percent of nests in which at least one chick hatched. % Both Male and Female Both Adults and Juveniles 316 nests Fuente de Piedra lake, s. Spain Exposure Factor Datasets SPAIN
Hatching Success 27.6% (1991), 16.1% (1992) percent of all eggs that hatched % Both Male and Female Both Adults and Juveniles, Embryo 254 (1991), 554 (1992) eggs Fuente de Piedra lake, s. Spain Exposure Factor Datasets SPAIN
Body Weight - Mean 6.33 mean body weight at hatching g Both Male and Female Hatchling 47 Fuente de Piedra lake, s. Spain Exposure Factor Datasets SPAIN 0.56 SD
Clutch or Litter Size 2.69 (1991), 2.54 (1992) mean numbers of chicks hatched per successful nest chicks/nest Both Male and Female Hatchling 26 (1991), 35 (1992) nests Fuente de Piedra lake, s. Spain Exposure Factor Datasets SPAIN
Growth Rate 0.105 growth rate g/day per g body mass Both Male and Female Juvenile 42 Fuente de Piedra lake, s. Spain Exposure Factor Datasets SPAIN


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