Antrozous pallidus (Pallid Bat)

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Pallid Bat (Antrozous pallidus)

Johnston, D.S. and Fenton, M.B.
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type California Counties Countries
Dietary Composition Acrididae: 16.1, Ceuthophilus californianus: 4.7, Gryllidae: 8.3, Stenopelmatus fuscus: 27.3, Microcentrum rhombifolium: 0.6, Diptera: 0.2, Lepidoptera: 5.8, Carabidae: 8.4, Prionus californicus: 1.0, Chilopoda: 11.8, Solpugidae: 7.8, Lycosidae: 7.8 Percentage of total volume % M Adult 116 Exposure Factor Datasets Marin USA
Dietary Composition Tytthotyle maculata: 9.9, Grylliacrididae: 1.0, Gryllus: 4.0, Diptera: 0.3, Lepidoptera: 5.7, Coleoptera: 2.3, Cyclocephla longula: 24.4, Tenebrionidae: 3.6, Edrotes ventricosus: 0.6, Hippomelas: 21.0, Tiphiidae: 1.5, Pentatomidae: 4.3, Geocoris: 0.1, Myrmeleontidae: 4.9, Solpugidae: 14.1 Percentage of total volume % M Adult 29 Exposure Factor Datasets Kern USA
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Units Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries
Dietary Composition Insecta: 81.3, arachnida: 17.2, reptilia: 0.9 % B Both Adults and Juveniles Not reported University of Texas at El Paso Indio Mountains Research Station Exposure Factor Datasets USA
Exposure Endpoint Type Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries
Dietary Composition Arachnida: 0.8, insecta: 97.8, other: 1.6 Perent frequency B Both Adults and Juveniles 93 Nk'Mip Indian Band Reserve Exposure Factor Datasets CANADA

Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries
MERCURY COMPOUNDS See citation Table 3 Blood chemistry NR Nestling See citation Lahontan Reservoir & Humboldt River Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
MERCURY COMPOUNDS 2002: 14.2, 2003: 14.4, 2004: 15.2 g Liver weight NR Nestling 2002: 2, 2003: 7, 2004: 5 Lahontan Reservoir Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
MERCURY COMPOUNDS 2002: 12.8, 2003: 15.2, 2004: 13.0 g Liver weight NR Nestling 2002: 9, 2003: 7, 2004: 5 Humboldt River Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
MERCURY COMPOUNDS Lahontan Reservoir: 3.55, Humboldt River: 3.59 g Kidney weight NR Nestling 7 Lahontan Reservoir: contaminated site; Humbodlt River: reference site Toxicity Factor Datasets USA


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OEHHA California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment