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Displaying 42 data points

Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries
TIN, BUTYL Mono-octyltin: <0.26 ng/g ww Liver concentration B Both Adults and Juveniles 4 Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
TIN, BUTYL Dioctyltin: <0.09 ng/g ww Liver concentration B Both Adults and Juveniles 4 Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
TIN, BUTYL Trioctyltin: <0.56 ng/g ww Liver concentration B Both Adults and Juveniles 4 Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
TIN, BUTYL Total butyltins: 210 ng/g ww Liver concentration B Both Adults and Juveniles 3 Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
TIN, BUTYL Dioctyltin: <0.09 ng/g ww Liver concentration B Both Adults and Juveniles 3 Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
TIN, BUTYL Triphenyltin: <0.10 ng/g ww Liver concentration B Both Adults and Juveniles 5 Toxicity Factor Datasets RUSSIA
TIN, BUTYL Tributyltin: 71 ng/g ww Liver concentration B Both Adults and Juveniles 3 Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
TIN, BUTYL Total phenyltins: <0.19 Liver concentration B Both Adults and Juveniles 5 Toxicity Factor Datasets RUSSIA
TIN, BUTYL Diphenyltin: <0.09 ng/g ww Liver concentration B Both Adults and Juveniles 3 Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
TIN, BUTYL Mono-octyltin: 0.9 ng/g ww Liver concentration B Both Adults and Juveniles 5 Toxicity Factor Datasets RUSSIA
TIN, BUTYL Triphenyltin: <0.10 ng/g ww Liver concentration B Both Adults and Juveniles 3 Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
TIN, BUTYL Monobutyltin: 73 ng/g ww Liver concentration B Both Adults and Juveniles 15 Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
TIN, BUTYL Dioctyltin: <0.9 ng/g ww Liver concentration B Both Adults and Juveniles 5 Toxicity Factor Datasets RUSSIA
TIN, BUTYL Total phenyltins: <0.19 Liver concentration B Both Adults and Juveniles 3 Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
TIN, BUTYL Dibutyltin: 340 ng/g ww Liver concentration B Both Adults and Juveniles 15 Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
TIN, BUTYL Trioctyltin: <0.56 ng/g ww Liver concentration B Both Adults and Juveniles 5 Toxicity Factor Datasets RUSSIA
TIN, BUTYL Mono-octyltin: <0.26 ng/g ww Liver concentration B Both Adults and Juveniles 3 Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
TIN, BUTYL Tributyltin: 260 ng/g ww Liver concentration B Both Adults and Juveniles 15 Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
TIN, BUTYL Total octyltins: 0.35 ng/g ww Liver concentration B Both Adults and Juveniles 5 Toxicity Factor Datasets RUSSIA
TIN, BUTYL Trioctyltin: <0.56 ng/g ww Liver concentration B Both Adults and Juveniles 3 Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
TIN, BUTYL Total butyltins: 680 ng/g ww Liver concentration B Both Adults and Juveniles 15 Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
TIN, BUTYL Monobutyltin: 12 ng/g ww Liver concentration B Both Adults and Juveniles 4 Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
TIN, BUTYL Total octyltins: <0.91 ng/g ww Liver concentration B Both Adults and Juveniles 3 Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
TIN, BUTYL Monobutyltin: 24 ng/g ww Liver concentration B Both Adults and Juveniles 13 Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
TIN, BUTYL Dibutyltin: 70 ng/g ww Liver concentration B Both Adults and Juveniles 4 Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
TIN, BUTYL Dibutyltin: 96 ng/g ww Liver concentration B Both Adults and Juveniles 13 Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
TIN, BUTYL Tributyltin: 51 ng/g ww Liver concentration B Both Adults and Juveniles 4 Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
TIN, BUTYL Tributyltin: 110 ng/g ww Liver concentration B Both Adults and Juveniles 13 Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
TIN, BUTYL Total butyltins: 120 ng/g ww Liver concentration B Both Adults and Juveniles 4 Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
TIN, BUTYL Total butyltins: 230 ng/g ww Liver concentration B Both Adults and Juveniles 13 Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
TIN, BUTYL Diphenyltin: <0.09 ng/g ww Liver concentration B Both Adults and Juveniles 4 Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
TIN, BUTYL Monobutyltin: 4.8 ng/g ww Liver concentration B Both Adults and Juveniles 5 Toxicity Factor Datasets RUSSIA
TIN, BUTYL Triphenyltin: <0.10 ng/g ww Liver concentration B Both Adults and Juveniles 4 Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
TIN, BUTYL Dibutyltin: 23 ng/g ww Liver concentration B Both Adults and Juveniles 5 Toxicity Factor Datasets RUSSIA
TIN, BUTYL Total phenyltins: <0.19 Liver concentration B Both Adults and Juveniles 4 Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
TIN, BUTYL Tributyltin: 7.1 ng/g ww Liver concentration B Both Adults and Juveniles 5 Toxicity Factor Datasets RUSSIA
TIN, BUTYL Total octyltins: <0.91 ng/g ww Liver concentration B Both Adults and Juveniles 4 Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
TIN, BUTYL Total butyltins: 35 ng/g ww Liver concentration B Both Adults and Juveniles 5 Toxicity Factor Datasets RUSSIA
TIN, BUTYL Monobutyltin: 15.0 ng/g ww Liver concentration B Both Adults and Juveniles 3 Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
TIN, BUTYL Diphenyltin: <0.09 ng/g ww Liver concentration B Both Adults and Juveniles 5 Toxicity Factor Datasets RUSSIA
TIN, BUTYL Dibutyltin: 120 ng/g ww Liver concentration B Both Adults and Juveniles 3 Toxicity Factor Datasets USA

Southern Sea Otter (Enhydra lutris ssp. nereis)

Kannan, Kurunthachalam, Keerthi S. Guruge, Nancy J. Thomas, Shinsuke Tanabe and John P. Giesy
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type
TIN, BUTYL increase otters that died of infectious disease contained butyltin liver concentrations greater than those that died of trauma Both Male and Female Adult 8-14 animals Toxicity Factor Datasets


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OEHHA California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment