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Mallard duck (Anas platyrhynchos)

Sterner, R.T., C.A. Pederson, B.R. Helsten, and M.J. Goodall
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Lab
PHOSPHORUS (YELLOW OR WHITE) 91.1 ug/g No Observable Effect Level, based on mortality, pathology, clinical signs Both Male and Female Adult 5 males, 5 females/dose Toxicity Factor Datasets Laboratory
PHOSPHORUS (YELLOW OR WHITE) 679.8 ug/g (194.3-442.6 95% CI ) LC50 Both Male and Female Adult 5 males, 5 females/dose Toxicity Factor Datasets Laboratory
PHOSPHORUS (YELLOW OR WHITE) increased @ 484.2, 972.0 ug/g diet (nominal concentrations) incidence of mortality versus controls Both Male and Female Adult 5 males, 5 females/dose Toxicity Factor Datasets Laboratory
PHOSPHORUS (YELLOW OR WHITE) increased @ 235.0, 484.2, 972.0 ug/g (nominal concentrations) incidence of clinical signs versus controls Both Male and Female Adult 5 males, 5 females/dose Toxicity Factor Datasets Laboratory
PHOSPHORUS (YELLOW OR WHITE) decreased @ 484.2, 972.0 ug/g (nominal concentrations) food consumption during first week of treatment versus controls Both Male and Female Adult 5 males, 5 females/dose Toxicity Factor Datasets Laboratory
PHOSPHORUS (YELLOW OR WHITE) decreased @ 235.0, 484.2, 972.0 ug/g (nominal concentrations) body weight versus controls Both Male and Female Adult 5 males, 5 females/dose Toxicity Factor Datasets Laboratory
Sparling, Donald W., Mary Gustafson, Patrice Klein and Natalie Karouna-Renier
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Lab
PHOSPHORUS (YELLOW OR WHITE) 6.96 mg/kg bw (2.66-8.96 95% CI) 24 hour median lethal dose Female Adult 6 birds/dose Toxicity Factor Datasets Laboratory
PHOSPHORUS (YELLOW OR WHITE) 6.46 mg/kg bw (5.19-7.69 95% CI) 24 hour median lethal dose Male Adult 4-5 birds/dose Toxicity Factor Datasets Laboratory
PHOSPHORUS (YELLOW OR WHITE) 3.90 mg/kg bw (3.24-4.69 95% CI) 24 hour median lethal dose Female Adult 4-5 birds/dose Toxicity Factor Datasets Laboratory
PHOSPHORUS (YELLOW OR WHITE) reduced above 6.2 mg/kg bw body weight versus controls Not Reported Adult 4-5 birds/dose Toxicity Factor Datasets Laboratory
PHOSPHORUS (YELLOW OR WHITE) increased above 4.3 mg/kg bw liver to body weight ratio versus controls Not Reported Adult 4-5 birds/dose Toxicity Factor Datasets Laboratory
PHOSPHORUS (YELLOW OR WHITE) positive relationship relation between liver to body weight ratio and dose Male Adult 4-5 birds/dose Toxicity Factor Datasets Laboratory
PHOSPHORUS (YELLOW OR WHITE) positive correlation relation between dose and frequency and severity of hepatic and kidney lesions Not Reported Adult 4-5 birds/dose Toxicity Factor Datasets Laboratory
PHOSPHORUS (YELLOW OR WHITE) positive correlation P4 concentration in fat versus dose Male Adult 4-5 birds/dose Toxicity Factor Datasets Laboratory

American Kestrel (Falco sparverius)

Nam, Sae-Im, B.D. Roebuck and Marianne E. Walsh
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Lab
PHOSPHORUS (YELLOW OR WHITE) increased accumulation in skin Not Reported Adult 4/group Toxicity Factor Datasets Laboratory
PHOSPHORUS (YELLOW OR WHITE) no effect occurence of phosphorus intoxication symptoms Not Reported Adult 4/group Toxicity Factor Datasets Laboratory


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OEHHA California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment