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Birds, Terrestrial birds, Passeriformes, American Robin (Turdus migratorius)

Iwaniuk, A.N., Koperski, D.T., Cheng, K.M., Elliott, J.E., Smith, L.K., Wilson, L.K. and Wylie, D.R.
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries
MIREX <0.01 ug/g ww Egg concentration B Embryo 18 Okanagan Valley Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
Elliott, J.E., Martin, P.A., Arnold, T.W. and Sinclair, P.H.
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries
MIREX Naramata: 0.003; Cawston: 0.003; Vaseaux: 0.003 mg/kg ww Egg concentration B Embryo Naramata: 5; Cawston:5; Vaseaux: 2 Okanagan Valley Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA

Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries Lab
MIREX 20.2 ± 87.08 ng/g ww Liver concentration NR Juvenile 64 SE coast Toxicity Factor Datasets BRAZIL
MIREX Alaska: 2.8, California: ND ng/g lw Blood concentration B Pup Alaska: 3, California: 5 Alaksa: 3 sites in eastern AK, California: 3 sites between Santa Cruz and Monterey Toxicity Factor Datasets
MIREX 4.41 µg/g Egg concentration NR Embryo 5 Green Bay Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
MIREX See citation Egg concentration NR Embryo Varied by site Multiple sites in Straight of Georgia Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
MIREX 0.03 µg/g ww ± 0.01 Liver concentration NR Hatchling 4 Snake and Pigeon Islands, Eastern Lake Ontario Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
MIREX 0.36 µg/kg ww Egg concentrations Embryo 14 Fern Ridge Reservoir Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
MIREX 0.124 mg/kg Egg concentration Embryo 60 NJ, PA, DE, MD, VA Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
MIREX 0.77 ng/g ww Plasma concentration, geometric mean NR Nestling 42 nests Great Lake Basin Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
MIREX Terrestrial: 733, aquatic: 330 ng/g lw Egg concentration Embryo Terrestrial: 12, aquatic: 2 Great Lakes Basin Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
MIREX Terrestrial: 13.5, aquatic: 29 ng/g lw Egg concentration Embryo Terrestrial: 13, aquatic: 8 Central and coastal areas Toxicity Factor Datasets SPAIN
MIREX Alaska: 0.0, California: ND ng/g lw Blood concentration B Juvenile Alaska: 14, California: 6 Alaksa: 3 sites in eastern AK, California: 3 sites between Santa Cruz and Monterey Toxicity Factor Datasets
MIREX Alaska: 0.0, California: 0.0 ng/g lw Blood concentration F Adult Alaska: 38, California: 18 Alaksa: 3 sites in eastern AK, California: 3 sites between Santa Cruz and Monterey Toxicity Factor Datasets
MIREX Alaska: 6.1, California: 0.0 ng/g lw Blood concentration M Adult Alaska: 16, California: 11 Alaksa: 3 sites in eastern AK, California: 3 sites between Santa Cruz and Monterey Toxicity Factor Datasets
MIREX 0.611 ng/g ww Fat concentration NR 6 Pelagic Pacific Toxicity Factor Datasets
MIREX 5.53 ng/g ww (2.56-14.2) Egg concentration 18 Crab Bank Toxicity Factor Datasets USA Laboratory
MIREX Max: 19.6 ng/g ww Fat concentration NR Juvenile 64 SE coast Toxicity Factor Datasets BRAZIL
MIREX 4.80 ng/g ww (1.92-18.6) Egg concentration 10 Marsh Island Toxicity Factor Datasets USA Laboratory
MIREX Not detected Egg concentration Embryo Blackfoot Reservoir Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
MIREX 0.287 (0.146-0.629) Egg concentration 33 Marsh Island Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO Laboratory
MIREX Not detected Egg concentration Embryo Minidoka National Wildlife Refuge Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
MIREX 0.03 µg/g ww ± 0.02 Liver concentration NR Hatchling 4 Hamilton Harbour, Western Lake Ontario Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA Laboratory
MIREX 0.009 µg/g ww Embryo concentration NR Embryo 20 Piyas Lake, SD & Marsh Lake, MN Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
MIREX 0.012 µg/g ww Embryo concentration NR Embryo 20 Spider Island Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
MIREX 0.011 µg/g ww Embryo concentration NR Embryo 10 Hat Island Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
MIREX 0.015 µg/g ww Embryo concentration NR Embryo 10 Cat Island Toxicity Factor Datasets USA

Pacific Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas)

Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries
MIREX 0.611 ng/g ww Fat concentration Not Reported 6 Pelagic Pacific Toxicity Factor Datasets
MIREX Max: 19.6 ng/g ww Fat concentration Not Reported Juvenile 64 SE coast Toxicity Factor Datasets BRAZIL
MIREX 20.2 ± 87.08 ng/g ww Liver concentration Not Reported Juvenile 64 SE coast Toxicity Factor Datasets BRAZIL

Snowy Egret (Egretta thula)

Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Life Cycle Stage Location Type Countries
MIREX Not detected Egg concentration Embryo Blackfoot Reservoir Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
MIREX Not detected Egg concentration Embryo Minidoka National Wildlife Refuge Toxicity Factor Datasets USA

American Kestrel (Falco sparverius)

Bird, D.M., P.H. Tucker, G.A. Fox and P.C. Lague
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Lab
MIREX 40.3% decrease @ 8 ppm sperm concentration Male Adult 5-10/group Toxicity Factor Datasets Laboratory
MIREX no effect sperm motility Male Adult 5-10/group Toxicity Factor Datasets Laboratory
AROCLOR 1254, MIREX 73.3% increase @ 8ppm mirex + 33 ppm Aroclor semen volume Male Adult 5-10/group Toxicity Factor Datasets Laboratory
AROCLOR 1254, MIREX 20.3% decrease @ 8 ppm mirex + 33 ppm Aroclor sperm concentration Male Adult 5-10/group Toxicity Factor Datasets Laboratory
AROCLOR 1254, MIREX no effect sperm motility Male Adult 5-10/group Toxicity Factor Datasets Laboratory

Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus)

Stone, Ward B. and Joseph C. Okoniewski
The Peregrine Fund, Inc.
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type
DDD (4,4'-), DDE (4,4'-), DDT (4,4'-), DIELDRIN, HEPTACHLOR EPOXIDE, MIREX, OXYCHLORDANE, POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS increased mortality due to pesticide exposure based on history, ante-mortem signs, and gross pathology Not Reported Not Reported 8 owls Toxicity Factor Datasets


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OEHHA California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment